The bug tracker contains many resolved bugs without any "Version fixed in" value (open and sort by "Version fixed in" in ascending order). Some of them may be related to 4.8.1 or 5.0.0 and are backported so it is required to inspect and set the fixed version - at first I assume that a bug state set to "resolved fixed" or a git commit date inside the bug after the release time of 4.8.0 indicates that this bug is intended for 4.8.1 or 5.x.
While working on this issue I added the bug tracker categories "website" and "bugtracker" and assigned the related tickets to this catogories to be able to exclude them in the list mentioned in comment 1. Then I changed to the resolution to "FIXED" to filter out not in git fixed issue, changed the resolution of bugs not having a real fix in git to "INVALID" or "WORKSFORME" and added fixed-in-version where possible. The remaining bugs are bug 359341 bug 357724 bug 242220