Bug 37067 - Per-virtual-desktop containments
Summary: Per-virtual-desktop containments
Alias: None
Product: plasma4
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: containment-desktop (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Other
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
: 47734 62035 62153 63018 64290 95911 141739 162900 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2002-01-11 13:48 UTC by Nick Thompson
Modified: 2010-03-27 06:35 UTC (History)
20 users (show)

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Description Nick Thompson 2002-01-11 13:40:59 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package:           kdesktop
Version:           KDE 2.2.1 
Severity:          wishlist
Installed from:    Compiled From Sources
Compiler:          Not Specified
OS:                Not Specified
OS/Compiler notes: Not Specified

The desktop would be more flexable if it allowed icons to be displayed on individually selectable desktops just as windows can (1 2 3 4 ... or all). This way I could have useful device icons on all destops but make use of individual desktops to store files or links relating to thing I am working on in that desktop.

E.g.: on desktop 1 I would have floppy and cd icons and a bunch of code files I am currently looking at as well as a link to a make script to build the code.

On desktop 2 I would have the same floppy and CD icons but instead of the code files I might have word processor documents.

Now I can switch desktops and easily see the appropraite files for the task in hand. Kicker and kwin work a bit like this but I have to have the files open and in applications the are using up memory. Making this change would bring the desktop into line with kicker a kwin and make the desktop a much more powerful tool.

I'm not sure how this would be implemented. Specific desktop subdirectories in the Desktop dir? The dirs need to be easy and logical to allow saving of documents from unaware apps (netscape attachments say) to the correct desktop.

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
Comment 1 Andrew Montgomery 2003-07-10 21:13:37 UTC
I've wanted a feature like this for a long time. I'm thinking of having a go at 
implementing it myself but that might take a while :) I'll post something if I 
ever get it done (which i doubt atm)
Comment 2 Stephan Binner 2003-08-03 11:46:32 UTC
*** Bug 62035 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Lubos Lunak 2003-09-16 12:27:28 UTC
*** Bug 64290 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Lubos Lunak 2004-07-26 16:57:01 UTC
*** Bug 63018 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Nick Matteo 2004-09-29 02:22:27 UTC
For the implementation, I think the most sensible approach would be to keep the Desktop directory as it is now, and anything in there is universal to all desktops -- again, as it is now.  Any applications using the Desktop would thus work the same as always.  Then within that you could have hidden directories -- say, .1, .2, .3, .4 which contain the files specific to each virtual desktop.  That way everything would still work fine switching back to older versions of KDE -- and the virtual desktop-specific files would still be easily accessible from the command line.
Comment 6 GML 2004-10-03 18:08:00 UTC
Why this feature request isn't implemented since more two years ?
Anybody have time to implement this feature or it's to hard to integrate in kdesktop without re-write completely kdesktop ?
Comment 7 David Faure 2004-10-05 11:03:32 UTC
On Sunday 03 October 2004 18:08, GML wrote:
> Why this feature request isn't implemented since more two years ?
> Anybody have time to implement this feature or it's to hard to integrate in kdesktop without re-write completely kdesktop ?

It shouldn't be too hard. We're fixing bugs with more priority than 
implementing new features, that's why.
Feel free to send a patch against CVS HEAD.
It has to be somehow integrated with the code that uses a different directory 
for each display, in a multi-head setup.

Comment 8 sylvain 2004-11-12 10:43:11 UTC
<quote lang="french">
 s'il vous plait merci de mettre la possibilité d'avoir des icones différentes sur chaque bureau pour KDE

merci beaucoup

Comment 9 GML 2004-11-12 11:24:38 UTC
sylvain, Do you vote for this bug ?
Don't speak french in bugzilla else the developpers don't understand your remark. (I'm french)
Comment 10 Stephan Binner 2004-11-30 20:27:21 UTC
*** Bug 47734 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Stephan Binner 2004-12-31 14:54:42 UTC
*** Bug 95911 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 12 Brian Beck 2005-01-29 06:36:40 UTC
Hey, I'm just curious about this wish, is there any where that I can read how this is supposed to be implemented because just reading the bug it seems like it could be difficult.

For example say I want to delete an icon that appears on all desktops.  Well this would force me to delete it n times (where n is the number of virtual desktops a person has).  Or it would delete it from all the desktops which wouldn't make much sense seeing that every icon on every desktop is treated as unique.  I know no can be suggesting throwing up a dialog to select the desktops you would like an icon deleted. That seems real complicated.

How about when a person drags a file onto a desktop with the intent of using it later, will they have to search each desktop to find that file again?

etc. etc.

I guess I don't see how this simplifies or improves the interface between the user and the computer.
Comment 13 Nick Matteo 2005-01-29 07:43:58 UTC
I think that by default, all icons would be on all desktops and act as they do now.

But it would be possible to right-click an icon and select "Make specific to this desktop," in which case it would be moved to the specific desktop's subfolder and only show up there, or alternately "Make present on all desktops."

When you delete a global icon, it would be deleted globally; when you delete a local icon it would be deleted locally.

That way, uninterested users would be unaware of it, but interested ones could set up specific desktops as they please.
Comment 14 Ninaw de Leon 2005-01-29 12:44:18 UTC
I agree it's still nice to have global icons and to also have desktop-local icons. Something akin to sticky and non-sticky windows.
Comment 15 Brian 2005-01-29 17:34:05 UTC
Yes, it's just like sticky windows.  So it's possible, and the logic is already in the code.  Just apply it to files on the desktop.  BTW the way i organize my system is each desktop focuses on a project.
Comment 16 David Faure 2005-01-29 17:36:35 UTC
OK guys this isn't exactly a "discussion forum for users" :)
The wish is clear. The feature list for 3.4 is closed already though, so this is for later.

Comment 17 Nick Manley 2005-03-17 03:10:42 UTC
Just a side note, so that users dont get confused or accidently delete files.  You should also add a new field to the mouse-over dialog that says "Desktops:".  

For example, I mouse over an icon on my Desktop to get the 'mouse-over dialog', which is that yellow box that appears and I would have a field showing me which desktop or desktops it is on, such as below...

Desktop: 1
Desktop: 1, 2, 3
Desktop: ALL

Also one more thing.  As it is right now, when you delete a file it shows a confirm dialog asking you if you are sure you wish to delete it.  Adding a field showing which desktops it is on would also be of value so you know if you happen to be deleteing a file for a local desktop or if you are deleting it locally.  Just so we dont have any mishaps of people accidently deleting important files that they thought were on other desktops.
Comment 18 David Faure 2005-03-17 09:43:29 UTC
Well, this is why IMHO this solution is too complex. An icon should be on one desktop or on all of them,
just like windows can be either on one desktop or on all of them. Delete/trash should always delete/trash.
The only added GUI would be a toggle for "To Desktop / All, 1, 2, 3" just like the kwin popup for windows.
Comment 19 rgpublic 2005-03-17 19:20:07 UTC
The reason why I voted for this bug is that I want to have the
ability to have a clean desktop for legacy apps like GIMP with
a cluttered GUI. The only way to work with GIMP is to use a
seperate desktop. The icons and desktop background underneath are
more confusing then helpful however and more often than not I click
accidentally on an icon to start an application.
The problem with accidentally deleting icons you dont have on other
desktops didnt cross my mind before but it is a valid dataloss risk.
It could be solveable thought without introducing new GUI dialogs/elements
by simply deleting an icon without any further confirm dialog if and only if it is (still) available on other desktops.
Comment 20 Uwe Fechner 2005-08-20 12:41:06 UTC
This would be a top notch feature and an important argument to use kde.
Comment 21 Cedric Janssens 2006-11-20 09:38:09 UTC
More than one year later and no idea at the horizon ?
It could be so nice and useful.

Or maybe we should need to use a heavy SuperKaramba solution ? :(

And for the implementation, just think to user management under winXP : a folder alldesktops and a folder per desktop.
The icon is either in alldesktops, either in a specific one.

Seems so logical, doesn't ?
Comment 22 Fri13 2006-11-20 10:17:24 UTC
I would like to see similar idea to have positions on desktop where files will get arrangated. User could set invisible box to desktop where all folders will be placed. Other box where all pictures will be saved, box content can be select and files will be save there by mime type. 

I usually save all files to desktop first so i can find what im doing on next day, and it is harder to find one folder or file when desktop is not organized.

ps. sorry bad english
Comment 23 David Faure 2006-11-20 11:53:51 UTC
On Mon Nov 20 2006, Cedric Janssens wrote:
> More than one year later and no idea at the horizon ?

Idea is clear, implementation is waiting 1) time (or a volunteer) 2) kde4's new desktop implementation (plasma)
Comment 24 Bernard LEFEUVRE 2006-11-21 08:18:14 UTC
For a lot of users, this option should be very useful. Each desktop would be affected to specific task.

Comment 25 Jesus-Man! 2006-12-29 15:48:43 UTC
yeah i've been annoyed about this since KDE 2 or somet, but not really been a developer and having no open source project erxperience (i can programme thou) i don't a clue how to even start.

My suggestion for a simple solution would be to have .desktop as a semi-link to a folder ~/.Kdesktops/<name> where <name> would be the name of the desktop. 
Then only a few modifications 'should' be needed to be made,
1. Where code changes desktop,repoint semi-link to new desktop, refresh icons if required.
2. When you create a new desktop make directory for it in ~/.Kdesktops/
3. When you rename a desktop rename ~/.Kdesktops/<name>
4. When you remove a desktop delete ~/.Kdesktops/<name>, maybe add a warning box that everything on this desktop is about to be deleted.

Of course this is a bit of a hack, another suggestion would be to have a text file .desktops:
----- default .desktops -----------
# ID   Name   Location
# ***********************************
# 1   Working   ~/docs/working
# 2   Internet  ~/downloads/temp
# 3   MyProject ~/programming/c/MyProject
# ************************************
1 1 ~/.Desktop
So instead of loading ~/.Kdesktops/<name> you just load what the file tells you; also show a browse dialog box for when a desktop is created or renamed allowing you to point to it, and save the results in the above file. 

(For any elaboration please contact me at: jesusman at gmail dot com)

Comment 26 Bram Schoenmakers 2007-02-24 17:42:05 UTC
*** Bug 141739 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 27 Allan 2007-03-16 20:54:57 UTC
- All of the icons on my dual-screen desktop (by nvidia, called Xinerama in xorg.conf) are located on the right screen, while the kicker starts at the left one. I can´t even drag icons to the left one. 
- When a new file is saved to the desktop (e.g. with kate), it replaces the icon on the top left position. Soon all the order is gone and has to be restored manually.

Please take care on this odd behavior when dealing with this bug/feature request.
Tank you!
Comment 28 Brian DeRocher 2007-03-16 21:10:47 UTC
It looks like the issue mentioned in #27 is a separate bug.  Bug 37067 is really about desktops, not screens.
Comment 29 FiNeX 2007-06-24 01:14:27 UTC
I fear that putting different icons in the desktops can create confusion to the users. If it will come implemented will be better to put it as optional, not as default!!!
Comment 30 Kyle Slane 2007-08-19 00:12:44 UTC
different directories would work but i think the best idea would be to have a file .desktop (there should be a file the stores the location of the icon's currently. that file would work. in that file we would split the icon's into Desktops. all the desktops can set the location, and if it is visible or not. 
Now we still have one problem when the user adds a desktop what should be added? the best solution is to search for the icon's that are visible on all the current desktops or to implement a default desktop that just stores the Icons that are visible on all desktops.
Now how to set them right click on the Icon and implement an additional menu the menu would be like the following
*add to
**list of all desktops with a mark next to the ones that it is already on 
**All when it is currently on on all Desktops then it ingnors the user 

it also must be on on at least 1 desktop or else konqueror will have to be rebuilt to change deskt0p priorities.

or of course different directories for each desktop would work but it may duplicate files/shortcuts. It would probably be easier to implement but it is not the best solution.

I would like to try it but too many files need manipulated for just me to add it; i'm still learning the code a bit and i think 3-4 files need changed just to switch directories. could be nice if it took the files from a default directory and an additional directory.
Comment 31 Tristan RABLAT 2008-01-24 23:17:06 UTC
Is there any works around this feature (maybe for kde 4)? I think this should have been done since the beginning of Multi-Desktop concept...
Comment 32 Zayed Al-Saidi 2008-04-01 07:28:17 UTC
I think it is the right time to implement this feature. Just assign for each desktop a desktop containment.  
Comment 33 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-06-12 12:56:23 UTC
*** Bug 62153 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 34 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-06-12 12:58:05 UTC
this has got to be the oldest wish against plasma. it predates it by, what, 6 or 7 years? ;-P

in any case, this is on the 4.2 roadmap for plasma.
Comment 35 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-06-13 03:00:51 UTC
*** Bug 162900 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 36 Tarah Wheeler 2008-09-11 03:16:40 UTC
I want different virtual desktops to be configurable with different widgets, wallpaper, and icons more than any other feature.  Please, please implement this; if I could help I would.
Comment 37 Hope Persen 2008-09-12 05:21:11 UTC
@Zayed, Tara

Ditto.  I want different stuff on each desktop.
Comment 38 Karol Kanclerz 2008-09-12 20:26:22 UTC
Use virtual machine instead?

Plasma per desktop sounds good, waiting for 4.2 ;-)
Comment 39 Karol Kanclerz 2008-09-13 01:24:35 UTC
Ups, fixed.
Comment 40 Karol Kanclerz 2008-09-13 01:32:44 UTC
Oops, that was. Nothing to you, up there.
(fixed CC list)
Comment 41 FiNeX 2008-11-15 11:55:50 UTC
I think this can be considered as implemented :-)

I've just tested plasma with some different containments, different wallpapers and different widgets on each containment :-)
Comment 42 Fri13 2009-01-11 14:30:59 UTC
I think the current plasma (4.2 RC1) still has few usability problems for this wish to come true. It is too dificult (is it even possible?) to remove containments and adjust a different wallpaper to every virtual desktop along own widgets too. 

Comment 43 BRULE Herman 2009-01-31 10:12:16 UTC
+1 One activity by virtual desktop.
Comment 44 mike 2010-03-27 06:35:06 UTC
Currently a gnome user but I will switch to any DE that makes this a simple reality.  I'm currently using hardy so might not be able to make use of any recent changes but will be looking into KDE when the next LTS version is released.