Bug 453661 - Global shortcuts are not working across multiple keyboard layouts (US and CZ for me)
Summary: Global shortcuts are not working across multiple keyboard layouts (US and CZ ...
Alias: None
Product: frameworks-kglobalaccel
Classification: Frameworks and Libraries
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 5.93.0
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: VHI normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Andrey
URL: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG...
: 97780 133435 176113 202173 345552 405404 423796 454668 457776 464183 485196 485341 485451 489036 497577 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2022-05-11 14:26 UTC by jiri.stefka
Modified: 2025-02-09 12:24 UTC (History)
26 users (show)

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Shortcuts file exported from plasma settings (11.68 KB, text/plain)
2022-05-11 14:26 UTC, jiri.stefka

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Description jiri.stefka 2022-05-11 14:26:02 UTC
Created attachment 148737 [details]
Shortcuts file exported from plasma settings

Shortcuts set in plasma settings don't work across layouts that have different top row (`1234567890`) consistently.
`1` (US) is `+` in CZ layout 
`2` (US) is `ě` in CZ layout
`3` (US) is `š` in CZ layout
`4` (US) is `č` in CZ layout
`5` (US) is `ř` in CZ layout

1. Go to Plasma settings
2. Add CZ keyboard layout
3. Set some shortcuts to use the top keyboard row (eg. `SUPER + 1` to `Switch to desktop 1`, etc)
4. Go to desktop other than the one you want to switch to and try to switch to it using the shortcut
5. Try this for all the keys on the top row of the keyboard

When I bind the top row to change my desktops (`SUPER + 1` is desktop 1, `SUPER + 2` is desktop 2, `SUPER + 3` ...) everything works fine in `US` layout, but when I change to `CZ` layout some things break as follows:
`SUPER + 1` (`SUPER + +`) does not register now - result is only `+` symbol being typed into whatever window I have focused
`SUPER + 2` (`SUPER + Ě`) works normally
`SUPER + 3` (`SUPER + Š`) works
`SUPER + 4` (`SUPER + Č`) works
`SUPER + 5` (`SUPER + Ř`) works
`SUPER + 6` (`SUPER + Ž`) works
`SUPER + 7` (`SUPER + Ý`) does not work
`SUPER + 8` (`SUPER + Á`) does not work
`SUPER + 9` (`SUPER + Í`) does not work

This is also inconsistent as ``SUPER + 9` (`SUPER + Í`) was not problematic before but after 2 days of this happening it started to be. Also `SUPER + 2` (`SUPER + Ě`) was problematic in the beginning but is not anymore.

In the attachments you can find my  exported shortcuts file.

Shortcuts working consistently across keyboard layouts

Linux/KDE Plasma: Arch linux
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.93.0
Qt Version: 5.15.3

I'm running WAYLAND
(This happens with other shortcuts as well. I have 3 activities and I switch between them with `CTRL + ALT + number` and `CTRL + ALT + 1` (`CTRL + ALT + +`) does not work in this case as well.)
Comment 1 jiri.stefka 2022-05-11 14:30:11 UTC
I've used a quick fix when I set the shortcuts in both layouts, but that does not solve the inconsistency when some work and some don't
Comment 2 jiri.stefka 2022-05-11 16:19:19 UTC

I switched to X11 and everything works again. Sadly I don't remember if this problem was there when I initially switched to Wayland few weeks ago. Anyway, this happens on Wayland only.
Comment 3 Andrey 2022-05-12 22:56:57 UTC
"This is also inconsistent as ``SUPER + 9` (`SUPER + Í`) was not problematic before but after 2 days of this happening it started to be. Also `SUPER + 2` (`SUPER + Ě`) was problematic in the beginning but is not anymore."

I would try to investigate that consistent in time. Reproducing in VM/new user would also help.
Comment 4 jiri.stefka 2022-05-12 23:01:10 UTC
I will try to once I have time. I now have really important things to do, so I'm unable to test it for more users on my machine, and in a vm/other distribution. I'll do it in probably a week or so.
Comment 5 jiri.stefka 2022-10-24 00:25:56 UTC
Hello, sorry fol the long wait, but I had very little time for doing things like this.

Anyways, I reinstalled my Arch system and the isse still persists.
Comment 6 Oded Arbel 2022-11-22 12:13:28 UTC
I believe I have the same issue - my second layout is Hebrew, and I assigned the (non-default) keyboard shortcut CTRL+` to open and close the Yakuake window. On X11 it works well in all layouts, but on wayland this only works if the current layout is English. When switching to Hebrew, the shortcut no longer works.

So here's the funny thing - I can workaround that problem by defining a second global shortcut of "pressing CTRL + the key under ESC while the Hebrew layout is active" - I can do that in System Settings, though not from the Yakuake configuration dialog which still uses the old styled shortcut configuration where adding additional shortcuts is complicated to impossible. The System Settings shortcuts KCM shows the new shortcut as CTRL+; (in the Hebrew layout, the key under ESC sends ";" instead if "`"). The problem now is that in QWERTY layout, the key to the right of L also sends ";" and indeed pressing CTRL+; under QWERTY now opens Yakuake... But that's not the really funny thing - the really funny thing is that CTRL + <the key to the right of the key marked with L> open Yakuake also when the layout is Hebrew, even though that key  - when the Hebrew layout is active - sends a "ף", not a ";"!! 😲

So I opened the Kwin debug console, to the Input Events monitor and I can see that pressing the QWERTY key ` produces a "QT::Key code" of Key_QuoteLeft, while the same key under the Hebrew layout produces a "QT::Key code" of Key_SemiColon. OTOH, the QWERTY key ; produces Key_SemiColon while in Hebrew layout the monitor shows nothing for the "QT::Key code" field - but when pressing the key while holding CTRL, the monitor shows the "QT::Key code" Key_SemiColon! this works the same for some other letters - when pressed while CTRL is held they produce "QT::Key code" the same as under QWERTY - this is why META+ק works to launch Dolphin (Hebrew ק is the same key as QWERTY e), but not for everything - for example CTRL+W doesn't work to close tabs in Kate, while using the Hebrew layout, because it produces "QT::Key code" of Key_Apostrophe.

I'm not sure if the global shortcuts actually use the "QT::Key code", but if they don't they probably use something that is broken in the same way.
Comment 7 Andrey 2022-11-22 13:05:18 UTC
Does it work for you with other layouts, for example with EN, RU?
Comment 8 Andrey 2022-11-22 13:14:56 UTC
Please see if it's duplicate of bug 375518 which was solved
Comment 9 Oded Arbel 2022-11-22 13:29:28 UTC
(In reply to Andrey from comment #7)
> Does it work for you with other layouts, for example with EN, RU?

When using a Russian layout, I still get "English" QT key codes (i.e. Key_L, Key_R) when holding a modifier and pressing letters, but not when not holding a modifier (and that includes SHIFT).

I think the main difference between the Russian layout and the really really weird behavior of the Hebrew layout (where pressing some letter keys, with a modifier, generates "English" QT key codes, but other letter keys generate punctuation QT key codes) is that the Hebrew layout moves punctuation around - e.g. ; is produced by the ` key and / is produced by the Q key. 

(In reply to Andrey from comment #8)
> Please see if it's duplicate of bug 375518 which was solved

I'm not sure about the original reporter, but the problem I reported in comment #6 is not solved by the fix to bug 375518 (or the QT bugs linked there). I'm running on Neon unstable with all packages updated for today.

Specifically I can verify that the fixes to correctly handle ` under the Russian keyboard layout work well - but not under the Hebrew layout. As I mentioned above here - I believe the issue is that the Hebrew layout generates punctuation for the problematic keys and not letters, and thus ` QXkbCommon::lookupLatinKeysym()` does not translate these symbols to "QWERTY compatible" key syms.
Comment 10 Oded Arbel 2022-11-22 13:45:22 UTC
(In reply to Oded Arbel from comment #9)
> I'm not sure about the original reporter, but the problem I reported in
> comment #6 is not solved by the fix to bug 375518 (or the QT bugs linked
> there). I'm running on Neon unstable with all packages updated for today.

I have verified that the issue in the original report's description is still much the case: META/SUPER + numbers global shortcuts don't work well in CZ layout. I also verified that the QT key codes for modifiers + numbers under CZ layout generate the "correct" Key_1,Key_2,etc symbols, so I don't know why it is broken and very likely not that related to my issue in comment #6.

Just for completion, my test environment is:
Linux/KDE Plasma: KDE neon Unstable Edition
KDE Plasma Version: 5.26.80
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.101.0
Qt Version: 5.15.7
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Comment 11 Andrey 2022-11-22 13:50:06 UTC
Both ` and ; are legitimate (Latin or even ASCII) symbols for shortcuts, so if one key generates them it seems impossible to solve without knowing what physical key was pressed? Do you have some solution in mind, other than obvious with creating different shortcuts for the same key?
Comment 12 Andrey 2022-11-22 14:08:35 UTC
(In reply to Andrey from comment #11)
> Both ` and ; are legitimate (Latin or even ASCII) symbols for shortcuts, so
> if one key generates them it seems impossible to solve without knowing what
> physical key was pressed? Do you have some solution in mind, other than
> obvious with creating different shortcuts for the same key?

One possible solution to this in Qt would be try to switch to Latin layout during handling the shortcut unconditionally, even if legitimate Latin symbol comes to the input. For now, that switching occurs only if non-Latin symbol comes to the input.
If so, that should be filed on Qt bugtracker with the link here.
Comment 13 Oded Arbel 2022-11-22 14:14:33 UTC
(In reply to Andrey from comment #11)
> Both ` and ; are legitimate (Latin or even ASCII) symbols for shortcuts, so
> if one key generates them it seems impossible to solve without knowing what
> physical key was pressed? Do you have some solution in mind, other than
> obvious with creating different shortcuts for the same key?

Well, as I've noted - adding duplicate shortcuts for the symbols generated by keys under alternative layouts is a poor workaround because the targeted symbols will also be generated in other use cases where I don't want the global shortcuts to trigger (or worse - I want other shortcuts to trigger, for example I may want different global shortcuts for CTRL+` vs CTRL+;).

From looking at the Kwin debug console, I assume that what it calls "scan code" is the value from `QKeyEvent::nativeScanCode()` - and that seems to be stable for the physical key: i.e. the same physical key always generates the same scan code. A solution I think would be to store the scan code and trigger the global action when matching the scan code (and required modifiers) and not the letter.

(In reply to Andrey from comment #12)
> One possible solution to this in Qt would be try to switch to Latin layout

I'm very confused about the term "Latin" to describe a layout (used here and in Qt code liberally) - there are many different Latin layouts (Dvorak comes to mind) and these don't map the same letters to the same key...

As I noted in my comment on bug 355046, I think that in a multi-layout work environment global shortcuts (especially) should be mapped to keys in a "non-layout-specific" manner - i.e. use native scan codes. I believe this is how it works under X11.
Comment 14 Andrey 2022-11-22 14:29:42 UTC
For X11 it always fall-backs to the first layout defined because of internal Xorg peculiarity (bug), that is why it works there if the first is US or similar.

For "Latin", Qt tests each of the configured layouts to see if it mostly contains Latin symbols, then it considered Latin and is used as fallback for non-Latin shortcuts.
I think it's better to solve this problem in Qt so local shortcuts could benefit too.
Comment 15 Oded Arbel 2022-11-22 15:05:04 UTC
(In reply to Andrey from comment #14)
> I think it's better to solve this problem in Qt so local shortcuts could
> benefit too.

I've created QTBUG-108761 : https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-108761
Comment 16 jiri.stefka 2022-11-22 15:59:41 UTC
I am not at the level where I can debug the issue myself so sorry if I'll talk nonsense.

What I think is happening is that the shortcuts on X11 were based on physical keys and on Wayland they're based on the symbols that depend on the layout.

It could make sense, now that I think of it, that `SUPER + 1` would not work if that would be the case as the `+` symbol is somewhere else on US layout than in CZ. Other do not exist on the US layout and it *may* fall back to the physical key on some of those? Because most of the ones that are not present on US layout work at least sometimes...

If I can do anything to help please tell me. I do not have enough knowledge to figure out what data to collect myself.
Comment 17 Oded Arbel 2022-11-22 17:13:23 UTC
(In reply to jiri.stefka from comment #16)
> What I think is happening is that the shortcuts on X11 were based on
> physical keys and on Wayland they're based on the symbols that depend on the
> layout.
> It could make sense, now that I think of it, that `SUPER + 1` would not work
> if that would be the case as the `+` symbol is somewhere else on US layout
> than in CZ. Other do not exist on the US layout and it *may* fall back to
> the physical key on some of those? Because most of the ones that are not
> present on US layout work at least sometimes...

According to what Andrey said (who I think is a developer that is in charge of at least some of that), that is more or less the case: on X11 it has the (incorrect) behavior of always parsing global shortcuts in the context of the "first" layout and as long as that is a US layout (which is rarely not the case), everything works. But its not the correct solution.

On Wayland, there is no such assumption and Qt - that is responsible for understanding "what key was pressed" basically tries to translate keysyms that are not what you can expect from a US keyboard to the character that "a correct physical QWERTY key" would have generated. As far as I can tell, if the non-US keyboard layout emits keysyms that look like something a US keyboard can emit, then Qt (QXKBCommon) does no translation and you get an incorrect key value.

> If I can do anything to help please tell me. I do not have enough knowledge
> to figure out what data to collect myself.

The Qt bug tracking system does not have any voting mechanism, but if you can go into the QTBUG I linked and register for watching it, that I believe will add to the visibility and put some more weight towards a Qt contributor fixing the problem.
Comment 18 Andrey 2022-11-22 19:20:41 UTC
(In reply to Oded Arbel from comment #17)
> The Qt bug tracking system does not have any voting mechanism
It does, see "Votes:" in the top right corner.

For the reference - I provided possible solution in the Qt bug reported above. Needs checking.
I'll close this bug as UPSTREAM as it seems fully Qt problem. Let's discuss it there.
Comment 19 Andrey 2022-12-08 15:43:16 UTC
Got it working with the patch I suggested upstream. Stay tuned.
Comment 20 Oded Arbel 2022-12-08 16:08:48 UTC
(In reply to Andrey from comment #19)
> Got it working with the patch I suggested upstream. Stay tuned.

Great to hear!

I'm sorry that I didn't get the chance to test the Qt patch.
Comment 21 Andrey 2022-12-08 16:10:21 UTC
That wasn't exactly the same patch, so it's OK )
Comment 22 Andrey 2022-12-21 15:41:13 UTC
I added the problematic layouts to our shortcuts test revealing the problem:
Comment 23 Andrey 2022-12-23 11:00:30 UTC
I have a question to all the reporters.
The Qt patch I suggested upstream implies all the shortcuts on QWERTZ keyboard will behave as if they were on QWERTY, assuming US is the first layout: pressing Ctrl+z as it printed on the keycaps will produce Ctrl+Key_Y shortcut instead.
This is not the behavior XOrg exposes: for Hebrew, Ctrl+; (a key below Esc) will generate Ctrl+` there, but for German Ctrl+z (where "Z" is on the keycap on QWERTZ) will still generate the same shortcut as printed.

Do you think it's OK to deviate from XOrg behavior in a such way?
Comment 24 Andrey 2023-01-23 20:59:10 UTC
*** Bug 464183 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 25 jiri.stefka 2023-04-09 18:55:54 UTC
I just, (2 minutes ago) installed `plasma-wayland-session` package on my main machine again, I've quickly tried switching virtual desktops (as I use the keyboard to organize everything) and the behavior did not stop. When I used `SUPER +  2` (or whatever else) it switched me to the correct desktop. But when I switched my layout to CZ it still has the same behavior (eg. `SUPER + +` = `SUPER + 1` on the US layout) does nothing.

Should I reconfigure all my shortcuts again? Because if it's meant to "transfer over" those settings it either does not correctly or this is still not resolved.

I should have more time and capabilities to run some tests on my machine, if you'll be so kind and walk through them as I've never done anything like that for Plasma, I'll be glad to provide more information.
Comment 26 Andrey 2023-04-09 19:01:41 UTC
Hi, please note:
"Version Fixed In: Qt 6.6.0" above
Comment 27 Andrey 2023-05-04 16:53:29 UTC
*** Bug 405404 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 28 David Edmundson 2023-07-06 09:05:06 UTC
*** Bug 454668 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 29 Oded Arbel 2023-07-11 14:17:44 UTC
About scheduling - this bug (and others) relies on updating Plasma 6 to Qt 6.6 - which I assume can't happen before the official Qt 6.6.0 release, that according to the Qt readmap is scheduled for end of September.

I hope we won't have to wait a long time after that, so lets hold fingers for an update soon after September.
Comment 30 Andrey 2023-09-27 10:17:26 UTC
Hi there, not very bright news from me:
the Qt patch I did to solve this and other similar issues has been "attacked" by Qt devs, and they want to revert it:

I had personal meeting with Tor yesterday, but I'm not sure if I can protect the patch eventually.

Effectively that means I need your help, help of interested parties - to step in.
If we want to get it solved.

The relevant Qt issue on Jira is here:
You can show your voice there.
Comment 31 Tor Arne 2023-09-27 12:15:18 UTC
Andrey. Your patch has not been "attacked". There is technical disagreement on the validity of the patch. I suggest you approach this in a more constructive manner.
Comment 32 jiri.stefka 2023-09-27 13:50:18 UTC
I'm sorry for reopening again but in the light of the patch being reverted I think that it's right to do so.

I'd just like to clarify that this is about Wayland vs. X11 global shortcuts handling in Plasma.
On X11 shortcuts behave more like physical keys and
on Wayland they behave more like software keys (depending on your current layout).

For my use case there's no workaround (that I know of) that would allow me to use the same (number row) keys under different layouts for the same shortcuts.

I'm sorry if you feel like this should stay closed but from what I understand the proposed solution is being reverted and there's nothing else on the horizon. Reopening could be helpful if the fix will be in Plasma and not Qt in the end.
Comment 33 Andrey 2023-09-27 14:32:31 UTC
(In reply to jiri.stefka from comment #32)
> I'm sorry for reopening again but in the light of the patch being reverted I
> think that it's right to do so.
It's alright with the reopening, as it effectively throw us to the beginning.

> I'd just like to clarify that this is about Wayland vs. X11 global shortcuts
> handling in Plasma.
The problem is on CZ you indeed have issue with global shortcuts only, which as a last resort we could try to fix on Plasma side.
But on Hebrew (and maybe some other layouts?) the very same problem exists for client Qt apps too, as apps-specific shortcuts are involved:
The patch suggested could fix the both problems at once, but was disregarded.

So do we have the report separately for apps? If not, let's file it then to make things clear.
Comment 34 Oded Arbel 2023-09-27 15:07:42 UTC
(In reply to jiri.stefka from comment #32)
> I'd just like to clarify that this is about Wayland vs. X11 global shortcuts
> handling in Plasma.

(In reply to Andrey from comment #33)
> But on Hebrew (and maybe some other layouts?) the very same problem exists
> for client Qt apps too, as apps-specific shortcuts are involved:
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-108761
> The patch suggested could fix the both problems at once, but was disregarded.

Indeed, the problem with punctuation keys not being translated to the expected key codes is a problem - at least in the Hebrew layout - also on X11, and not only for Qt apps - I most often get annoyed by incorrect shortcuts on Firefox.
Comment 35 Oded Arbel 2023-09-27 15:22:10 UTC
(In reply to Oded Arbel from comment #34)
> not only for Qt apps - I most often get annoyed by incorrect
> shortcuts on Firefox.

Ok, the Firefox issue isn't a Qt/kwin issue - it reproduces on XFCE.
Comment 36 Patrick Silva 2023-12-03 11:41:47 UTC
The default shortcut used to walk through windows of current application ( alt+` ) does not work with my keyboard.
My keyboard layout is brazilian portuguese (abnt2) and ` is a dead key.

Operating System: Arch Linux 
KDE Plasma Version: 5.90.0
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.246.0
Qt Version: 6.6.1
Graphics Platform: Wayland
Comment 37 Andrey 2023-12-07 13:53:35 UTC
As the Qt fix was discarded, the focus was shifted to try to solve it on XKB level:
Comment 38 Oded Arbel 2024-02-04 13:25:14 UTC
*** Bug 423796 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 39 fanzhuyifan 2024-04-11 16:50:03 UTC
*** Bug 485341 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 40 fanzhuyifan 2024-04-12 22:23:16 UTC
*** Bug 485451 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 41 fanzhuyifan 2024-06-17 15:21:15 UTC
*** Bug 485196 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 42 Eugene Savitsky 2024-06-17 16:50:43 UTC
My bug was marked as dup of this, but i'm not really sure it is... Fedora 40, Wayland.

1. I had to make two keyboard shortcuts to launch KCalc: 
a) one for EN and ET (Estonian) - CTRL-Shift-> (the left from Z)
b) one for RU - CTRL-Shift-|

KDE allows two shortcuts to be made, so it works fine and I'm happy.

2. Other issue without a workaround is mapping a mouse button for CTRL-W, to closing a tab in Firefox or Dolphin window (that is my bug 485196 about).
a) pressing CTRL-W on the keyboard is working OK using EN, ET and RU layouts
b) but mouse button assigned to CTRL-W does not work when in RU layout 
Checked on Dolphin, Firefox, Pinta, even installed Chrome.

Now KDE allows only one shortcut for mouse bindings. So, it does not work and I'm not happy at all. :(

Is the mouse binding the same issue? Maybe KDE as a workaround could allow to set different bindings for a mouse, as it does for keyboard?

PS Just checked, when I'm binding a mouse button in RU layout and press CTRL-W (Ц in RU layout), then the UI shows CTRL-W. I believe it is a different issue...
Comment 43 fanzhuyifan 2024-06-23 16:48:46 UTC
*** Bug 489036 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 44 Kamil 2024-06-26 15:32:24 UTC
Is it possible to solve this problem by assigning as shortcuts not ASCII symbols for all alpha numeric keys but keyboard scancodes that will be much better way and will not depend on any of keyboard layouts enabled for users native language.
Comment 45 Eugene Savitsky 2024-07-18 18:39:11 UTC

Please test this patch (latest comment).
Comment 46 Yevhen Popok 2024-07-19 11:13:57 UTC
(In reply to ezh from comment #45)
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config/-/issues/416
> Please test this patch (latest comment).

It's a workaround, not a patch.
Also, unfortunately it didn't help me for Ukrainian keyboard with the similar issue:
(In reply to Patrick Silva from comment #36)
> The default shortcut used to walk through windows of current application (
> alt+` ) does not work with my keyboard.
Comment 47 Eugene Savitsky 2024-07-19 11:51:05 UTC
Please post your problem to the link I have provided. There is the maintainer active.
Read above my comment to find him and reply to him.
Comment 48 fanzhuyifan 2024-08-01 17:53:21 UTC
(In reply to Kamil from comment #44)
> Is it possible to solve this problem by assigning as shortcuts not ASCII
> symbols for all alpha numeric keys but keyboard scancodes that will be much
> better way and will not depend on any of keyboard layouts enabled for users
> native language.

That would require a lot of changes throughout the kde codebase, since currently we use Qt's QKeySequence for shortcut handling.
Comment 49 fanzhuyifan 2024-08-01 19:47:46 UTC
*** Bug 457776 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 50 John Kizer 2024-12-29 01:56:50 UTC
*** Bug 497577 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 51 John Kizer 2024-12-29 01:59:52 UTC
*** Bug 345552 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 52 John Kizer 2024-12-29 03:48:28 UTC
*** Bug 176113 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 53 John Kizer 2024-12-29 03:48:47 UTC
*** Bug 97780 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 54 John Kizer 2024-12-29 03:49:03 UTC
*** Bug 133435 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 55 John Kizer 2024-12-29 03:49:19 UTC
*** Bug 202173 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 56 contramuffin 2025-01-04 23:05:13 UTC
(In reply to Eugene Savitsky from comment #45)
> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config/-/issues/416
> Please test this patch (latest comment).

Popping in to say that this workaround doesn't appear to work (at least with the dvorak keyboard)
Comment 57 Andrey 2025-01-04 23:13:11 UTC
(In reply to contramuffin from comment #56)

> ⚠️ Please report your finding in the xkbcommon MR, not here. ⚠️
Comment 58 Eugene Savitsky 2025-01-29 19:19:24 UTC
(In reply to contramuffin from comment #56)
> (In reply to Eugene Savitsky from comment #45)
> > https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xkeyboard-config/xkeyboard-config/-/issues/416
> > 
> > Please test this patch (latest comment).
> Popping in to say that this workaround doesn't appear to work (at least with
> the dvorak keyboard)

Confirming, starting from KDE 6.2.0 it does not work anymore for new installations.

But it still works with my Fedora 41 6.2.x with the workaround installed in 6.1.x time. So, something was changed in KDE for 6.2 release...
Comment 59 Yanis Mukhametshin 2025-02-09 12:24:53 UTC
Another case with US/RU/UA layouts.

I use global shortcut Ctrl+` for yakuake to toggle window
It works with US/RU, but doesn't work with UA layout.

` (US) is " ё " in RU
` (US) is " ' " in UA

' (US) is " э " in RU
' (US) is " є " in UA

If I set shortcuts to Ctrl+` and Ctrl+' - this works on all thee layouts, and UA's Ctrl+є also works, but looks like it shouldn't.

In the end
Ctrl+` - I use in fact
Ctrl+' - Alternative for UA

Ctrl+` US - works
Ctrl+` RU - works
Ctrl+` UA - doesn't

Ctrl+' US - works
Ctrl+' RU - works
Ctrl+' UA - works as both Ctrl+` and Ctrl+'

For me, now it looks like plasma/Qt do respect keyboard key prior to layout key, but some layouts may have incorrect mapping?

I will keep using this double-shortcut solution because it doesn't conflict with other shortcuts for me.