When I select a brush and try to draw on the canvas, nothing appears. The cursor of the brush stays in one place and doesn't move. When I click the 'X' on the upper right corner to close the program and it says do you want to save it, whatever I had tried to draw appears.
See https://docs.krita.org/KritaFAQ#Krita_starts_with_a_black_or_blank_canvas_and_nothing_changes_when_you_try_to_draw.2Fshows_a_black_or_blank_screen_on_my_Windows_system_with_an_Intel_GPU
Please tell us exactly which brand and model of system you have, and which version of display chip and display driver you have. For the driver version, press the Windows key, then type "Device Manager", open the Device manager application and check the Display Adapter dialog.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 360601 ***