Bug 447119 - Summary: Dolphin/Baloo search with symlinks
Summary: Summary: Dolphin/Baloo search with symlinks
Alias: None
Product: dolphin
Classification: Applications
Component: search (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Linux
: HI normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Dolphin Bug Assignee
: 333678 424871 435383 439438 442786 446715 447896 459572 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2021-12-17 10:37 UTC by tagwerk19
Modified: 2025-03-12 15:30 UTC (History)
23 users (show)

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Description tagwerk19 2021-12-17 10:37:23 UTC

    A review of Dolphin/Baloo search issues with symlinks (summarising the different
    issues to allow duplicates to be closed)


    Baloo, when indexing, does not "follow" symbolic links and index the files and
    folders referenced. If you have not explicitly included the target folders
    "to be indexed", then a baloo search will not find the files.

    Baloo assumes there's a one-to-one mapping between the filename and the index's
    internal ID and can trip up if this is not the case.

This issue manifests itself in several ways - and there are three/four variables in play, two with the indexing:

    Where you've created the symlink (in a folder indexed by baloo or not?)

    Where the symlink is pointing (is the real/target folder being indexed by
    baloo or not?)

and then with the way you are searching:

    If you are searching "From Here" in Dolphin, does Dolphin think that "Here" is
    indexed by baloo or not?

    If searching "Your Files" (or "Everywhere") in Dolphin rather than under a
    particular folder with "From Here".

This means rather many test cases but fortunately not so many different real behaviours 8-]

    Note that Dolphin reads the list of folders indexed by baloo and queries baloo
    when it thinks baloo knows. If Dolphin thinks that baloo has not indexed the
    "needed" folders, it will do it's own "there and then" search. (The processes here
    are baloosearch and filenamesearch)

    This is a rabbit hole all of it's own, see the summary:


Case 1...

    Dolphin asks baloo for search results, the folder holding the symlink and the
    target folder are indexed.

    As an example, baloo is indexing your home directory and you've created a
    symlink in ~/Desktop to ~/Documents

    In this case the command line baloosearch and Dolphin's Ctrl-F search will
    return hits - and the files will be given with their canonical names (the
    real/target folders).

    In the example, the hits will be files under ~/Documents. All is good.

... 1a

    A watch point is, if you are in Dolphin, follow the symlink to get to
    ~/Desktop/Documents and search "From Here", you will not get any hits.
    Baloo has indexed ~/Documents and Dolphin is querying for results under
    ~/Desktop/Documents. Worse, Dolphin does not help you distinguish between
    the cases, both show searching "From Here (Documents)".

    Bug 333678, Bug 434610 (maybe), Bug 435383 and Bug 442786 are instances of this...

    Bug 442786 shows just how confusing this can be: if baloo is enabled you will
    not get any hits searching "From Here" whereas if baloo is disabled, Dolphin will
    do it's own filenamesearch and you *will* get hits.

Case 2...

    Dolphin asks baloo for search results, the folder holding the symlink is being
    indexed but the target is *not*.

    As an example, baloo is indexing your home directory, you've created a symlink
    in your home to a separate disk you've mounted as /media/morespace 

    In this case the target folders are not being indexed. Baloosearch and Dolphin's
    Ctrl-F search won't return anything

    This is confusing if you thought baloo followed the links and indexed the target
    directories and, as said, baloo doesn't do that. 

... 2a

    The solution is to add "/media/morespace" to the list of included folders in
    System Settings > Search (or by adding it to the folders[$e] line in

    When this done, searches will work and give the "Canonical names" as above.
    However maybe that's not quite what you're expecting (you want the hits to
    show the symlink and not dereference it to show the target file/folder. This
    expectation gets complicated if you have more than one symlink...)

    This solution also means that if you are in your Home Directory and search in
    Dolphin "From Here", you won't get hits from your "/media/morespace" folders.

    Alternative is to search "Your Files" ("Everywhere" of old and it's worth remembering
    that the simple command line "baloosearch searchterms" give you results
    from "Everywhere")

    Bug 439438 and Bug 446715 are instances of this... 

... 2b

    Empirically, it also seems possible to tell baloo to index the symlink. That is, to
    index ~/morespace rather than the target /media/morespace. It seems that querying
    baloo then gives the hits "as if" in under ~/morespace.

    However, in Bug 435383, it was said "Don't do that":


Case 3...

    You've created a symlink in a folder that is not indexed by baloo.

    If you are in a folder not indexed by baloo, Dolphin will drop back
    to it's own "there and then" search, as mentioned in:


    The challenge is to work out if Dolphin is asking baloo for the search
    results or not. Dolphin gives you a slight clue, if the search box looks like this:


    then Dolphin is asking baloo (and you see that you can specify extra search
    criteria) whereas if it looks like this:

    then Dolphin will do its own filenamesearch.

    As an example, by default Fedora does not index your home directory, just
    the ~/Documents, ~/Music, ~/Pictures, ~/Videos folders.

    If you've created a symlink on your ~/Desktop pointing to ~/Documents and:

        You are in ~/Documents and searching "From Here":

             You'll be querying baloo and it will find the hits under ~/Documents and
             you'll see them in the Dolphin search

        You have followed your symlink to ~/Desktop/Documents (which is not indexed)
        and are searching "From Here":

             You'll do a recursive Dolphin filenamesearch and see results "under"

        You are in your Home folder (also not indexed) and are searching "From Here":

             You'll do a recursive filenamesearch though your entire home directory
             (including following symlinks) and you'll get duplicated results from both
             ~/Documents and ~/Desktop/Documents 

    This is *difficult*. Bug 436737 is an example of the confusion. 


    Baloo should follow symlinks and index target folders (at least those mounted
    in /etc/fstab)

    Baloo/Dolphin searches should give the same result set, independent of whether
    the search "is from" the symlink or the target directory. The full filenames
    returned should probably reflect the "From Here"

    That is - searching from ~/morespace gives results under morespace, similarly
    if searching from your home directory. Searching from /media/morespace gives
    the results under there and similarly searching "Your Files" (or
    "Everywhere") returns results as per their real filename. There's an implication
    here that baloo is clever with symlinks, indexes the "real filenames" but can do
    searches based on the symlink.

    Dolphin filename searches, whether via baloosearch or falling back to filenamesearch,
    should give the same results.
Comment 1 tagwerk19 2021-12-18 08:46:31 UTC
*** Bug 435383 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 tagwerk19 2021-12-18 09:05:04 UTC
*** Bug 439438 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 tagwerk19 2021-12-18 09:13:32 UTC
*** Bug 442786 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 tagwerk19 2021-12-18 09:19:23 UTC
*** Bug 446715 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 tagwerk19 2021-12-18 09:34:46 UTC
*** Bug 424871 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 tagwerk19 2021-12-18 09:52:12 UTC
*** Bug 333678 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 tagwerk19 2022-01-05 13:08:39 UTC
*** Bug 447896 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 8 tagwerk19 2022-02-06 15:04:17 UTC
>   Lets say I have a folder located in my pictures. And I have an shortcut to that
>   folder in my documents. So when I click the short cut, the directory is
>   "documents/custom-shortcut-link/" instead of "pictures/custom-folder-in-pictures"
>   The work around for this at least is when you create a shortcut, is right click
>   an open space in dolphin. Create new -> Link to Location (url) instead of
>   Create new -> Link to File or Directory. This will still get you to your
>   location, but instead it puts you in "pictures/custom-folder-in-pictures"

This helps where baloo has indexed the folders, you follow a symlink on the desktop and don't get any results when you search. "Case 1a" in the summary....

The "Link to Location (URL)" works like a change directory and not a symbolic link.

Baloo will not automatically index anything pointed to using "Link to Location", you would need to make sure the destination folder was included in Baloo's "included folders" list (as per Case 2a...)

In the case where Baloo has not indexed the folders, Dolphin does its own "there and then" recursive search and doesn't follow the "Link to Location" references (whereas it does follow symlinks, described in Case 3). There's a difference in behaviour here...
Comment 9 tagwerk19 2022-07-22 11:05:34 UTC
See also:
    The trouble with symbolic links
Comment 10 Nathan Colinet 2022-10-04 06:56:00 UTC
*** Bug 459572 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 11 Stefan Brüns 2023-04-24 18:55:37 UTC
This is mostly a bug in dolphin, it should pass the canonical path to baloo.

When you use `baloosearch -d ...`, it will return results even when the specified directory path contains symlinks, as it resolves the specified directory to its canonical path.

In case you wonder why canonicalization is the callers (in this case dolphin) responsibility: Canonicalization is a potentially blocking file system operation. Dolphin can use KIO to resolve the path without blocking the UI, it may even already have the canonical path at hand.
Comment 12 Stefan Brüns 2023-04-24 19:03:02 UTC
> ls -l . ; readlink -f /home/stefan/Sources/testdata/symlink_parent/testdata/symlink ; \
>  baloosearch -v ; baloosearch -i -d /home/stefan/Sources/testdata/symlink_parent/testdata/symlink foo
> insgesamt 3960
> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefan users       6 18. Mär 15:44 foo2.txt
> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefan users       6 18. Mär 15:44 foo.txt
> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefan users       6 18. Mär 15:08 hello.txt
> drwxr-xr-x 1 stefan users      36  5. Apr 12:18 Readonly
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 stefan users       1 24. Apr 20:32 symlink -> .
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 stefan users       2 24. Apr 20:36 symlink_parent -> ..
> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefan users 1340684 18. Mär 15:19 test2.wav
> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefan users 1340684 18. Mär 15:22 test3.wav
> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefan users 1340684 18. Mär 15:19 test.wav
> -rw-r--r-- 1 stefan users      12 18. Mär 15:08 world.txt
> /home/stefan/Sources/testdata
> Baloo 5.105.0
> 12ccf1f0000002d /home/stefan/Sources/testdata/foo2.txt
> 12ccf010000002d /home/stefan/Sources/testdata/foo.txt
> Elapsed: 0,125005 msecs

Dolphin returns the correct result only when the path of the current directory is its canonical name.
Comment 13 Bug Janitor Service 2023-04-24 23:32:48 UTC
A possibly relevant merge request was started @ https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/baloo/-/merge_requests/126
Comment 14 Stefan Brüns 2023-04-24 23:33:23 UTC
Git commit c40c6b2594d9b383e11ead53cc56ceaf9d51f62c by Stefan Brüns.
Committed on 24/04/2023 at 19:33.
Pushed by bruns into branch 'master'.

baloosearch: Inform the user when the specified dir is not canonical

The path supplied for any queries must use the canonical form. baloosearch
already uses the canonical form, but does so silently. Inform the user
when the actual used path differs, to aid debugging.

M  +8    -1    src/tools/baloosearch/main.cpp

Comment 15 Stefan Brüns 2023-04-24 23:34:22 UTC
Git commit d313aa5d0b4122aee26a1a2f7dab6054d7eb5cd1 by Stefan Brüns.
Committed on 24/04/2023 at 19:35.
Pushed by bruns into branch 'kf5'.

baloosearch: Inform the user when the specified dir is not canonical

The path supplied for any queries must use the canonical form. baloosearch
already uses the canonical form, but does so silently. Inform the user
when the actual used path differs, to aid debugging.
(cherry picked from commit c40c6b2594d9b383e11ead53cc56ceaf9d51f62c)

M  +8    -1    src/tools/baloosearch/main.cpp

Comment 16 tagwerk19 2023-04-26 09:38:04 UTC
(In reply to Stefan Brüns from comment #12)
> Dolphin returns the correct result only when the path of the current directory is its canonical name.
Meaning that Dolphin should follow any symlinks before doing a search and (silently) query baloo with the canonical path? Although I'm not sure whether Dolphin should then show the results relative to the symlink or with the canonical path.

It makes sense ...

    ... although it implies that the index *only* ever contains canonical paths.

Would also need to be careful that baloosearch and filenamesearch do the same thing.

Edge cases?

    $ balooshow -x  path-including-symlink
    $ balooctl index path-including-symlink
    $ balooctl clear path-including-symlink

and then evil baloofilerc includes such as


where you've got a symlink on your Desktop to your Documents folder?

I think the "balooctl index" (and "balooctl clear") does things properly but I suspect that the evil include does not...
Comment 17 Stefan Brüns 2023-04-26 22:30:43 UTC
(In reply to tagwerk19 from comment #16)
> (In reply to Stefan Brüns from comment #12)
> > Dolphin returns the correct result only when the path of the current directory is its canonical name.
> Meaning that Dolphin should follow any symlinks before doing a search and
> (silently) query baloo with the canonical path? Although I'm not sure
> whether Dolphin should then show the results relative to the symlink or with
> the canonical path.

The "Path" column should display the canonical path. After all, that's where the file is actually located. (And in case the symlink started on a different filesystem, also the place where the space is consumed).

This is consistent with how directory sizes are calculated, symlinks are not followed, otherwise you may count files several times.

> It makes sense ...
>     ... although it implies that the index *only* ever contains canonical
> paths.
> Would also need to be careful that baloosearch and filenamesearch do the
> same thing.
> Edge cases?
>     $ balooshow -x  path-including-symlink

balooshow already handles this correctly, the canonical path is shown in square brackets (if it differs from the specified path):

> balooshow -x ~/Sources/testdata/symlink_parent/testdata/hello.txt 
> 12ccd4a0000002d 45 19713354 /home/stefan/Sources/testdata/symlink_parent/testdata/hello.txt [/home/stefan/Sources/testdata/hello.txt]

>     $ balooctl index path-including-symlink
>     $ balooctl clear path-including-symlink
> and then evil baloofilerc includes such as
>     folders[$e]=$HOME/Desktop/Documents
> where you've got a symlink on your Desktop to your Documents folder?
> I think the "balooctl index" (and "balooctl clear") does things properly but
> I suspect that the evil include does not...

In case it is not, this should be trivial to fix.

Also, if you break it, you may keep both parts.
Comment 18 cybea 2023-09-06 17:56:17 UTC
It would be really great if this could be fixed (especially case 1a) since baloo search feels broken if there are files you know of but nothing is displayed. Doing a "dolphin filenamesearch" as a fallback could be considered as well.
Maybe anyone can increase the importance of this bug?

(To me this looks like many bugs and having only one bug report could make tracking and prioritizing harder. But I appreciate having this overview.)
Comment 19 tagwerk19 2023-09-08 06:30:21 UTC
(In reply to cybea from comment #18)
> ... To me this looks like many bugs and having only one bug report could make
> tracking and prioritizing harder. But I appreciate having this overview ...
I can see that, what was happening though was we had been drowning under a wave of overlapping reports.

If there's a new report, we have the choice of flagging it as a duplicate or leaving it and cross-referencing with a "see also".

There is, I think, the possibility of creating a  "tracking bug" that gets resolved when all the component issues are resolved. I've no experience of these and am not sure whether it would be appropriate here...
Comment 20 lzz 2024-10-13 01:26:22 UTC
This is very frustrating.
I have Documents, Downloads, Pictures and Music folders as symlinks to HDDs, since I don't want to waste precious SSD space with those things. I have several terabytes of videos.

It was very frustrating for me at first, because I would believe the message saying it couldn't find anything, think the got deleted or lost somehow.
After this happening a few times I noticed that the search was broken. But it was inconsistent, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, and I didn't know why.
Only after figuring it out that the problem was with symlinks, I learned to work around the issue by opening the real folder directly.

My point is that this problem doesn't make clear to the user that something went wrong, so it's twice as bad. In my opinion, this needs to be prioritized. At very least, disable the search from within symlinks or display an error message to the user.
Comment 21 tagwerk19 2024-10-13 13:58:58 UTC
(In reply to lzz from comment #20)
> This is very frustrating ...
> ... At very least, disable the search from within symlinks or display an error
> message to the user ...
You could probably recursively explore the folders under your home directory (when you are looking at the folders in System Settings > File Search), possibly flag the symlinks and show what they are referencing. That could work.

But if you are using the default config, and not looking in System Settings, and then create a symlink, there's not really an opportunity or place to show an error.

> ... it was inconsistent, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't, and I didn't know why ...
Yes. Indeed painful: Baloo indexing does not follow symlinks, Dolphin's internal filesearch does follow them. That's just so messy.
Comment 22 Fabian Maurer 2025-01-01 05:28:21 UTC
> Yes. Indeed painful: Baloo indexing does not follow symlinks, Dolphin's
> internal filesearch does follow them. That's just so messy.

Dolphin search (baloo disabled) doesn't seem to follow symlinks. If a file is in a subfolder, but that subfolder is a symlink, it is not found.
Comment 23 tagwerk19 2025-01-10 12:23:37 UTC
(In reply to Fabian Maurer from comment #22)
> Dolphin search (baloo disabled) doesn't seem to follow symlinks. If a file
> is in a subfolder, but that subfolder is a symlink, it is not found.
I don't see that happen in Neon... I tried:

    mkdir testfolder testfolder2 testfolder3
    ( cd testfolder && ln -sf ../testfolder2 )
    ( cd testfolder2 && ln -sf ../testfolder3 )
    ( cd testfolder3 && echo "Hello Penguin" > testfile.txt )

Then I go to testfolder in Dolphin and search for testfile with a filenamesearch, Dolphin finds it.

If you still see this, it's probably best to create a new bug report that includes details of your system.
Comment 24 KOT040188 2025-03-07 18:18:20 UTC
For a month I can’t understand why the search does not work and only now I have found this bug! When will it be fixed ?????
Comment 25 tagwerk19 2025-03-09 07:27:56 UTC
(In reply to KOT040188 from comment #24)
> For a month I can’t understand why the search does not work and only now I
> have found this bug! When will it be fixed ?????
Bug 447119 is really a bundle, a collection references to bugs in Baloo and Dolphin's internal search. Each have their curious and annoying behaviours.

Have you hit problems with Baloo or Dolphin's own search?

I think if the issue is that Baloo does silently follow symlinks to different disks or folders outside your home directory, then the option is to explicitly include the folder you want to index in the "System Settings > File Search". Otherwise best open a new bug with the description of the trouble you are having and we can pin it down.
Comment 26 KOT040188 2025-03-09 11:24:39 UTC
> I think if the issue is that Baloo does silently follow symlinks to
> different disks or folders outside your home directory, then the option is
> to explicitly include the folder you want to index in the "System Settings >
> File Search".

I did that, but it didn't work. Nothing changed. Dolphin still doesn't look for anything in symlinks.
Comment 27 tagwerk19 2025-03-09 13:01:02 UTC
(In reply to tagwerk19 from comment #25)
> ... Baloo does silently follow symlinks to
> different disks or folders outside your home directory ... 
Madness... that really should have been "does NOT silently follow symlinks". Some typos are worse than others :-/

(In reply to KOT040188 from comment #26)
> I did that, but it didn't work. Nothing changed. Dolphin still doesn't look
> for anything in symlinks.
First thing in that case is to work out how Dolphin is doing the searching - Is it checking the Baloo index or not? Then check whether Baloo has indexed your new partitions/folders.

When you get the search box that has an "Any Type", "Any Date", "Any Rating" and "Add Tags" underneath it, Dolphin thinks that Baloo has the answers. You'll get the box with "Filename", "Content", "From Here", "Your Files" in either case...

If you are doing a Baloo search, you can try from the command line, try a:
    $ baloosearch one-of-your-files.txt
Maybe that will be baloosearch6, it depends on your distro. You can also try a:
    $ balooshow -x one-of-your-files.txt
which lists everything (well, a lot of info) about the file - if Baloo knows about it.
Comment 28 KOT040188 2025-03-09 13:08:10 UTC
> First thing in that case is to work out how Dolphin is doing the searching - Is it checking the Baloo index or not? 

How to do this?
Comment 29 tagwerk19 2025-03-09 13:17:58 UTC
(In reply to KOT040188 from comment #28)
> How to do this?
Type a Ctrl-F to get the search box and see what lines you have underneath. Do you have a line including sets of drop down menus to select the Type, Date, Rating? (I realise that if you don't see these, you have no idea what I'm talking about!)
Comment 30 KOT040188 2025-03-09 13:26:24 UTC
(In reply to tagwerk19 from comment #29)
> (In reply to KOT040188 from comment #28)
> > How to do this?
> Type a Ctrl-F to get the search box and see what lines you have underneath.
> Do you have a line including sets of drop down menus to select the Type,
> Date, Rating? (I realise that if you don't see these, you have no idea what
> I'm talking about!)

Yes, I have that.
Comment 31 Luigi Baldoni 2025-03-09 13:53:07 UTC
(In reply to tagwerk19 from comment #27)

> First thing in that case is to work out how Dolphin is doing the searching -
> Is it checking the Baloo index or not? 

Would it be possible to have finder search without using the baloo index and without opening a second window?
Comment 32 tagwerk19 2025-03-09 14:14:57 UTC
(In reply to KOT040188 from comment #30)
> Yes, I have that.
In that case see if the command line tools can find the files...

If they don't double check the includes you have set up in "System Settings > File Search", maybe stop and restart the indexer with:
   $ systemctl restart --user kde-baloo
This assumes you are on a system running systemd... You should be able to see if Ballo is running with a 
   $ systemctl status --user kde-baloo
Comment 33 tagwerk19 2025-03-09 14:21:14 UTC
(In reply to Luigi Baldoni from comment #31)
> ... Would it be possible to have finder search without using the baloo index and
> without opening a second window? ...
There is a rewrite of Dolphin's search UI on the way which should make this level of troubleshooting redundant.

You don't need to use Baloo unless you have built your workflows around tags (and use Dolphin's tag folders). If you don't run it you will notice searches being slower and not find results within documents, pdfs etc. But if it is giving you trouble you can disable it...
Comment 34 KOT040188 2025-03-09 16:09:26 UTC
> In that case see if the command line tools can find the files...

kot@kot-ms7917:~$ baloosearch6 'Dj Mellow-D - Best DJ of the Wrrld.m3u'
Затрачено: 0,373355 мс

And what should I understand here?
Comment 35 tagwerk19 2025-03-09 17:21:06 UTC
(In reply to KOT040188 from comment #34)
> kot@kot-ms7917:~$ baloosearch6 'Dj Mellow-D - Best DJ of the Wrrld.m3u'
> Затрачено: 0,373355 мс
> And what should I understand here?
Actually, that's *exactly* the information needed to pinpoint the bug :-)

You searched for a filename (playlist) and baloosearch didn't give any hits. There's a known bug, it's the single ' - ', all on its own.

Have a look at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=407664#c7, it looks as if there's an associated merge request.
Comment 36 lzz 2025-03-09 18:02:19 UTC
I noticed the previous posts, so I came here to provide some additional information about my case, in hope it helps.

First of all I'd like to let you know I am running Debian Unstable, so my packages are not the latest:

> Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12
> KDE Plasma Version: 6.3.2
> KDE Frameworks Version: 6.11.0
> Qt Version: 6.8.2
> Kernel Version: 6.12.17-amd64 (64-bit)
> Graphics Platform: Wayland

I have set Documents, Downloads, Music and Video folders in my home folder to other disks, using symlinks.

> lrwxrwxrwx 1 lzz lzz 26 set 27  2023 /home/lzz/Documents -> /mnt/kuropantsu/Documents/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 lzz lzz 26 set 27  2023 /home/lzz/Downloads -> /mnt/kuropantsu/Downloads/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 lzz lzz 23 set 27  2023 /home/lzz/Music -> /mnt/kuropantsu/musica/
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 lzz lzz 17 set 27  2023 /home/lzz/Videos -> /mnt/shimapantsu/

I have baloo installed and configured to index all those disks.

If I open Dolphin, go into my home folder and then open the Documents symlink (for example), then try to search for the exact name of a file 'lzz.txt', I get and empty list with "No items matching the search" message.
If I then open Dolphin and go to the real location of the symlink (/mnt/kuropantsu/Documents/) and search for the same file name, It finds and shows the file.
If I run in the console: ''lzz@hinagiku:~$ baloosearch6 -d ~/Documents lzz.txt" I get:
> Using canonical path '/mnt/kuropantsu/Documents' for '/home/lzz/Documents'
> /mnt/kuropantsu/Documents/lzz.txt
> Elapsed: 43,3554 msecs

I hope this helps. In case you need more information, I am willing to help.
Thank you guys.
Comment 37 tagwerk19 2025-03-09 19:37:07 UTC
(In reply to lzz from comment #36)
> ... I hope this helps ...
It does indeed, thank you
Comment 38 Luigi Baldoni 2025-03-10 16:40:15 UTC
(In reply to tagwerk19 from comment #33)
> (In reply to Luigi Baldoni from comment #31)
> > ... Would it be possible to have finder search without using the baloo index and
> > without opening a second window? ...
> There is a rewrite of Dolphin's search UI on the way which should make this
> level of troubleshooting redundant.
> You don't need to use Baloo unless you have built your workflows around tags
> (and use Dolphin's tag folders). If you don't run it you will notice
> searches being slower and not find results within documents, pdfs etc. But
> if it is giving you trouble you can disable it...

I disabled baloo and purged the index. Now dolphin can't find anything at all...
Comment 39 tagwerk19 2025-03-12 14:04:36 UTC
(In reply to Luigi Baldoni from comment #38)
> ... I disabled baloo and purged the index. Now dolphin can't find anything at
> all ...
If Baloo is diabled, Dolphin should fall back to its internal code (or maybe call ripgrep if you have it installed). In general the internal code is simple and reasonably bulletproof ...

On possible "gotcha" is if you want to search for a filename but have the "Content" search selected. A content search does not seach for matches in the filename, see Bug 463830, or https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=463830#c1 in particular
Comment 40 Luigi Baldoni 2025-03-12 15:29:44 UTC
(In reply to tagwerk19 from comment #39)
> (In reply to Luigi Baldoni from comment #38)
> > ... I disabled baloo and purged the index. Now dolphin can't find anything at
> > all ...
> If Baloo is diabled, Dolphin should fall back to its internal code (or maybe
> call ripgrep if you have it installed). In general the internal code is
> simple and reasonably bulletproof ...
> On possible "gotcha" is if you want to search for a filename but have the
> "Content" search selected. A content search does not seach for matches in
> the filename, see Bug 463830, or
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=463830#c1 in particular

Thanks, had to uncheck "Enable File Search" and not just the baloo systemd service.
It works now.
