Bug 352647 - Plasmoid popups don't reliably open with high focus stealing prevention
Summary: Plasmoid popups don't reliably open with high focus stealing prevention
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 377914
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Application Menu (Kicker) widget (show other bugs)
Version: 5.3.2
Platform: Other Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: Eike Hein
: 360609 370178 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2015-09-13 09:38 UTC by kdebuac.rhn
Modified: 2017-09-19 22:36 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

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Description kdebuac.rhn 2015-09-13 09:38:27 UTC
When focus stealing prevention is high and there's a maximized window on the screen, the Kicker menu doesn't show up (I assume it's hidden behind that application). This is a regression compared to KDE4.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Set window manager->focus stealing prevention to "high"
2. Maximize the window
3. Click on the menu icon on the panel

Actual Results:  
Nothing happens

Expected Results:  
Panel shows up

Fedora 22 x86_64
Comment 1 Kai Uwe Broulik 2015-09-13 10:51:25 UTC
Are you referring to Kicker, ie. the "application menu" (which works here) or the "application dashboard" (which does not with high focus stealing prevention)?
Comment 2 kdebuac.rhn 2015-09-13 11:40:04 UTC
Sorry, it was the application menu. I confused the names of the two.
Comment 3 Kai Uwe Broulik 2015-09-13 15:54:02 UTC
I can confirm, most plasmoid popups don't show up reliably with high focus stealing prevention.
Comment 4 Kai Uwe Broulik 2015-11-19 10:42:36 UTC
Git commit ad775885e2354b255c6f1a22630c335b86931086 by Kai Uwe Broulik.
Committed on 19/11/2015 at 10:40.
Pushed by broulik into branch 'master'.

[Application Dashboard] Force active focus on the FullScreenWindow

REVIEW: 125210

M  +1    -0    applets/kicker/plugin/fullscreenwindow.cpp

Comment 5 rlk 2016-04-06 00:45:29 UTC
Still happens in 5.6.1 (openSUSE RPMs).  FSP set to high or extreme, focus follows mouse/mouse priority, the menu will not pop (there's a quick flash in the taskbar, but the menu never pops up).

Oddly enough, the other day I'm quite sure I got it to pop by clicking on an open part of the desktop (or moved to a different virtual screen) to defocus everything and it worked, but it didn't today, and I had to run systemsettings5 in a terminal window to reset FSP to medium to be able to get the menu.  I just tried again, and I got it to pop in high but not extreme.  So there would appear to be something funny going on.
Comment 6 Wolfgang Bauer 2016-04-07 15:16:13 UTC
*** Bug 360609 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 gruenich (Christoph Grüninger) 2016-09-04 18:05:09 UTC
Still an issue with 5.7.2 in openSuse's RPMs.
Comment 8 kdebuac.rhn 2017-03-06 10:44:58 UTC
The menu shows up on 5.8.5, however krunner doesn't react to alt+F2 with "High".
Comment 9 rlk 2017-03-06 13:32:43 UTC
Still in 5.9.

With prevention set to high, the kicker menu pops up *if no window has focus* (e. g. if I click on the background, or I'm in a virtual desktop with no windows on it).  If a window has focus, it doesn't pop.  With prevention set to extreme, it flat out doesn't pop regardless.
Comment 10 kdebuac.rhn 2017-03-13 06:03:44 UTC
I can confirm the previous comment - what I saw before was likely due to schizophrenic kwin which focused things randomly despite restarting.
Comment 11 Eike Hein 2017-03-20 11:37:27 UTC
Bug 374443 seems related.
Comment 12 BingMyBong 2017-07-28 10:49:01 UTC
Still happening on my system

Qt: 5.9.1
KDE Frameworks: 5.36.0
KDE Plasma: 5.10.4
kwin 5.10.4
kmail2 5.5.3
akonadiserver 5.5.3
Kernel:  4.11.8-2-default
Nouveau:  1.0.15_1.2
Comment 13 Christoph Feck 2017-08-02 09:48:54 UTC
Is this a duplicate of bug 377914? Or can it be fixed in Plasma independently?
Comment 14 Martin Flöser 2017-08-02 14:55:17 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 377914 ***
Comment 15 Christoph Feck 2017-09-19 22:25:50 UTC
*** Bug 370178 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***