Bug 54212 - Persistent/sticky/pinned/remembered items
Summary: Persistent/sticky/pinned/remembered items
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Clipboard widget & pop-up (show other bugs)
Version: master
Platform: Compiled Sources All
: VHI wishlist
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: Esben Mose Hansen
Keywords: usability
: 42813 55623 112472 116364 169808 187037 198177 204521 302135 323859 330567 373597 373985 401567 406965 418723 445715 450197 454746 459024 (view as bug list)
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Blocks: 488293
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Reported: 2003-02-06 17:07 UTC by Dan Allen
Modified: 2024-12-08 15:26 UTC (History)
49 users (show)

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A a fist screenshot of a workaround based on https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Klipper/Pastebins (108.32 KB, image/png)
2018-07-09 16:58 UTC, Ganton
A second screenshot of the workaround based on https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Klipper/Pastebins (18.25 KB, image/png)
2018-07-09 17:01 UTC, Ganton

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Dan Allen 2003-02-06 17:07:20 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.1)
Installed from:    Mandrake RPMs
OS:          Linux

Klipper currently allows you to have anywhere from 0 - 25 or so items in the history.  Naturally I always try to go for the maximum number, which slows down klipper more and more.  Then I ask myself, "Why do I always need so many?"  Two very good reasons that lead to the point of this request.

Recently, while using fluxbox, I installed the dockapp wmcliphist, which is just like klipper.  Using wmcliphist, I could rightclick on an item and it would FREEZE (and hence highlight) that item in the list.  It would progressively move down as new items were added, but it would never get bumped off the end of the list.  I could maintain items in my clipboard for several weeks without losing them this way (and then I don't need 25 items because I will freeze an item right away that I don't want to lose).  Additionally, wmcliphist has a feature to EXPORT the items (or just the frozen items) to a file. Again, when you are doing a lot of text editing, there is no limit to how useful all of this can become.  I honestly believe that klipper could become a true stronghold in KDE with these two features.
Comment 1 Carsten Pfeiffer 2003-02-06 18:56:05 UTC
Yes, that makes a lot of sense to me. Going to implement that for 3.2. 
Thanks for those suggestions! 
Comment 2 Carsten Pfeiffer 2003-03-06 21:40:31 UTC
*** Bug 55623 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Dan Allen 2004-05-05 16:45:22 UTC
So I guess this feature missed the KDE 3.2 mark.  Any plans to still implement this in the future?
Comment 4 Rob Kaper 2004-10-05 20:51:47 UTC
Was going to report a similar wish. Being able to set/store, or at least freeze/save frequently used content would be awesome. I never memorize my company cell phone number or GPG key, so when I use them it would be brilliabt to use select a Klipper menu entry, and then be able to paste it somewhere.
Comment 5 Esben Mose Hansen 2004-11-20 18:22:31 UTC
I'll steal this bug, as I don't thing Mr. Pfeiffer has the time for this currently. 

This bug is really a dup of https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42813.
Comment 6 Fabio Varesano 2005-09-11 18:28:00 UTC
what's the status of this bug??

Have been stiky clipbord content enabled???
This should be really useful!
Comment 7 Lubos Lunak 2006-02-01 15:34:02 UTC
*** Bug 42813 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 Lubos Lunak 2006-02-01 15:34:33 UTC
*** Bug 116364 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Marc Schoechlin 2006-12-29 15:12:53 UTC
This would be a very nice enhancement - i also use this in "wmcliphist".
It would be also a really good thing if:

- stored items appear in dedicated section (not submenu)
- stored items could be called with a hotkey
  i.e (STRG + ALT + v) + v + <storage number> 
Comment 10 Maciej Pilichowski 2007-02-17 13:49:58 UTC
I was about to fill the same wish -- my needs are rather simple. There are several data which are constant (my email address, my snail mail addres, my bank account) which I send over and over again to several people, fill forms on web pages, etc.
It would be great to have permanent entries, which:
a) are saved no matter what you set in settings (key point of being permanent)
b) are not removed when user chooses "clear"
c) extension to this wish -- user could label it -- so you see at list "home address", but what really goes into clipboard is actual address
Comment 11 Hauke Laging 2007-02-17 15:02:36 UTC
A good combination of the current and requested behaviour would be to put the fixed entries into a submenu. This wouldn't limit (OK, except one) the space for the normal clipboard cache.

Maybe you could even take over the code from the konqueror bookmarks, the function of the bookmark management ist quite similar: You have a hierarchy, the possibility to add, delete and change entries and there is a (optional) difference between lable and content. The only difference is that the data is not sent to the browser (as new URL) but that it is marked as the current clipboard content.

The klipper entries would need konquerors bookmark menu as context menu.
Comment 12 Esben Mose Hansen 2009-03-13 12:01:27 UTC
*** Bug 187037 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 13 karaluh 2009-08-11 13:59:00 UTC
Any progress?
Comment 14 Esben Mose Hansen 2009-08-11 14:25:51 UTC
sorry, not any progress that I know of.
Comment 15 Esben Mose Hansen 2009-08-20 21:22:44 UTC
*** Bug 204521 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 16 Jekyll Wu 2011-12-26 22:37:05 UTC
*** Bug 112472 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 Jekyll Wu 2011-12-26 22:37:25 UTC
*** Bug 169808 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 18 Jekyll Wu 2011-12-26 22:37:42 UTC
*** Bug 198177 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 19 Christoph Feck 2012-06-23 19:14:32 UTC
*** Bug 302135 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20 oracle2b 2012-12-12 16:48:31 UTC
I know what OP means.. "Clipit" has this same feature called "static items" The entries remain in history until it's manually removed by the user. Please make this a feature!  Modernize!
Comment 21 José Millán Soto 2013-05-15 20:40:40 UTC
Patch proposed in https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/110459/
Comment 22 Christoph Feck 2013-08-21 20:57:42 UTC
*** Bug 323859 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 23 Christoph Feck 2014-01-30 22:31:19 UTC
*** Bug 330567 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 24 Eric Sey 2015-04-13 20:50:04 UTC
Would be a great addition.
Comment 25 Christoph Feck 2016-12-13 13:42:41 UTC
*** Bug 373597 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 26 Mustaqim 2016-12-21 05:53:19 UTC
This feature is quite necessary in a clipboard application. There should be the ability to pin certain entries and clear the rest. I'm always removing single entries or just clearing it. There's never a case where either everything is needed or nothing is. Is there any indication of the progress? I see it's here since 2003...
Comment 27 Christoph Feck 2016-12-21 18:52:50 UTC
*** Bug 373985 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 28 Ganton 2017-01-21 11:27:33 UTC
> There are several data which are constant (my email address, my snail mail 
> address, my bank account) which I send over and over again to several 
> people, fill forms on web pages, etc.
> It would be great to have permanent entries

Qlipper (https://github.com/pvanek/qlipper) has this feature. They call it "sticky items". Because Qlipper is a GPL Qt program this can help :-)
Comment 29 Ganton 2018-07-09 16:58:53 UTC
Created attachment 113846 [details]
A a fist screenshot of a workaround based on https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Klipper/Pastebins

I attach a fist screenshot of a workaround (based on https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Klipper/Pastebins):

Initially, you can start defining a Klipper action with an empty regular expression, using `echo` to write what you need to the clipboard, etc.
Comment 30 Ganton 2018-07-09 17:01:06 UTC
Created attachment 113847 [details]
A second screenshot of the workaround based on https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Klipper/Pastebins

I attach a second screenshot of the workaround based on https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Klipper/Pastebins :

Finally while you work you can press Ctrl+Alt+R to choose your snippet.

> There are several data which are constant (my email address, my snail mail
> address, my bank account) which I send over and over again to several
> people, fill forms on web pages, etc.
> It would be great to have permanent entries

(There is more information in https://userbase.kde.org/Special:MyLanguage/Klipper/Pastebins)
Comment 31 Christoph Feck 2018-12-20 03:51:50 UTC
*** Bug 401567 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 32 Christoph Feck 2019-04-27 13:39:18 UTC
*** Bug 406965 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 33 James Cain 2019-06-26 20:49:35 UTC
Plasma really needs this feature! It should be part of the Usability and Productivity initiative, IMHO. 

I threw my wishlist votes at it - not sure if that's even a thing anymore - but I sure hope this gets implemented soon ;)
Comment 34 Nicolas Girard 2019-07-27 16:38:02 UTC
I concur, this would be useful.

For what is worth, CopyQ (1) has this feature ; it's called "pinned items" (2)

(1) https://github.com/hluk/CopyQ
(2) https://copyq.readthedocs.io/en/latest/pin-items.html
Comment 35 dextarr 2020-01-27 18:11:40 UTC
what happend to https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/110459/ (added in #21) ?

i get `Host git.reviewboard.kde.org not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)`.
seems like the server does not exists anymore. is there a way to retrieve the patch somehow?
Comment 36 Christoph Feck 2020-02-14 14:11:27 UTC
Reviewboard was replaced with Phabricator. Sysadmins have an archive. If you really need a copy of unmaintained patches, please file a sysadmin ticket via https://community.kde.org/Sysadmin
Comment 37 Parker 2020-03-25 18:38:56 UTC
wow! a 2002 bug and no progress
Comment 38 Christoph Feck 2020-04-09 19:37:42 UTC
*** Bug 418723 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 39 Alexis J. 2021-05-06 14:57:33 UTC
Sadly i also stop using Klipper in favor of CopyQ for this

(and also because actions are just to much difficult to use).
Comment 40 Nate Graham 2021-11-23 22:04:32 UTC
*** Bug 445715 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 42 Patrick Silva 2022-02-14 22:40:04 UTC
*** Bug 450197 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 43 Simplissimus 2022-04-14 21:55:09 UTC
That would be a great feature. Its like those Telegram pinned chats with your most frequent contacts. Doing some search I found that 8 years ago someone made a mockup; I don't know if was somebody from KDE developer community o just some random guy with a nice sense of design, but I think it was nice. Please throw an eye on it:

Comment 44 Nate Graham 2022-06-02 17:06:12 UTC
*** Bug 454746 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 45 Nicolas Fella 2022-09-12 15:30:28 UTC
*** Bug 459024 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 46 Peter Ries 2023-02-08 07:24:14 UTC
Milestone in merge request mentioned before has been set to 5.26.8 11 months ago. Let's see what happens when 5.27 is out. Will there ever be a 5.26.8??
Comment 47 Nate Graham 2023-02-11 01:47:04 UTC
No, the next feature release will be Plasma 6. So that's the earliest the feature might be released (once it's finished, of course).
Comment 48 Bug Janitor Service 2024-12-08 15:26:43 UTC
A possibly relevant merge request was started @ https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-workspace/-/merge_requests/4988