Bug 111961 - Icon location troubles on xinerama setup
Summary: Icon location troubles on xinerama setup
Alias: None
Product: kdesktop
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: David Faure
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Reported: 2005-09-03 00:25 UTC by Sean Lynch
Modified: 2009-01-02 20:31 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

Icons on wrong screen (352.46 KB, image/jpeg)
2005-09-03 00:36 UTC, Sean Lynch
Panel overlapping icons (352.14 KB, image/jpeg)
2005-09-03 00:36 UTC, Sean Lynch
KDesktop Config File (7.61 KB, text/plain)
2005-11-14 13:16 UTC, Sean Lynch
KDesktop Config File (7.61 KB, text/plain)
2005-11-14 23:52 UTC, Sean Lynch

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sean Lynch 2005-09-03 00:25:26 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.4.90)
Installed from:    Compiled From Sources

After all the work done to the icon location fixed (hiding panels, KDE startup, etc), I have been experiencing alot of issues on my xinerama setup.

First, let me explain my setup... 

|               |------------|
|               |            |
|      2        |      1     |
|               |            |
|               |            |

Desktop 1 is on the right of the setup and runs 1024x768.  Desktop 2 is on the left and runs at 1600x1200.  I also keep 2 panels (main at the bottom and a taskbar panel at the top) on desktop 2.

With that said, some problems I've been experiencing:

It seems the icons are associated with the 'main' panel, so whatever desktop that panel resides on, they are supposed to as well... which I agree if no configuration is available (like the current situation).  What I've noticed though is if I move my Main panel to the right desktop (screen 1), the icons follow after I sort them.  If I move the panel back and try the same, the icons will flash very quickly on desktop 2 (where the main panel now resides) but end up on desktop 1.  If I try again, it continues to very quickly flash on desktop 2 and end up on desktop 1 (the right monitor).  There usually isn't a way to get them back on desktop 2 until after a reboot.

Secondly, when I do have the icons on desktop 2, they will be under the top panel on that desktop.  If the icons are on desktop 1, and I move the top bar to that desktop as well, the problem doesn't seem to exist, although I did notice that when I move it back from 1 to 2, and try and sort, the icons don't know that room is now available at the top of the screen and still allow space for it.

I will attach screenshots to show both of these problems, although I need to reboot as my icons are currently on desktop 1 with no way to get them back on desktop 2.
Comment 1 Sean Lynch 2005-09-03 00:36:20 UTC
Created attachment 12461 [details]
Icons on wrong screen
Comment 2 Sean Lynch 2005-09-03 00:36:53 UTC
Created attachment 12462 [details]
Panel overlapping icons
Comment 3 Sean Lynch 2005-09-03 00:52:16 UTC
FYI, I made a mistake taking the 'Icons on wrong screen'.  I meant to drag the main panel back to desktop 2 to show the icons do not follow it.
Comment 4 Sean Lynch 2005-11-14 13:16:16 UTC
Created attachment 13441 [details]
KDesktop Config File
Comment 5 Sean Lynch 2005-11-14 23:52:59 UTC
Created attachment 13454 [details]
KDesktop Config File
Comment 6 Sean Lynch 2005-11-14 23:56:54 UTC
Sorry.. had an internal error page when I got home after trying to submit the first time.. disregard the first attachment.
Comment 7 Christian Nitschkowski 2005-11-26 12:17:34 UTC
I've got a similar behaviour with my Xinerama setup with KDE 3.5 (RC2).
My setup looks like this
 |             |            | 
 |     1       |     2      | 
 |             |            | 
 |             |            | 

On each screen, both at 1024x768, there are 2 panels.
The main panel is on the bottom edge of screen 1.
I now only can place icons on screen 1.
When I try to move them to screen 2, they are dropped at the right edge of screen 1.
When I place the main panel on screen 2, I can move icons freely around on both screens.
Comment 8 Gunter Ohrner 2006-01-03 12:03:51 UTC
I have a triple head configuration with several panels spread around the screen edges.

If I disable "align icons to grid", all icons always end up at the right edge of Xinerama screen 1 (My rightmost screen.) after a re-login.

If I enable "align to grid" the icons are always placed on the first screen and cannot be moved to the other screens at all, but at least they keep their relative location to each other... (Already reported as Bug #116341 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=116341 and Bug #117550 http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=117550)

This renders desktop icons completely unusuable for me as it makes it impossible to conveniently use the desktop as a temporary storage between login sessions and to place usuable application icons onto it... :-(

It's a clear regression compared to KDE 3.4.x which "just worked" in this respect.
Comment 9 FiNeX 2008-12-10 02:07:06 UTC
Kdesktop is no more mantained. Fortunatly this bug seems not to be valid for KDE 4. Please reopen if this bug is not a kdesktop one (and it is not solved) or it can be reproduced on KDE 4.
Comment 10 FiNeX 2009-01-02 20:31:25 UTC
Bug closed. Kdesktop is no more mantained.