I have recently set to open folders/files by double clicking instead of single click, in the plasma settings. While it works fine within dolphin, I cannot open any files or folder on my desktop. It is broken.
Steps to repro: 1. Set settings to double click in plasma settings 2. Try to open a folder/file by double clicking, which is on the desktop.
Works for me. What Qt version do you have installed? Qt has broken this before.
Yeah it started working a while ago session, but after restarting the system it stopped working again. My Qt is v5.14.1
*in one user session
Weird. I've also got Qt 5.14.1 and double-click works fine for me with Desktop icons.
Still working for me. Is this still broken for you?
If you can provide the information requested in comment 7, please add it. Please also try with a freshly created user account to rule out configuration issues.
Dear Bug Submitter, This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 15 days. Please provide the requested information as soon as possible and set the bug status as REPORTED. Due to regular bug tracker maintenance, if the bug is still in NEEDSINFO status with no change in 30 days the bug will be closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Bug_triaging If you have already provided the requested information, please mark the bug as REPORTED so that the KDE team knows that the bug is ready to be confirmed. Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
This bug has been in NEEDSINFO status with no change for at least 30 days. The bug is now closed as RESOLVED > WORKSFORME due to lack of needed information. For more information about our bug triaging procedures please read the wiki located here: https://community.kde.org/Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Bug_triaging Thank you for helping us make KDE software even better for everyone!
Hey sorry for the late answer. Tbh I have kinda given up reporting bugs related to plasma, but here we go. Yes the bug is still occuring to me. I have tried your suggestion of adding a new user. I did it the GUI way and encountered at least 3 plasma bugs again but who cares (last time I tried out wayland it completely destroyed my regular plasma session, so I have basically given up on experimenting). Anyways on a new session I cannot reproduce the bug. However I have only tried it once. As I said the issue is intermittend for me - meaning sometimes it just works, but other times it just doesn't. So not sure what to make of this, if you want any logs, I can provide it, however I am not going to reset my whole user session or anything comparable. I have a hard time avoiding bugs in plasma already, yet reconfiguring my session.
I have same bug. I found a relationship - if any section is selected in the application launch menu except for the favorites, for example (Computer / Applications / Exit, etc.), then links and folders on the desktop do not open. If you select favorites in the menu, then everything works fine. Versions: Kubuntu 20.10 KDE Plasma: 5.19.5 KDE Frameworks: 5.74.0 Qt: 5.14.2 Core: 5.8.38-generic
Hmm, I still can't reproduce that that. If I open kickoff and then double-click on a desktop file or folder while it's still open, it works no matter which page is open.
I have 240hz monitor. if i set 60hz mode all works fine. But if i set 240hz - desktop elements need to be clicked very quickly. Also the monitor mode affects the hold time of the notifications. (in the settings, 20 seconds are crushed, and the notification itself actually disappears in 5-7 seconds). In dolphin and other applications all works good.
Aha! That seems very relevant. Perhaps QML Timer objects aren't scaling by the refresh rate. That would be pretty sucky. I don't have any higher-than-average refresh rate screens to test, sadly.
Oh.. Okay. I will wait and try to find some solution =/
Found someone with a 144hz screen two graciously tested this, and he said it was working for him. How exactly did you set it the screen to 240hz mode? Just using the Display Configuration page in System Settings, or some command line tool, or something else? Also, Philip P, do you also have a high refresh rate screen?
Oh and also what GPU are you folks using?
I set mode in system configuration. And modify two files: in /.config/kwinrc in section [Compositing] i add parameter MaxFPS=240 in /etc/environment i added to the end of the file: LUTTER_DEFAULT_FPS=240 __GL_SYNC_DISPLAY_DEVICE=DP-2 without this modifications testufo.com displayed 60 Hz and the monitor continued to work in 60 Hz mode. If i removed my modifications desktop-elements you also need to click very quickly. I have a GPU: GTX 1060 3GB Driver: nvidia-driver-450 (proprietary)
Thanks for the info!
And yet - I have 2 monitors. second monitor (DVI-D) 60Hz. I tried to disable it and after reboot everything started working properly. But I need my second monitor. :/ (With the condition that the first will be 240 Hz) offtop: I would like to be able to set 265Hz, but I don't know how to do it =)
Ahh, so this is caused by your workaround for us not supporting mixed refresh rates on X11. :/ We just merged some big changes to support this on Wayland in Plasma 5.21. Maybe you can switch to Wayland and use that eventually. You're still using regular KWin, right? Not one of the forks? I wonder if it could actually be a bug in the proprietary Nvidia driver... We've had issues before where it caused timers and animations to go too fast.
I tried a lot of things to solve my frequency problems. I just recently switched to Linux and in particular KDE, so I don't even know how to switch this X11 to Wayland =) kwin --v showed (kwin 5.19.5) echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE showed (x11) for now, I'll try to test it with another video driver.
With the "X.Org server - Nouveau dusplay driver" I have a limit of 60 fps on both monitors and all elements of the desktop can be opened with a double click.
I'm starting to lean towards the Nvidia driver being at fault here. :)
Hey looks like this finally blew up a little :D Im also on a 240hz(DP)<->60hz(hdmi) setup. AMD RX470 graphics card here, with open drivers. I did not not modify an config files though, I was able to simply set the 240hz from the Plasma Settings. Same issue with the notifications (I never knew what the heck is wrong with then lol). The progress bar within notifications is also often not working correctly.. but that might also be a different bug :p
In my settings, too, 240 was set, but in the browser/games it was still 60. I had to look for an alternative solution. With the open driver, everything worked for me because all the monitors started working in 60Hz mode again. (although in the settings the first one is set to 240Hz) apparently because everything is synchronized on the monitor in DVE-D-0 (60Hz)
Moving to KWin for now; the developers there should be able to triage this further.
I am extremely lost as to what this bug is about. Comment #1 is about folderview The title is about QML Timer, which is /entirely/ client side. >Perhaps QML Timer objects aren't scaling by the refresh rate. That would be pretty sucky. Why would a timer be scaled? Can someone confirm a clear summary of what is known.
I just found two problems: 1. Files and folders don`t open by double click. But.. This problem don`t work if Comment 12. Or i set 60Hz mode on my DP-1 monitor. 2. Notifications hide faster if monitor mode > 60-120hz.
Created attachment 134944 [details] test case
Can you download the above and run "qmlscene test.qml" It's a timer, a double click, and an animation. I'm somewhat confused how there could be a link, and debugging with a whole plasma is an uphill battle as it has too much noise. Qt's Timer driven from the frame rate. QAnimationDriver is, but they serve different purposes. We have seen issues with QAnimationDriver getting confused. Running "kcmshell5 qtquicksettings" and selecting the basic render loop can suppress that
Test worked properly. In "kcmshell5 qtquicksettings" i set "simple" render loop in the list was (automatic simple and multi-threaded), restart PC - and everything start working properly! =) Thank you!
(sorry for the noise, I didn't see that the bug report was already moved back to plasma)
RESOLVED WAITINGFORINFO isn't a status that makes sense; re-opening. :) It seems like a workaround has been found, which hopefully helps to isolate the problem itself. It seems like the automatic or multi-threaded render loop settings are provoking this issue?
Yes. automatic and Multi-threaded methods include this problem.
>Test worked properly. Including the spinning rectangle on the right? If you run plasmashell --replace does the issue also go away?
I've also experienced the issue of double-clicking items on the desktop not working most of the time. Often I'd need to triple-click or just try again. My display is 144 Hz. With it set to 60 Hz mode, the issue wouldn't crop up. I tried running the test, and that seemed to work fine. When I changed that setting Yaroslav mentioned to Basic (choices for me were Automatic, Basic, Threaded) the problem went away immediately.
Does the same thing happen where notifications time out too fast with 144Hz?
> Including the spinning rectangle on the right? Yes. One rotate in one second. (In all rendering modes) > If you run plasmashell --replace does the issue also go away? Yes problem going away. (I set automatic rendering method, restart PC and executed plasmashell --replace)
*** Bug 428978 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 403272 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 435469 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Erik, could I prevail upon you to take a look at this? Thanks!
*** Bug 435508 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
It's curious. When I cannot do (double) click to open the files and folders on my desktop, if I open Kickoff menu and then close it by clicking on the desktop, it already lets me open files and folders on the desktop by double clicking until after a while it returns to pass and I have to do the same. Is it known if there is any progress on this bug? Thanks.
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #45) > *** Bug 435508 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. *** I have updated to KDE 5.22. Now i can to do double click on my desktop files and open it. I think that this bug is fixed.
Oh wow, that's nice. Can any other Nvidia users with high refresh rate screens confirm?
(In reply to Nate Graham from comment #48) > Oh wow, that's nice. Can any other Nvidia users with high refresh rate > screens confirm? Sorry Nate. I don't know what happened but this fail again. Now i can't open my desktop files.
Hello, No, the bug is not resolved. I've a nvidia card. Sometimes if I switch one of the screens back to 60hz I can open the desktop items, other times, even when I switch back to 60hz, it doesn't open.
On KDE 5.22.0 (Neon) bug still working. Desktop icons needs clicked very fast to open and notifications after showing quickly hidden. The proposed temporary solution with the basic render loop (kcmshell5 qtquicksettings) solves these problems.
*** Bug 438718 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Would be fixed by https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kdeclarative/-/merge_requests/71
For me, the problem is solved.
...When you apply that merge request or switch to the Basic render loop?
I set automatic render loop, and use KDE Neon (KDE plasma 5.22.4, KDE Frameworks 5.86.0, Qt 5.15.3).
Fixed by David Redondo in Plasma 5.23 with https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kdeclarative/-/commit/66c5bb0efa6ac2a9a7bef8a4776150fdaf129353, which makes Plasma use the single-threaded render loop by default for NVIDIA users.
That patch will make absolutely no difference for users here.
But using the basic render loop works around the issue here. Isn't that what that patch does?
There's an if (QGuiApplication::platformName() == QLatin1String("wayland")) {
Oh. Maybe we should consider doing it on X11 too...
A possibly relevant merge request was started @ https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kdeclarative/-/merge_requests/75
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=446637 describes a probably related issue, but with an AMD GPU
Bug 446637 also shows up with integrated Intel GPUs (i3-2100 / HD 2000)
*** Bug 447625 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 456504 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 460012 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Qt 6.4 has auto detection of this and falls back to a software timer
I am not sure who changed the title of this bug report, but I am the original reporter of this bug and I have never used an NVIDIA graphics card... As I have pointed out earlier I am on a RX470. I will test again once Plasma is on Qt6.
(In reply to Philip P. from comment #69) > I am not sure who changed the title of this bug report, but I am the > original reporter of this bug and I have never used an NVIDIA graphics > card... You can click on the "History" link [1] next to modify on the top of this page to see when and by whom something was changed. In this case it was Nate who came to the conclusion that it'd be NVIDIA's fault (which always a good first guess :P ), but basically it anyone registered can change the title. [1] https://bugs.kde.org/show_activity.cgi?id=419421 David, can you confirm that bug #446637 for "AMD cards" has been resolved with Qt6.4 too?
*** Bug 446637 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 474188 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've noticed since system upgrade that plasma timer 2.0 runs too fast. Downgrading qt5 and the timer functions as normal. Arch Linux. [2023-09-13T11:25:47+0200] [ALPM] downgraded qt5-base (5.15.10+kde+r155-1 -> 5.15.10+kde+r152-1) [2023-09-13T11:26:08+0200] [ALPM] downgraded qt5-declarative (5.15.10+kde+r31-1 -> 5.15.10+kde+r29-1) [2023-09-13T11:26:27+0200] [ALPM] downgraded qt5-tools (5.15.10+kde+r3-2 -> 5.15.10+kde+r3-1)
(In reply to temp02 from comment #73) > I've noticed since system upgrade that plasma timer 2.0 runs too fast. > Downgrading qt5 and the timer functions as normal. Arch Linux. > > [2023-09-13T11:25:47+0200] [ALPM] downgraded qt5-base (5.15.10+kde+r155-1 -> > 5.15.10+kde+r152-1) > [2023-09-13T11:26:08+0200] [ALPM] downgraded qt5-declarative > (5.15.10+kde+r31-1 -> 5.15.10+kde+r29-1) > [2023-09-13T11:26:27+0200] [ALPM] downgraded qt5-tools (5.15.10+kde+r3-2 -> > 5.15.10+kde+r3-1) This is with 120Hz on X11 with Nvidia.
Nevermind, the problem is back again.
As the "Version Fixed In" field says, this is fixed in Plasma 6. So if you're not using Plasma 6 yet, it's still expected to be broken.
*** Bug 478786 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***