Bug 44880 - would like to be able to strip tags from html messages
Summary: would like to be able to strip tags from html messages
Alias: None
Product: kdepim
Classification: Applications
Component: messageviewer (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: RedHat Enterprise Linux Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
: 47507 57776 107802 130132 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-07-08 14:48 UTC by Rob
Modified: 2015-01-06 07:04 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 14.12.1
Sentry Crash Report:

Prototype patch to integrate lynx in KMail (1.02 KB, patch)
2011-08-07 12:30 UTC, Thomas Fischer

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Rob 2002-07-08 14:41:42 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package:           kmail
Version:           1.4.1 (using KDE 3.0.0 )
Severity:          wishlist
Installed from:    Red Hat Linux 7.2.93
Compiler:          gcc version 2.96 20000731 (Red Hat Linux 7.3 2.96-110)
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.4.18-3
OS/Compiler notes: 

I set KMail to display all messages as plaintext but this makes html messages quite unreadable.
Would it be possible to strip all html tags from a message when I view it as plaintext?

It would also be very convenient if html tags could be stripped when I reply to an html message.

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
(Called from KBugReport dialog)
Comment 1 Ingo Klöcker 2003-08-31 20:52:08 UTC
*** Bug 47507 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Ingo Klöcker 2003-08-31 20:52:30 UTC
*** Bug 57776 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Tom Albers 2005-09-20 19:52:04 UTC
*** Bug 107802 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Christian Loose 2006-07-03 10:54:30 UTC
*** Bug 130132 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Christian Schmitz 2007-02-13 23:48:13 UTC
I agree with this feature. Is very needed. I think that will be great if add a 3 viewing option:
-strip HTML

simply ignoring the tags.


Comment 6 Nick Shaforostoff 2008-12-06 05:48:00 UTC
how ofter do you get mails only with html?

i walked through my mail and found only mails containing both plain and html parts.
Comment 7 peter_s_d 2008-12-07 13:12:54 UTC
Just often enough to be annoying.  
Comment 8 Christian Schmitz 2008-12-07 22:50:00 UTC
for example suscribe to www.chistes.com yo will receive a mail with a joke in spanish every day. This is in HTML only.
below is a paste of complete email so there is no important data. 
Is not hard to strip (only erase all within "<??>") But i dont know how or where put a perl pharser.


Return-Path: <noreply@chistes.com>
X-Original-To: my@email
Delivered-To: my@email
Received: from emls3.wwz.com (emls3.wwz.com [])
	by schweb.com.ar (Postfix) with ESMTP id A0B2B47054
	for <my@email>; Sun,  7 Dec 2008 03:34:14 -0300 (ART)
From: "Chistes.com" <noreply@chistes.com>
To: <my@email>
Subject: Su Chiste Del Dia - Christian
Content-Type: text/html
Date: Sun,  7 Dec 2008 00:27:52 -0600
Message-Id: <20081207063416.A0B2B47054@schweb.com.ar>
Status: R
X-Status: NC

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Comment 9 Nick Shaforostoff 2008-12-07 23:40:52 UTC
well, I'm not a kmail developer, and I'd like to know their opinion.

Qt has widget wich supports a limited set of html, what's the reason behind having 'plain text' option and not replacing it with 'simple html'? Qt's renderer is very lightweight and is for sure secure (well, maybe we can just warn user when he clicks a link).


your html rendered readable, w/o forms and background
Comment 10 Allan Sandfeld 2008-12-08 00:14:34 UTC
KMail could use the DOM feature element.innerText, this works like innerHTML except it strips all HTML/XML tags. So after KHTML has parsed a page/email, you can access the plain-text version by reading body.innerText.
Comment 11 peter_s_d 2008-12-08 00:20:32 UTC
I'm not a developer either.  

Perhaps there could be a hierarchy; 
don't interpret anything and show the code, 
don't interpret anything and don't show the code, 
high security simple interpretation, 
moderately secure complex interpretation.   
Comment 12 Thomas Thym 2008-12-09 14:30:03 UTC
Great idea! I like it. 

Maybe it is possible to add those 3 or 4 buttons in the header (to gether with "load external images" instead of the red warning text). It would make it much more easier for me to read mails and so switch between text and html modes.

Comment 13 Thomas Fischer 2010-12-01 13:50:46 UTC
A feature such as with  lynx -dump  would be nice. Lynx converts everything to plain text, but considers HTML formatting, e.g. for list environments.

BTW, what is KDE's or Kontact's policy on using external programs like lynx? I.e. it would be easy to check during run-time to see if lynx is available and use it to "render" an HTML text, but fall back to the current behavior if it was not available.
Comment 14 Thomas Fischer 2011-08-07 12:30:22 UTC
Created attachment 62637 [details]
Prototype patch to integrate lynx in KMail

This is a patch which uses lynx to "render" HTML code to plain text. I had no recent kdepim libraries installed (hacked at DS 2011), but the concept should be clear. If there is interest in such a solution, I will look into refining it.
Comment 15 Torgny Nyblom 2011-08-08 12:04:54 UTC
Is there anyway this could be made using QtWebKit?
If not then the program used should be configurable as some might have another text mode browser installed.

And what is the real usecase for this?
HTML display only uses html elements present in the actual mail and executes no scripts or does any access to the internet without being told so by the user.
Comment 16 Thomas Fischer 2011-08-08 12:16:18 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)
> Is there anyway this could be made using QtWebKit?
To my knowledge no, as WebKit is made for graphical presentation of HTML code and you still would need some translation step. Using lynx would avoid re-inventing the wheel.

> If not then the program used should be configurable as some might have another
> text mode browser installed.
That would be possible. My patch so far is just a proof-of-concept and can be expanded. My idea would be to keep it automagically if possible, i.e automatically falling back to e.g. links2 if lynx is not available.

> And what is the real usecase for this?
> HTML display only uses html elements present in the actual mail and executes no
> scripts or does any access to the internet without being told so by the user.
It is not only about malicious HTML code, but also about really badly formatted HTML code such as spam, mails from people with bad taste regarding fonts and colors, purists who despise any formatting at all, but like to keep a basic text structure etc.
Comment 17 Torgny Nyblom 2011-08-09 05:55:14 UTC
If I understand correctly this is for those who get html only mail (against the RFC:s) and who wish to overrule the formatting. If this is true then I wont' accept this patch as it adds more then it solves. If not could you please clarify for me the real usage?
Comment 18 Christian Schmitz 2011-08-09 14:45:15 UTC
I write this script, need be refined in case of "<img" tag when is slited into 2 different lines.

This script remove any type of html tag keeping links to images as text, 
links to url is keeped as text.

I hope was usefull to the comunity. 

# script que convierte los emails HTML a TXT
# ideal para usar en kmail
# $block=0  // no se acarrea nada del renglon anterior
# $block=1  // se esta buscando una URL (ej: <img src=http:xxxx >) que fue iniciado en otro renglon
# $block=2  // se esta buscando un FIN de tag HTML que fue iniciado en otro renglon.
$filtrado	=0;	#Si ha habido alguna linea filtrada
$activo		=1;	#Debe parsear el mail
$special	=0;	#
$block		=0;     #Se esta borrando un block de renglones
$block_fin	="";
$str_fin	=">";
	" href=",
	" src=",

	chomp $reng;
	print "\nIN   :$reng\n";
	if( $block==1 ){
	if( $block==2 ){
	if( $block==0 ){
	 	foreach $tag (@htmltags){
			my $tag		="<img";
			my $str_url	="src=";
			my $str_fin	=">";
#	if( length($reng)>0){
		print "b=$block     : $reng\n";
		print "$reng\n";
#	};
# 	if( $filtrado>20){
#	exit 0;
# 	}
	print "       :";
close IN;
if( $filtrado!=0){
	print "filtrado por kmail-html-strip\n";

sub strip{
	my $tag 	=$_[0];
	my $reng	=$_[1];
	my $str_fin	=$_[2];
	my $r_len	=length($reng);
	my $t_len	=length($tag);
	my $s_len	=length($str_fin);
	my $inicio	=0;
	while(substr($reng,$inicio,$t_len) ne $tag && $inicio<= $r_len){$inicio++;}
	while(substr($reng,$fin,$s_len) ne $str_fin && $fin<= $r_len){$fin++;}
	if($fin>$r_len && substr($reng,$fin,$s_len) ne $str_fin){

return $reng
# En caso de tag abierto antes
sub strip_fin{
	my $reng  	=$_[0];
	my $str_fin	=$_[1];
	my $r_len 	=length($reng);
	my $fin 	=0;
	my $s_len	=length($str_fin);
#	while(substr($reng,$fin,1) ne ">" && $fin<= $r_len){$fin++;}
	while(substr($reng,$fin,$s_len) ne $str_fin && $fin<= $r_len){$fin++;}
	if($fin>$r_len && substr($reng,$fin,1) ne ">"){
	return $reng;

sub strip_url{
	my $reng  	=$_[0];
	my $str_url	=$_[1];
	my $str_fin	=$_[2];
	my $r_len	=length($reng);
	my $t_len	=length($tag);
	my $u_len	=length($str_url);
	my $f_len	=length($str_fin);
	my $url_ini	=0;
	my $url_fin	=0;
	my $tag_fin	=0;
	while(substr($reng,$url_ini,$u_len) ne $str_url && $url_ini<= $r_len){$url_ini++;}
	print "tag_ini=---  url_ini=$url_ini url_fin=---- tag_fin=----- r_len=$r_len\n";
	if($url_ini>$r_len && substr($reng,$url_ini,$u_len) ne $str_url){
		# solo se inicio el tag sin encontrarse URL
#		$reng= substr($reng,0,$tag_ini);
			if ( $tp eq "\"" || $tp eq " " || $tp eq ">"){
	while(substr($reng,$tag_fin,$f_len) ne $str_fin && $tag_fin<= $r_len){$tag_fin++;}
	if($tag_fin>$r_len && substr($reng,$tag_fin,$f_len) ne $str_fin){
	print "tag_ini=---  url_ini=$url_ini url_fin=$url_fin tag_fin=$tag_fin r_len=$r_len\n";
	$reng =substr($reng,$url_ini,$url_fin-$url_ini).substr($reng,$tag_fin);
sub strip_special{
	print "special strip\n";
	my $reng  	=$_[0];
	my $tag		=$_[1];
	my $str_url	=$_[2];
	my $str_fin	=$_[3];
# 	my $tag		="<img";
# 	my $str_url	="src=";
# 	my $str_fin	=">";
	my $delimiter	="";
	my $r_len	=length($reng);
	my $t_len	=length($tag);
	my $u_len	=length($str_url);
	my $f_len	=length($str_fin);
	my $tag_ini	=0;
	my $url_ini	=0;
	my $url_fin	=0;
	my $tag_fin	=0;
	while(substr($reng,$tag_ini,$t_len) ne $tag && $tag_ini<= $r_len){$tag_ini++;}
	while(substr($reng,$url_ini,$u_len) ne $str_url && $url_ini<= $r_len){$url_ini++;}
	if($url_ini>$r_len && substr($reng,$url_ini,$u_len) ne $str_url){
		# solo se inicio el tag sin encontrarse URL
		$reng= substr($reng,0,$tag_ini);
	} else {
			if ( $tp eq "\"" || $tp eq " " || $tp eq ">"){
		while(substr($reng,$tag_fin,$f_len) ne $str_fin && $tag_fin<= $r_len){$tag_fin++;}
		if($tag_fin>$r_len && substr($reng,$tag_fin,$f_len) ne $str_fin){
		$reng =substr($reng,0,$tag_ini).substr($reng,$url_ini,$url_fin-$url_ini).substr($reng,$tag_fin+$f_len);
	print "tag_ini=$tag_ini  url_ini=$url_ini url_fin=$url_fin tag_fin=$tag_fin r_len=$r_len\n";
#	print "$reng\n";

return $reng;
Comment 19 peter_s_d 2011-08-14 07:02:13 UTC
Torgny in #17, 

I am going blind.  

I want a screen reader.  It will be easier to get a screen reader working properly if the intermediate step proposed above is already working.  

Sadly other people _send_ emails that do not conform to RFCs, or my taste.  :-(  There is nothing that we can do to stop them.  I would strongly oppose generating non-standard messages.  Do you really object to displaying messages any way that the recipient likes, or even needs?  

Christian in #18, 

How is your script supposed to be installed and used?  Should it just be copied to somewhere on $PATH?
Comment 20 Torgny Nyblom 2011-08-14 14:25:16 UTC
(In reply to comment #19)
> I want a screen reader.  It will be easier to get a screen reader working
> properly if the intermediate step proposed above is already working.  
> Sadly other people _send_ emails that do not conform to RFCs, or my taste.  :-(

Use case for helping screen readers: Yes that is a valid argument in my book.
Fixing mails that do not conform to personal taste is not.

>  There is nothing that we can do to stop them.  I would strongly oppose
> generating non-standard messages.  Do you really object to displaying messages
> any way that the recipient likes

 - yes, the formatting of a mail is up to the sender to decide, also any reformatting means more code for us to maintain.

>, or even needs?

 - no, due to that I'll see what I can do.
Comment 21 Christian Schmitz 2011-08-15 13:03:02 UTC
Torgny, my script is located into /home/user/bin

I configure a filter rule: All email from certain sender pass through pipe.

So the email come in from STDIN, and out striped to STDOUT.

Warning, is experimental but functional. i accept any help and suggestion about this.
Comment 22 Laurent Montel 2015-01-06 07:04:07 UTC
Git commit a291bd83397eb74d3a2dde3a5d04ba00b6190d7a by Montel Laurent.
Committed on 06/01/2015 at 07:03.
Pushed by mlaurent into branch 'KDE/4.14'.

Fix Bug 44880 - would like to be able to strip tags from html messages

FIXED-IN: 14.12.1

M  +15   -6    messageviewer/viewer/objecttreeparser.cpp
