This may be Fedora specific but I can reliably reproduce it on two systems. If the system timezone is set to UTC, all clock applets will always show the UTC timezone. It does not matter what timezones I configure in the settings of the digital clock - it always shows UTC and it will not switch using the mousewheel. All works well as soon as I switch the system timezone to my local timezone. I can configure and use as many timezones as I want afterwards. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Set system time to UTC 2. Configure the clock to show another timezone than UTC 3. Still see the UTC time in the clock
It seems in the digital clock doesn't notice if you uncheck one timezone and check another. If you enable more than one and then switch time zone with mouse wheel then you can find the right one.. and then reopnen system settings you can disable the other one. The changing the system timezone I think is an irrelevant factor.
>nd then reopnen system settings you can disable the other one. I mean applet settings
Yes. Looking into this ones more it is like that: You can never see anything else than your system timezone if the checkbox "Change system time using mouse wheel" is NOT checked. In that case always the system time is shown.
> In that case always the system time is shown. But that /is/ _the_ purpose of the clock, show the system time. Or what would you expect it to show in that case?
Yes - it is okay to show system time by default. But when you go into the settings for the digital clock, deselect the one selected timezone and select another, then you would expect to see the timezone you just configured. One of my systems obviously had UTC time as system time for 6 years I think. I never even really noticed that until I tried to configure the digital clock of plasma 5 and was not able to get anything else than UTC.
Ok, confirming that as a bug. Though note that you should be setting your system timezone rather than the applet, because the applet sets /only/ that applet, everything else in your system is driven by your system timezone, eg. datestamps in Dolphin or ls command, etc. This will affect only the panel clock.
Git commit 11473e62c4c91f1302ff2303f732827422b88eb8 by Martin Klapetek. Committed on 21/10/2015 at 18:24. Pushed by mklapetek into branch 'Plasma/5.4'. Ensure correct timezone is displayed when the selected ones change When the user selects another timezone and deselects the current one, the clock timezone should change immediately. REVIEW: 125709 Related: bug 348612 M +19 -1 applets/digital-clock/package/contents/ui/DigitalClock.qml M +1 -12 applets/digital-clock/package/contents/ui/main.qml