Currently only the kill runner allows to specify a keyword / prefix. It would be nice if this could become a general concept, so that I could define a keyword for *each* runner. I.e. a generic KRunner config dialogue, where I would see the list of runners and their keywords - without each runner having to implement the prefix support themselves. Reproducible: Always
This is useful, because: * Sometimes I want to execute a command, but other runners "spam" the list with suggestions that do not apply. So I need to switch to the mouse to select the correct result (which may well be a few items down the list). * Sometimes I might want to execute a command in a terminal (with the shell runner - cf. bug #222610 comment #9) and sometimes I might want to just execute, discarding its console output.
Bugs that would be solved by such a feature: bug #173236, bug #301658. Bug #215349 would also benefit from this - support for custom keywords is part of the request.
I also have sth. similar in mind, maybe we can solve this using the single runner mode. This way we don't have to implement something for each runner.
*** Bug 301658 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
It is planned to port the runners KCM to QML, then we should integrate this. I am keeping this in mind!
allowing a prefix to the CLI plugin would be enough to run the aliases from whatever shell is active, right? so that would be enough to solve, at least partially, the other similar bugs
There is currently the single runner mode, you can trigger that using the following command for the bookmarks runner: >qdbus org.kde.krunner /App org.kde.krunner.App.displaySingleRunner bookmarks Other runners are for example windows, services (Applications & Systemsettings) and baloosearch.
*** Bug 428271 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I like the implemention of the windows PowerToys. It's short and pregnant