I'm surprised when after updating Krita, GMIC doesn't appear, but need to download a plugin version. However, is GMIC's page, there is only Windows version of the plugin. Despite I even downloaded the Windows 64 bits and point Krita to the unzipped folder, if I try to launch the plugin from Krita, Krita crash. Why there is no Linux version of the plugin?
The Linux appimage comes with a pre-built gmic-plugin, so your bug report is invalid. For distribution-build versions of Krita, you need to complain to the distribution and ask them to build gmic-qt for krita and package it. In general, the idea is/was that the gmic team would create builds for Linux, but they don't really have the resources to make builds for every distribution.
Sorry, but I must say that this is a bit confuse. Most of my programs are directly installed from OpenSUSE repos. I understand that GMIC is outside Krita's developers control, so it's difficult to maintain several versions of Krita's GMIC plugin, but I would like to know which is the future of Krita on Linux, an appimage? Cause if it's that way, maybe distros should not compile Krita cause it will not work at his full power, IMHO. Thank you
Distributions should also build gmic-qt.
Ok, I'll try to communicate the requirement to the build team. Thank you
Well, Wolfgang Bauer in OpenSUSE forum gave me a solution. There is a (no easy to find) repository with precompiled versions of GMIC (http://gmic.eu/files/linux/). In my case, I needed gmic_krita_qt_linux64.zip and it's working now. However, this is not an "install and play" way to get the plugin to work, so I think Krita should at least include a reference to that link too, same way that it's mentioned the page for Windows users. Thank you
Now, with the 3.3.0 version, where in the config dialog to tell Krita where is located the GMIC-qt plugin? I can't find any reference to this!!! Thank you
There isn't anymore. Krita will load the gmic-qt plugin that it finds next to the krita executable, or if that doesn't exist in a similar named folder next to the Krita executable.
Thank you for your quick reply. However, despite I copied gmic_krita_qt to "/usr/bin/", now Krita crashed when trying to launch the plugin. If I try to launch the plugin from console, it says "gmic_krita_qt: error while loading shared libraries: libfftw3_threads.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" What now? It's a pain to get GMIC work from each version, IMHO.
Use the appimage, which has gmic-qt included, or bug your distribution to provide a gmic-qt built with the same libraries as krita.
I'm using now appimage, expecting some long ago bugs have been solved, but only the GMIC issue is solved at this point. Text tools issues continues and in the appimage resizing brush tool (AltGR + ]) doesn't work :(
The default combination is [ and ], without shift or alt or alt-gr. alt and alt-gr are very likely taken by your window manager, and cannot easily be used in shortcuts on their own.
(In reply to Boudewijn Rempt from comment #11) > The default combination is [ and ], without shift or alt or alt-gr. alt and > alt-gr are very likely taken by your window manager, and cannot easily be > used in shortcuts on their own. I didn't remember if I changed the shorcut in my distro Krita version, but in it <AltGr><[> and <AltGr><]> works fine. However, in the appimage, following your words, I tried "[" and "]" with alone and with all combinations of alternate keys mentioned, and the only key that do something is "]" alone (so is like press "+" in my keyboard) and as a result, Krita did a zoom-in.
I can confirm the brush resize shortcut issue, and that it's not a problem in 4.0 pre-alpha. However, since that is separate from the G'Mic issue, I've created a separate bug report for it: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385716
(In reply to Victor Wåhlström from comment #13) > I can confirm the brush resize shortcut issue, and that it's not a problem > in 4.0 pre-alpha. > > However, since that is separate from the G'Mic issue, I've created a > separate bug report for it: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=385716 Perfect!! Thank you about do the task.