Bug 395497 - Menubar - No text - Editing the shell toolbar from Configure Toolbars sometimes corrupts shell.rc
Summary: Menubar - No text - Editing the shell toolbar from Configure Toolbars sometim...
Alias: None
Product: okular
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.10.1
Platform: Arch Linux Linux
: VHI normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Okular developers
: 396761 414936 418561 427276 428629 429570 431685 436048 440785 442777 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2018-06-16 16:43 UTC by Evgenii
Modified: 2024-12-18 18:11 UTC (History)
24 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

Menubar screenshot (7.70 KB, image/png)
2018-06-16 16:43 UTC, Evgenii
Screenshot of empty menubar (27.27 KB, image/png)
2018-11-21 04:27 UTC, tdr
Also broken in global menu (11.01 KB, image/png)
2019-04-13 11:27 UTC, Jan Przybylak
My shell.rc file. Renaming it to something else solves the problem (989 bytes, application/vnd.kde.kxmlguirc)
2019-04-22 15:37 UTC, Jan Przybylak
No Text causing shell.rc from David Hurka (974 bytes, application/vnd.kde.kxmlguirc)
2019-05-11 19:15 UTC, Laura David Hurka
Gwenview on neon unstable (25.18 KB, image/png)
2020-09-02 11:44 UTC, Patrick Silva

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Evgenii 2018-06-16 16:43:32 UTC
Created attachment 113381 [details]
Menubar screenshot

After "Show Menubar" button was added to Main Toolbar or the button was triggered (did not notice when exactly) some 1st level items of the menubar are labeled as "No text".
Comment 1 Evgenii 2018-06-16 22:26:20 UTC
Resetting the toolbar configuration to defaults solves the problem.
Comment 2 lucazade 2018-07-05 12:48:07 UTC
same here
Comment 3 tdr 2018-11-21 04:27:18 UTC
Created attachment 116435 [details]
Screenshot of empty menubar
Comment 4 tdr 2018-11-21 04:27:40 UTC
Adding some more information and a +1 to this.

Okular 1.1.3
Kubuntu 17.10
KDE Plasma 5.12.4
KDE Frameworks 5.44.0
QT 5.9.1

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open Okular
2. Click "Settings" and deactivate "Show menubar"
3. Right-click the toolbar and select "Configure Toolbars"
4. Scroll to "Show Menubar" in the "Available actions" section
5. Click the right arrow (">") to add it to the "Current actions" section
6. Click "Apply"
7. Click "OK"

-- The menubar is replaced with a blank bar --

8. Activate the "Show menubar" button

-- The menubar has mislabelled first-level items, some are labelled "No Text". --

9. Right-click the toolbar and select "Configure Toolbars"
10. Click "Defaults"
11. Click "Reset"

-- The menubar is restored and functions properly --
Comment 5 Jan Przybylak 2019-04-13 11:27:54 UTC
Created attachment 119397 [details]
Also broken in global menu

I'm experiencing the same problem as Evgenii.
I'm using the global menu (menu bar at the top of the screen instead of inside the window), instead of "File", "Settings" and "Help", it says "No text" ("Kein Text" in my case, since I've set it to German)
Comment 6 Albert Astals Cid 2019-04-13 21:36:53 UTC
Can anyone reproduce this in modern versions?
Comment 7 Jan Przybylak 2019-04-13 21:52:00 UTC
Still happens in version 1.6.3.
I also tried the git repository, happens there too.
Comment 8 Albert Astals Cid 2019-04-13 22:10:32 UTC
Yeah but this is 99.9999% not a bug in Okular, what i mean is modern versions of KF5/Plasma/Qt
Comment 9 Jan Przybylak 2019-04-13 22:29:41 UTC
I‘m currently on KF 5.56, I‘ll report back as soon as I get 5.57, which should happen in the next few days
Comment 10 Albert Astals Cid 2019-04-13 23:01:26 UTC
5.56 should be good. What's your plasma and Qt5?
Comment 11 Jan Przybylak 2019-04-13 23:25:27 UTC
Plasma 5.15.4 and Qt 5.12.2
Comment 12 Albert Astals Cid 2019-04-13 23:40:19 UTC
Interesting, you mention the global menu, do you have this issue without the global menu?
Comment 13 Jan Przybylak 2019-04-14 09:32:27 UTC
`journalctl` does not return helpful results. If there are other logs that could help, I'm happy to send them
Comment 14 Albert Astals Cid 2019-04-21 23:33:50 UTC
Can you send your .local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/part.rc file over?

Do you remember doing any customization to your menus/toolbar/shortcuts?

Can you confirm that removing your .local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/part.rc file (save it first somewhere else) fixes this?
Comment 15 Jan Przybylak 2019-04-22 15:37:15 UTC
Created attachment 119560 [details]
My shell.rc file. Renaming it to something else solves the problem

Renaming part.rc does nothing. However, renaming shell.rc solves the problem. It did not appear again when launching Okular.
Comment 16 Laura David Hurka 2019-04-23 08:09:51 UTC
I have the same issue in the titlebar menu button, but also appears in normal menu bars.

KDE Neon 5.15.4
KDE Frameworks 5.57.0
Qt 5.12.0
Okular 1.7.0

Renaming shell.rc or both files solves the problem. Renaming only part.rc doesn’t.

I already had this problem when I started to use KDE Neon & KF5, approximately the same time as Evgenii.
Comment 17 Laura David Hurka 2019-05-11 19:15:01 UTC
Created attachment 119990 [details]
No Text causing shell.rc from David Hurka

I didn’t attach my file in the last comment, here it is.

Differs from Jan’s shell.rc in the DOCTYPE: kpartgui instead of gui.

Is very similar to the shell.rc found in okular’s git repository, but with Open action added to toolbar, some noMerge="1", and SYSTEM "kpartgui.dtd".

The shell.rc from the repository works fine, while the attached shell.rc causes No Text.

Removing an noMerge="1" from the attached shell.rc file fixed the corresponding No Text entry.

Jan’s file, in contrast, looks like the shell.rc files, which are saved by Okular when I put actions into the toolbar. (Okular creates gui files instead of kpartgui files. Why?)

Additionally, I observed that No Text menus don’t contain shell actions, but only part actions.
Comment 18 nyanpasu64 2019-05-14 09:10:15 UTC
I found this bug independently, with a slightly different procedure.

1. Open Okular, Configure Toolbars dialog.
2. Add "About KDE" to Main Toolbar <okular_shell>.
3. Press Apply, which creates ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc.

Editing ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc and removing noMerge="1" fixes this issue.

Linux/KDE Plasma: Kubuntu 18.04
(available in About System)
KDE Plasma Version: 5.12.7
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.44.0
Qt Version: 5.9.5


I installed Flatpak Okular 1.7.0, as a comparison.

For some reason, Flatpak Okular looks normal with shell.rc present and noMerge="1", but the File menu items are ordered incorrectly with noMerge="1" removed:

Import PostScript as PDF
Save As
Open Recent
... full screenshot at https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/552027497592782850/577784158764662784/okular_flatpak_without_noMerge.png

Flatpak versions:

Comment 19 Albert Astals Cid 2019-05-15 21:44:24 UTC
(In reply to jimbo1qaz from comment #18)
> I found this bug independently, with a slightly different procedure.
> 1. Open Okular, Configure Toolbars dialog.
> 2. Add "About KDE" to Main Toolbar <okular_shell>.
> 3. Press Apply, which creates ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc.

You mean this three steps gives you a "No text" menubar?

Can the rest of you reproduce this?

I can't, just works fine for me
Comment 20 Oliver Sander 2019-05-16 08:18:10 UTC
> Can the rest of you reproduce this?

I can't, with Okular from git master on up-to-date Debian testing.
Comment 21 nyanpasu64 2019-05-16 08:23:09 UTC
(In reply to Albert Astals Cid from comment #19)
> (In reply to jimbo1qaz from comment #18)
> > I found this bug independently, with a slightly different procedure.
> > 
> > 1. Open Okular, Configure Toolbars dialog.
> > 2. Add "About KDE" to Main Toolbar <okular_shell>.
> > 3. Press Apply, which creates ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc.
> You mean this three steps gives you a "No text" menubar?
> Can the rest of you reproduce this?
> I can't, just works fine for me

I uploaded 3 different versions of my shell.rc at https://gist.github.com/jimbo1qaz/a8a1aaabe51eff8f0d95c20aa9b4b3b3

The long file contains noMerge="1" and <text> and <Action...> tags. It works fine, and I'm using it now.


The short file's <Menu> groups are empty, except for <DefineGroup> tags. They're missing both the menu name <text>, and the menu item <Action>.

Okular 1.5.70 (Kubuntu 18.04) generated them with noMerge="1" *present*, causing the bug. The version I uploaded, I manually removed noMerge="1" to fix the issue.


I also attached unmodified /usr/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc, which looks very similar to the short file, but is missing noMerge="1" (but it's still present in <ToolBar>).


I think flatpak 1.7.0 and versions are irrelevant. Okular usually generates the long file for me, but sometimes (twice so far, both times in Ubuntu 18.04) generates the short (broken) file. I'm not sure what causes the short file to be generated, and when I tried reproducing the bug, it produced the long (ok) file instead.

## Another possible issue

Long files store the menu layout in ~/.local, and noMerge="1" causes it to ignore Okular's built-in settings (for some reason, /usr/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc does NOT contain <text> or <Action>). Does that mean that upgrading Okular's /usr/ will not upgrade the menu, since Okular uses the ~/.local menu layout generated by old Okular?
Comment 22 Christoph Feck 2019-05-30 18:16:11 UTC
Yes, files in ~/.local override files in /usr.
Comment 23 Bug Janitor Service 2019-06-14 04:33:14 UTC
Dear Bug Submitter,

This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least
15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as
possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug
tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with
no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME
due to lack of needed information.

For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the
wiki located here:

If you have already provided the requested information, please
mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is
ready to be confirmed.

Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Comment 24 nyanpasu64 2019-06-14 04:50:58 UTC
lemme clear NEEDSINFO, some people have responded, and I have supplied an investigation of the issue (but not why the GUI editor writes a file in a corrupted state).
Comment 25 Albert Astals Cid 2019-11-28 22:40:59 UTC
The big question is, anyone has any idea how you ended up with those corrupted shell.rc files in your .local ?

Any of you did any kind of menu costumization that you remember either now or in the past?
Comment 26 Laura David Hurka 2019-11-29 19:37:35 UTC
(In reply to Albert Astals Cid from comment #25)
> [...] any idea how you ended up with those
> corrupted shell.rc files in your .local ?

Surely I did toolbar customisation everytime before this happened, always through Configure Toolbars..., never any other way.

But I don’t have any idea what special toolbar button could have caused this. Usually I have some actions from submenus in the toolbar (such as Fit Page), but I’m sure that I didn’t use any action from the shell back then.
Comment 27 Albert Astals Cid 2019-12-08 22:36:06 UTC
*** Bug 414936 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 28 nyanpasu64 2020-02-07 11:31:17 UTC
A similar bug with the same root cause appears to sporadically happen on Gwenview too. https://www.reddit.com/r/kde/comments/ezzd8x/gwenview_no_text_in_menu_bar_jpeg_save_quality/
Comment 29 Albert Astals Cid 2020-02-27 15:11:29 UTC
*** Bug 396761 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 30 Patrick Silva 2020-03-13 21:13:43 UTC
*** Bug 418561 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 31 Laura David Hurka 2020-06-15 10:48:26 UTC
This bug caught me again. I edited the toolbar several times, ant the last time I edited it the menubar broke with “No Text”. The last edit was the first edit which involved a Shell action, “Open Recent”.

So it appears that only editing the shell toolbar causes this bug, which matches the previous reports, and the fact that shell.rc gets corrupted.

Additionally, all shell actions are now missing in the affected menus, which is pretty problematic.

Interestingly, the View menu, wich holds the Fullscreen action, is not affected. This is probably because the View menu is not specified in shell.rc by default, but created purely automatically.

Another worrying thing is that Okular crashes at startup if shell.rc is not well-formed.

Debugging this today wasn’t very successful. It appears that the <Menu noMerge="1"> attribute causes the problem. Sometimes after Configure Toolbars the shell.rc is not expanded to contain all KStandardActions, and with noMerge they are not added automatically. The “No Text” comes from the <Menu><Text/></Menu> tag missing, if noMerge="1" is present. Sometimes after Configure Toolbars the shell.rc is expanded, and everything is fine.

I don’t know how to fix this now. First problem is that this bug does not reproduce everytime. Second problem is that there are these options:
a) Prevent Configure Shortcuts from creating noMerge="1". The problem is, that without noMerge and with all actions specified explicitely, the explicitely specified actions and the automatically merged (?) KStandardActions kick each other arround, and the menu becomes jumbled up.
b) Force Configure Shortcuts to expand shell.rc to include all actions and noMerge everytime. Problem is... is there a problem? At least I don’t know how to fix Configure Shortcuts.
c) Include all actions and noMerge in the source shell.rc. This way, Configure Shortcuts will (theoretically) always end up with the fully expanded file. Problem is that we will explicitely specify all action positions, so they will not follow updates to KStandardAction, like happened with the Fullscreed action. But at least we will know when to update the Okular docbook.
d) Remove all menu definitions from the source shell.rc. This was an experiment by mine. It turns out that, despite the <DefineGroup/> tags are missing, KXmlGui will automatically populate the menus in the intended way, and create an expanded shell.rc as soon as the toolbar is edited. Because shell.rc is empty by default, Configure Shortcuts has no other option than generating the expanded file itself.

Our options are basically:
1) Expand the source shell.rc to include all actions and noMerge.
2) Collapse the source shell.rc to include nothing.
3) Make this an upstream bug and assign it to KXmlGui.

I prefer option 2.
Comment 32 Albert Astals Cid 2020-06-15 21:47:52 UTC
(In reply to David Hurka from comment #31)
> Our options are basically:
> 1) Expand the source shell.rc to include all actions and noMerge.
> 2) Collapse the source shell.rc to include nothing.
> 3) Make this an upstream bug and assign it to KXmlGui.
> I prefer option 2.

Since 1 and 2 are wrong (what about the other users of the okular part?)

The only solution is 3, or rather 4) Fix the bug in kxmlgui, don't expect others to fix it for you ;)

But not being able to reproduce it, it's really a problem here.

David are you running a modern enough KDE Frameworks?
Comment 33 Albert Astals Cid 2020-06-15 21:50:20 UTC
(In reply to David Hurka from comment #31)
> Our options are basically:
> 1) Expand the source shell.rc to include all actions and noMerge.
> 2) Collapse the source shell.rc to include nothing.
> 3) Make this an upstream bug and assign it to KXmlGui.
> I prefer option 2.

Since 1 and 2 are wrong (what about the other users of the okular part?)

The only solution is 3, or rather 4) Fix the bug in kxmlgui, don't expect others to fix it for you ;)

But not being able to reproduce it, it's really a problem here.

David are you running a modern enough KDE Frameworks? (In reply to Albert Astals Cid from comment #32)
> (In reply to David Hurka from comment #31)
> > Our options are basically:
> > 1) Expand the source shell.rc to include all actions and noMerge.
> > 2) Collapse the source shell.rc to include nothing.
> > 3) Make this an upstream bug and assign it to KXmlGui.
> > 
> > I prefer option 2.
> Since 1 and 2 are wrong (what about the other users of the okular part?)
> The only solution is 3, or rather 4) Fix the bug in kxmlgui, don't expect
> others to fix it for you ;)
> But not being able to reproduce it, it's really a problem here.
> David are you running a modern enough KDE Frameworks?

Also, does the "No text" appear immediately when editing the toolbars or needs an okular restart to be seen?
Comment 34 nyanpasu64 2020-06-15 21:53:16 UTC
It was a year or two ago since I last encountered this bug, but if I recall correctly, the "No text" appeared as soon as you hit Apply, not after restarting.
Comment 35 Laura David Hurka 2020-06-16 09:40:04 UTC
(In reply to Albert Astals Cid from comment #32)
> (In reply to David Hurka from comment #31)
> > Our options are basically:
> > 1) Expand the source shell.rc to include all actions and noMerge.
> > 2) Collapse the source shell.rc to include nothing.
> > 3) Make this an upstream bug and assign it to KXmlGui.
> > 
> > I prefer option 2.
> Since 1 and 2 are wrong (what about the other users of the okular part?)

What do you mean with “other users of the okular part”? They shouldn’t be affected by shell.rc, right? So I don’t understand why these options are wrong.

> David are you running a modern enough KDE Frameworks?

Yes, my KF5 is “modern enough”. :)

> Also, does the "No text" appear immediately when editing the toolbars or needs an okular restart to be seen?

Sorry, can’t reproduce... But IIRC it appeared immediately.
Comment 36 Albert Astals Cid 2020-06-17 20:09:48 UTC
(In reply to David Hurka from comment #35)
> (In reply to Albert Astals Cid from comment #32)
> > (In reply to David Hurka from comment #31)
> > > Our options are basically:
> > > 1) Expand the source shell.rc to include all actions and noMerge.
> > > 2) Collapse the source shell.rc to include nothing.
> > > 3) Make this an upstream bug and assign it to KXmlGui.
> > > 
> > > I prefer option 2.
> > 
> > Since 1 and 2 are wrong (what about the other users of the okular part?)
> What do you mean with “other users of the okular part”? They shouldn’t be
> affected by shell.rc, right? So I don’t understand why these options are
> wrong.

Well, in option 1 you mean keeping the part.rc intact and then copying all the options to shell.rc? That would work for Okular, but would still cause problems in other apps that use the part, no?
Comment 37 Laura David Hurka 2020-06-18 10:46:02 UTC
> Well, in option 1 you mean keeping the part.rc intact and then copying all the options to shell.rc?

No, I don’t mean to copy actions from part.rc to shell.rc. I think we tracked this bug down to shell.rc, so I don’t want to touch part.rc.

When Configure Toolbars correctly modifies shell.rc, it includes all the shell actions in there, and no part actions.

My suggestion is to include all shell actions by default in shell.rc.

Of course we could look at KXMLGui, why it is confused by DefineGroup tags and clumsily deactivates them with noMerge, like already described by nyanpasu64.

Since a Gwenview bug has been marked as duplicate of this Okular bug, we should maybe look at KXMLGui. That could also give us some answers about the annotation toolbar in part.rc. Interestingly, Gwenview does not use any <DefineGroup/>.
Comment 38 Patrick Silva 2020-09-02 11:44:55 UTC
Created attachment 131358 [details]
Gwenview on neon unstable

A few days ago I added "Sort by" button to toolbar of Gwenview and yesterday I noticed some "No text" entries in the menu bar. Reseting toolbar settings fixed the bug.

Operating System: KDE neon Unstable Edition
KDE Plasma Version: 5.19.80
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.74.0
Qt Version: 5.14.2
Comment 39 postix 2020-09-19 12:59:01 UTC
Can confirm it on:

Operating System: Manjaro Linux
KDE Plasma Version: 5.19.5
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.73.0
Qt Version: 5.15.0
Okular 20.08.1
Comment 40 postix 2020-09-19 13:01:36 UTC
> Resetting toolbar settings fixed the bug.

For me too.
Comment 41 Albert Astals Cid 2020-10-04 21:55:42 UTC
*** Bug 427276 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 42 Yuri Chornoivan 2020-11-03 07:33:50 UTC
*** Bug 428629 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 43 nfxjfg 2020-11-03 07:41:59 UTC
> The big question is, anyone has any idea how you ended up with those corrupted shell.rc files in your .local ?

Seems to happen to users all the time over the last 2 years.

Deleting ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc helped. Why can't the KDE devs just NOT LOAD this file? I bet you're caught up in your endless, fractal complexity, with nobody around to fix or analyze it...
Comment 44 Albert Astals Cid 2020-11-03 22:09:04 UTC
(In reply to nfxjfg from comment #43)
> bet you're caught up in your endless,
> fractal complexity, with nobody around to fix or analyze it...

If you're not going to be constructive, shut up.
Comment 45 Laura David Hurka 2020-11-23 22:51:47 UTC
*** Bug 429570 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 46 Yuri Chornoivan 2021-01-16 12:22:11 UTC
*** Bug 431685 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 47 Yuri Chornoivan 2021-04-22 16:11:26 UTC
*** Bug 436048 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 48 nyanpasu64 2021-04-22 16:16:13 UTC
Is it a good idea to add extra debugging/logging/assertion code to released versions of KXmlGui, or KDE Neon's dev builds, to help catch and record information about the bug in the wild when it occurs?
Comment 49 Yuri Chornoivan 2021-08-09 14:21:16 UTC
*** Bug 440785 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 50 medin 2021-08-11 17:30:16 UTC
I solved my problem by removing "~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc" file then Okular showed the correct menu entries, but that removed file is never recreated again.
Comment 51 Laura David Hurka 2021-09-22 09:57:31 UTC
*** Bug 442777 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 52 nyanpasu64 2021-10-05 13:22:46 UTC
Is it justified to enable verbose logging in kxmlgui's editing functionality in production, and ask users who hit this bug to upload their log files? A few days ago I took a stab at debugging what happened, but I don't fully understand the code, and since I can't reproduce the bug on demand, I don't know what state and control flow caused the base settings to not be merged into the customizations when computing and/or writing out new customizations.
Comment 53 cipricus 2023-11-05 16:56:23 UTC
(In reply to medin from comment #50)
> I solved my problem by removing "~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc"
> file then Okular showed the correct menu entries, but that removed file is
> never recreated again.

Seeing this again in 23.08.1.
Comment 54 cipricus 2023-11-22 08:21:06 UTC
(In reply to medin from comment #50)
> I solved my problem by removing "~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc"
> file then Okular showed the correct menu entries, but that removed file is
> never recreated again.

In my case the file was recreated. Okular 23.08.1.
Comment 55 cipricus 2023-11-22 08:26:34 UTC
(In reply to cipricus from comment #54)
> (In reply to medin from comment #50)
> > I solved my problem by removing "~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc"
> > file then Okular showed the correct menu entries, but that removed file is
> > never recreated again.
> In my case the file was recreated. Okular 23.08.1. Kubuntu 23.10.

The problem is also recurrent. I have removed the whole "~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/" folder yesterday to fix the problem and now the problem and the folder is in place with both files part.rc and shell.rc.

I think that what causes this is the configuring of the toolbar (adding buttons). I'll test that leaving it default is a "solution".
Comment 56 cipricus 2023-11-22 09:49:21 UTC
(In reply to Albert Astals Cid from comment #14)
> Can you send your .local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/part.rc file over?
> Do you remember doing any customization to your menus/toolbar/shortcuts?
> Can you confirm that removing your .local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/part.rc file
> (save it first somewhere else) fixes this?

I can confirm that on at least one occasion removing just part.rc file fixed it, and that on at least another one occasion I had to delete the shell.rc too (or maybe only that should have been removed, something confirmed by people on a reddit afaicr). Re-setting to defaults (Settings-Configure toolbars-Default) fixes it too, because that removes both files.
Comment 57 cipricus 2023-11-22 14:10:28 UTC
> Editing ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/okular/shell.rc and removing noMerge="1"
> fixes this issue.

In that file I have 5 occurrences:

  `<Menu noMerge="1" name="file" alreadyVisited="1">`             line 4
 ` <Menu noMerge="1" name="view">`                                            line 20
  <Menu noMerge="1" name="settings" alreadyVisited="1">      line 25
  <Menu noMerge="1" name="settings" alreadyVisited="1">      line 38
  <Menu noMerge="1" name="help" alreadyVisited="1">            line 53

What should I remove to fix it? Is that a permanent fix, so I don't have to reset my toolbar?
Comment 58 sdev 2024-12-18 18:11:48 UTC
Confirming this bug.

Okular Version 24.08.3
KDE Plasma 6.2.4
KDE Framework 6.8.0
PDF Backend 0.6.5