Bug 385412 - s390x: new non-vector z13 instructions not implemented
Summary: s390x: new non-vector z13 instructions not implemented
Alias: None
Product: valgrind
Classification: Developer tools
Component: vex (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Julian Seward
Depends on:
Reported: 2017-10-05 18:09 UTC by Andreas Arnez
Modified: 2018-07-25 12:24 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

Non-vector z13 support (65.03 KB, patch)
2018-01-29 01:19 UTC, Vadim Barkov
Non-vector z13 support (64.39 KB, patch)
2018-01-29 11:50 UTC, Vadim Barkov
s390x tests: formatting fixes for z13.c (18.58 KB, patch)
2018-02-20 16:51 UTC, Andreas Arnez
PPNO fix & refactoring (29.26 KB, patch)
2018-05-03 21:37 UTC, Vadim Barkov

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Andreas Arnez 2017-10-05 18:09:27 UTC
Apart from instructions with vector operands, Valgrind does not implement the additional z/Architecture instructions introduced with z13.
These are:
- load and zero rightmost byte (LZRF, LZRG);
- load logical and zero rightmost byte (LLZRGF);
- load halfword high immediate on condition (LOCHHI);
- load halfword immediate on condition (LOCHI, LOCGHI);
- load high on condition (LOCFHR, LOCFH);
- store high on condition (STOCFH);
- perform pseudorandom number operation (PPNO), with the functions
  PPNO-Query and PPNO-SHA-512-DRNG;
- load count to block boundary (LCBB).
Comment 1 Vadim Barkov 2017-10-28 18:10:50 UTC
Note that work on this bug is done. I'll submit code right after patch for "z13 vector "support" instructions" (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385408) is merged into main repo.
Comment 2 Vadim Barkov 2018-01-29 01:19:14 UTC
Created attachment 110193 [details]
Non-vector z13 support
Comment 3 Vadim Barkov 2018-01-29 01:20:03 UTC
It can be applied on master. Please take a look.
Comment 4 Vadim Barkov 2018-01-29 11:50:39 UTC
Created attachment 110203 [details]
Non-vector z13 support


Structured into sequence of patches.
Comment 5 Andreas Arnez 2018-02-20 16:48:05 UTC
(In reply to Vadim Barkov from comment #4)
> Created attachment 110203 [details]
> Non-vector z13 support

Looks mostly OK to me.  One thing I noticed is that the "z13" test case isn't memcheck-clean:

$ ../../../vg-in-place --tool=memcheck ./z13
       lcbb0_cc :	 PASSED
     ppno_query :	 PASSED
==34390== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==34390==    at 0x483C47A: bcmp (vg_replace_strmem.c:1100)
==34390==    by 0x1003B1F: test_ppno_sha512_seed (z13.c:467)
==34390==    by 0x1003D31: test_all_ppno (z13.c:530)
==34390==    by 0x100513B: test_short_all (z13.c:598)
==34390==    by 0x10051D3: main (z13.c:614)

This message occurs four times.  Since I don't see a problem in the test case, maybe something is wrong with the PPNO implementation...?

Also, the test case has weird formatting.  I'll attach a patch for fixing that.
Comment 6 Andreas Arnez 2018-02-20 16:51:21 UTC
Created attachment 110849 [details]
s390x tests: formatting fixes for z13.c
Comment 7 Andreas Arnez 2018-04-24 10:55:23 UTC
Julian, if you don't have any further comments, I think we can push this (including my cleanup).  I wouldn't hold up the item just because PPNO is potentially not memcheck-clean.  If necessary, we can open another Bug for that.

Vadim, do you have any news regarding the PPNO issue?
Comment 8 Vadim Barkov 2018-04-25 17:52:01 UTC

I'll look into this issue on this week. Could you check vector integer&string patch out?
Comment 9 Vadim Barkov 2018-05-03 21:37:03 UTC
Created attachment 112403 [details]
PPNO fix & refactoring


Fixed PPNO issue.
Split z13 test into "ppno" and "lsc2" (load and store on condition 2) ones. I think this structure of tests is more natural and simplier to support.

This patch is supposed to be applied after the previous two ones.
Comment 10 Vadim Barkov 2018-05-03 22:59:26 UTC

I fixed the PPNO implementation so the tests are memcheck clean. I think it's ready to merge. 

Could you review and merge it?
Comment 11 Andreas Arnez 2018-06-21 10:52:22 UTC
(In reply to Vadim Barkov from comment #10)
> Andreas,
> I fixed the PPNO implementation so the tests are memcheck clean. I think
> it's ready to merge. 


> Julian,
> Could you review and merge it?

Julian, can we merge this now?
Comment 12 Andreas Arnez 2018-06-27 13:37:54 UTC
> > Julian,
> > Could you review and merge it?
> Julian, can we merge this now?
Comment 13 Christian Borntraeger 2018-07-12 13:59:54 UTC
I have not checked if these patches still apply against todays git, but consider the patch acked by me.
Comment 14 Julian Seward 2018-07-13 08:36:12 UTC
I looked at the patches.  They all seem fine to me, except for one thing
I wasn't happy about: the use of the three dirty helpers to implement PPNO.

In particular I don't think s390x_dirtyhelper_PPNO_sha512_load_param_block
will do what you want, because it merely says memory is loaded.  But it
doesn't show, at the IR level, any connection betweeen the loaded values
and the rest of the computation -- they are simply ignored.  I assume
that they are really inputs somehow.  Because of this, any undefinedness
in the loaded memory will be ignored by Memcheck.

I understand that PPNO is difficult to implement because it has so many
inputs and outputs.  We have had similar problems implementing crypto
instructions on Intel and ARM before now.

Can you tell me briefly what PPNO does?  Specifically, what inputs and
what outputs (registers and memory) does it have?  Then I can maybe suggest
an alternative implementation.
Comment 15 Christian Borntraeger 2018-07-13 15:28:33 UTC
The full PDF is at
for a description of that instruction
Comment 16 Christian Borntraeger 2018-07-13 15:30:16 UTC
in fact that was the z14 one, the z13 one is at
which has the "simpler" version of that instruction that only deals with pseudorandom (z14 added a true random mode)
Comment 17 Vadim Barkov 2018-07-17 01:52:24 UTC
(In reply to Julian Seward from comment #14)
> Can you tell me briefly what PPNO does?  Specifically, what inputs and
> what outputs (registers and memory) does it have?  Then I can maybe suggest
> an alternative implementation.

There is some pseudocode:

#define gpr0 0
#define gpr1 1

// r1 and r2 are even
void ppno(register r1, register r2) {

    addressOfParameterBlock = valueOf(gpr1)

    switch(valueOf(gpr0)) {
    case 0x0:
        // Query mode, ignore r1 and r2
        // Save 16 bytes to addressOfParameterBlock

    case 0x3:
        // SHA-512 generate mode, ignore r2 value

        // Read 240 bytes from addressOfParameterBlock
        addressOfResult = valueOf(r1);
        resultLength = valueOf(r1 + 1);

        // Write resultLength bytes to addressOfResult
        // Overwrite some of 240 bytes starting from addressOfParameterBlock

    case 0x83:
        // SHA-512 seed mode, ignore r1 value

        // Read some of 240 bytes starting from addressOfParameterBlock
        argumentAddress = valueOf(r2);
        argumentLength = valueOf(r2 + 1);

        // Read argumentLength bytes from argumentAddress
        // Write 240 bytes to addressOfParameterBlock

        // Specification exception, abort execution.
Comment 18 Julian Seward 2018-07-18 16:03:56 UTC
I think this is equivalent:

// getReg(RegisterNumber n) returns the value of GPR number 'n'

// reg1 and reg2 are even
void ppno(RegisterNumber reg1, RegisterNumber reg2) {

    switch(getReg(0)) {
    case 0x0:
        // Query mode, ignore reg1 and reg2
        // Write 16 bytes                    at  getReg(1)

    case 0x3:
        // SHA-512 generate mode, ignore reg2

        // Read 240 bytes                    at  getReg(1)
        // Write getReg(reg1 + 1) bytes      at  getReg(reg1)
        // Write some of 240 bytes starting  at  getReg(1)

    case 0x83:
        // SHA-512 seed mode, ignore reg1

        // Read some of 240 bytes starting  at  getReg(1)
        // Read getReg(reg2 + 1) bytes      at  getReg(reg2)
        // Write 240 bytes                  at  getReg(1)

        // Specification exception, abort execution.
Comment 19 Vadim Barkov 2018-07-18 20:12:45 UTC
(In reply to Julian Seward from comment #18)
> I think this is equivalent:
> // getReg(RegisterNumber n) returns the value of GPR number 'n'
> // reg1 and reg2 are even
> void ppno(RegisterNumber reg1, RegisterNumber reg2) {
>     switch(getReg(0)) {
>     case 0x0:
>         // Query mode, ignore reg1 and reg2
>         // Write 16 bytes                    at  getReg(1)
>         break;
>     case 0x3:
>         // SHA-512 generate mode, ignore reg2
>         // Read 240 bytes                    at  getReg(1)
>         // Write getReg(reg1 + 1) bytes      at  getReg(reg1)
>         // Write some of 240 bytes starting  at  getReg(1)
>         break;
>     case 0x83:
>         // SHA-512 seed mode, ignore reg1
>         // Read some of 240 bytes starting  at  getReg(1)
>         // Read getReg(reg2 + 1) bytes      at  getReg(reg2)
>         // Write 240 bytes                  at  getReg(1)
>         break;
>     default:
>         // Specification exception, abort execution.
>     }
> }
Yes, this is equivalent.
Comment 20 Julian Seward 2018-07-19 13:00:27 UTC
(In reply to Vadim Barkov from comment #19)
> (In reply to Julian Seward from comment #18)
> > I think this is equivalent:

Unfortunately I can't think of a way to clean this up without extending
the IRDirty machinery to allow two different memory-effects descriptors,
as you said.  That's a whole bunch of work, which I don't think anybody
has the time for right now.

So let's just land this as-is :-/
Comment 21 Andreas Arnez 2018-07-19 14:44:47 UTC
(In reply to Julian Seward from comment #20)
> So let's just land this as-is :-/

Sounds good to me.  As long as there are no false positives, this should be OK for now.  And even that may not be too critical for PPNO.  The patch set is certainly more important than this issue.
Comment 22 Julian Seward 2018-07-21 20:35:39 UTC
Hmm, the first two patches apply without problem.  But the third
one fails as follows.  Vadim, can you please check they actually
apply to the trunk, for you, and if not, update them so they do?

Also please can you clarify what order they should be applied it.
I guessed this, but I am not sure:


_1_ and _2_ apply OK.  But _3_ fails thusly:

$ patch -p1 --dry-run < ../trunk/bug385412_3_PPNO_fix_and_refactoring.diff 
checking file .gitignore
checking file VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c
checking file none/tests/s390x/Makefile.am
checking file none/tests/s390x/ppno.c
checking file none/tests/s390x/ppno.stderr.exp
checking file none/tests/s390x/ppno.stdout.exp
checking file none/tests/s390x/ppno.vgtest
checking file none/tests/s390x/z13.c
checking file none/tests/s390x/z13.stdout.exp
checking file none/tests/s390x/z13.vgtest
checking file .gitignore
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1875.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED
checking file none/tests/s390x/Makefile.am
Hunk #1 FAILED at 18.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED
checking file none/tests/s390x/lsc2.c (renamed from none/tests/s390x/z13.c)
checking file none/tests/s390x/lsc2.stderr.exp (renamed from none/tests/s390x/z13.stderr.exp)
checking file none/tests/s390x/lsc2.stdout.exp (renamed from none/tests/s390x/z13.stdout.exp)
checking file none/tests/s390x/lsc2.vgtest
checking file none/tests/s390x/z13.vgtest
Not deleting file none/tests/s390x/z13.vgtest as content differs from patch
checking file VEX/priv/guest_s390_defs.h
checking file VEX/priv/guest_s390_helpers.c
checking file VEX/priv/guest_s390_toIR.c
Hunk #2 FAILED at 15871.
Hunk #5 FAILED at 15944.
Hunk #6 FAILED at 15954.
3 out of 6 hunks FAILED
Comment 23 Vadim Barkov 2018-07-23 18:02:53 UTC

I've just reproduced the problem you get. I had tried to apply this patches with "--dry-run" and got the same error. But without "--dry-run" everything is okay. I am not sure why it is so and suggest to apply patches on master without "--dry-run" mode.

The order of patches is correct:
 - Non-vector z13 support 
 - s390x tests: formatting fixes for z13.c
 - PPNO fix & refactoring

Please let me know if you are running any issue with them.
Comment 24 Julian Seward 2018-07-24 07:36:09 UTC
(In reply to Vadim Barkov from comment #23)
> I've just reproduced the problem you get. I had tried to apply this patches
> with "--dry-run" and got the same error. But without "--dry-run" everything
> is okay.

Maybe related: https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?25860

  GNU patch - Bugs: bug #25860, Patch --dry-run fails when a patch...

  When a patch modifies the same file more than once and the changes conflict,
  patch --dry-run will fail even for patches which would apply without --dry-run.
Comment 25 Julian Seward 2018-07-24 08:22:52 UTC
Landed, d44563c49e55f47016e23591f708c7aa57f7a098.  Andreas, could
you please checkout and test, when convenient?
Comment 26 Andreas Arnez 2018-07-25 11:09:35 UTC
(In reply to Julian Seward from comment #25)
> Landed, d44563c49e55f47016e23591f708c7aa57f7a098.  Andreas, could
> you please checkout and test, when convenient?

Sure, checked out and tested.  As far as I can tell, everything looks OK, so let's close this.

I ran into the unrelated Bug 396839 while testing PPNO, but after fixing that, the test case ran without problems.  (I'll try to provide a patch for that issue soon.)

Next up would be Bug 385409 (vector integer & string z13 support).