Not running the most recent release but I could not find evidence in KDE's changelogs that this has been addressed, so I'm reporting it anyway. SUMMARY 1. Dolphin's "Places" sidebar does not keep local devices (partitions, USB media, etc.) separate from remote mounts (e.g. CIFS). I think having a separate group with CIFS mounts, this would clean up the sidebar a lot. 2. Dolphin duplicates LUKS partition entries. I have a LUKS partition on my system which is not automounted (I don't use it very often, it's a long term archive). With Nemo and Nautilus, I can click on the "1TB Encrypted Disk", enter a password and the entry is replaced(!) with an entry with the partition label as its name. With Dolphin, the entry with the partition label is added(!), so I now have to items pointing to the same location, which is confusing. Also, since my root is also LUKS encrypted (Ubuntu installation default), I also have (1) an entry "480GB Disk" for "/" (which should not be needed) and an entry "480GB Encrypted Disk" which causes an error "No such interface 'org.freedesktop.UDisks2.Filesystem' on object at path /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/block_devices/dm_2d0" when clicking on it. Both entries do not exist in Nemo or Nautilus. I would suggest: 1. To hide any items pointing to file systems that users cannot (un)mount, e.g. the root file system 2. To hide "X.XG encrypted disk" entries for disks that have been opened by LUKS 3. To add a group "Network" for network mounts (e.g. a configurable list of specified file systems, e.g. cifs,smbfs,nfs,afs) to the "Places" sidebar, and for remote file systems, group these entries by remote hostname. STEPS TO REPRODUCE 1. Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with KDE 2. compare sidebare entries of Nemo, Nautilus and Dolphin
Everything here has in fact been fixed already in later versions. You're using Dolphin 17.12, and as of 18.08, this is all the case now. :)
That's great to hear. How do I get this on my Ubuntu 18.04 system while keeping the "LTS" stamp on it, i.e. not having to upgrade half the system to an unsupported state?
You could use a Dolphin nightly Flatpak build:
I actually went the whole way and installed KDE Neon based on Ubuntu 18.04 which I quite like! However, Dolphin's behaviour in the sidebar is, while improved, not fully consistent yet: 1. Encrypted partitions still show as duplicates (one "XGB encrypted partition" entry and, if mounted, one "$LABEL" entry). => If a LUKS device is opened, it should not show up any more. If all partitions in a LUKS device are umounted, it should appear again. This is how Nemo, Nautilus etc. do it. 2. Encrypted partitions on removable media appear under "Devices" instead of under "Removable media". => They should replace(!) the "X GB encrypted partition" entry under "Removable media" instead, when mounted. 3. KDE / Dolphin / the underlying framework does not call "dmsetup remove /dev/mapper/luks-$UUID" or an equivalent API call after umounting the last partition in the LUKS container. This causes KDE to be unable to mount this device ever again until the next reboot. This works when directly ejecting the USB disk, but not when umounting the encrypted partition first. => Mounting and umounting encrypted partitions on removable media repeatedly should be possible. 4. I get "This device is already mounted at /media/jens/XXXX" error messages frequently. Please check that you are not mounting stuff repeatedly when handling encrypted LUKS partitions. I'd be really happy to support fixing these issues. :-) Thank you!
Hi Jens, Do you think you could file separate bugs for these? The issues have a much greater chance of being fixed if there's one bug per issue. Please file the bugs to the frameworks-kio product, and then mention the URLs in a comment here. I'll see what I can do with them. Thanks!
1. 2. 3. 4. Thank you!
Thanks, I'll take a look at those soon.