Hello, I am not sure if I am allowed to move bug reports. Here is the original: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=434640 And here are the lines that need to be modified: *** in kcalc/kcalc.po msgctxt "n Choose m" msgid "nCm" msgstr "Choix de m parmi n" - Too long. Should be "nCm" msgid "n Choose m" msgstr "n parmi m" - Wrong. Should be "Combinaisons de m parmi n" Looking at real world scientific calculators sold in France, the 'Shift' button seems to be labeled: "Shift", "Seconde", "2nde" or "2nd". I find that "Inverse" (as suggested in the original bug report) may be confusing. It also seems too long. msgid "Shift" msgstr "Majuscule" - Should be "Shift", "2nde" or "2nd". Note: it has to be short, and "Seconde" seems to be too long. msgctxt "Second button functions are active" msgid "SHIFT" msgstr "MAJ" - Should be "SHIFT" or "2NDE" or "2ND". Note: it also has to be short. msgid "Second button function" msgstr "Second bouton de fonction" - I think "Bouton de fonction secondaire" would make more sense Best regards
Thank you for the report. I've updated the translation in https://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=1663604 (I went with 2nde for the Shift translation)