Whenever I first get into Krita it allows me to do anything like normal, but if I have a canvas and try to do anything it just won't do anything. I think it might be lag from something but I can't really tell as I can't get it to do anything besides closing the canvas, exiting out, or hitting a couple tool and what not.
Hi Brandon, This sounds like it's this problem: https://docs.krita.org/KritaFAQ#Krita_starts_with_a_black_or_blank_canvas_and_nothing_changes_when_you_try_to_draw.2Fshows_a_black_or_blank_screen_on_my_Windows_system_with_an_Intel_GPU So, enable Angle in the settings dialog's display page. The next version of Krita will have that enabled by default because Intel's opengl drivers are getting worse all the time... *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 360601 ***