This is not an issue in 4.0 pre-alpha or master. I've only verified it in 3.3.1. I don't know if it's a regression. Steps to repro: 1. Switch to a keyboard layout where [ and ] requires the use of alt gr (e.g. Swedish) 2. Press right alt key and 8 or 9 ([ or ]) 3. Observe that the brush does not resize 4. Switch to US layout, press the [ or ] key (or equivalent position if not using a US keyboard) 5. Observe that it works Tested on Ubuntu 17.04 (KDE)
I'm not sure I shouldn't just assign it :P
Tried this again. It smells like a Qt bug. When I tried 4.0 pre-alpha before I think I built it from source. Now I explicitly tested it with appimages, and the problem exists with both the 3.3.2 and 4.0 version. I cannot repro it when building locally. Both 3.3 and 4.0 works. At least the 3.3.2 appimage was built with Qt 5.6. I use Qt 5.7. I can't easily test with older version of Qt, though I suspect this might get resolved if built against a newer version of Qt. I'd like to leave this open until it has been verified.
Is this still the case?
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