I'm using KDe5.6 and Plasma 5.2 and I have setup KDe to run Yakuake on startup. The problem is that Yakuake never remembers on which monitor it should show up. It always shows up on the "Monitor 1". Reproducible: Always
What method do you use to change the monitor it's on? What changes do you make to the monitor setting in the app?
I just use the "Options" button in Yakuake. It's a triangle upside down. When I click on it I see a menu with some options. One of them is "Screen". That option has the options "Screen 1" and "Screen 2". I click on "Screen 2" and Yakuake moves to the second screen (good). But after I reboot my machine, Yakuake shows on screen 1 again (bad).
I have the same problem on KDE 4.14.10. Some multimonitor issues I'm experiencing that might be related: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=345225 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=346961 https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=345227
Some extra info. I usually set yakuake to appear on the screen under mouse. When I reboot the content of the configuration file is the one below, it says Screen=2 and indeed it opens only on screen 2. If I change the option in the GUI to let yakuake open under mouse, the content of that configuration file is unchanged, but yakuake behave as expected at this point. cat .kde4/share/config/yakuakerc [$Version] update_info=yakuake.upd:2.9.9-startupnotification [Desktop Entry] DefaultProfile=Shell.profile [Dialogs] FirstRun=false [Favorite Profiles] Favorites= [Window] KeepOpen=false Screen=2 Width=80
I've seen that the configuration file: ./.kde4/share/config/yakuakerc is not written until yakuake exits. So if I change the Screen in the options, this settings will be saved only when yakuake terminates completely. After I changed the settings, closed yakuake manually and restarted it I haven't seen the problem any more in a week. Maybe the problem is that yakuake is not closed properly by KDE and the settings are not stored properly.
I also have this problem. (And it looks like there are two duplicate reports.) I have a freshly installed Kubuntu 18.04. Yakuake 3.0.5 Plasma 5.12.4 KDE Frameworks 5.44.0 I have a laptop-type setup with a secondary screen _above_ the primary screen. When I reboot, Yakuake opens for the first time on the top screen (Screen 2). I change the screen, either with the submenu or the configure dialog, and I can see that ~/.config/yakuakerc gets saved with the new setting (Screen 1). After logging out and back in, Yakuake opens on the top screen again. Here is my entire yakuakerc: --------------- [Appearance] BackgroundColorOpacity=70 Translucency=true [Desktop Entry] DefaultProfile= [Dialogs] FirstRun=false [Favorite Profiles] Favorites= [Shortcuts] close-active-terminal=Ctrl+Shift+R close-session=Ctrl+Shift+W decrease-window-height=Alt+Shift+Up decrease-window-width=Alt+Shift+Left file_quit=Ctrl+Shift+Q grow-terminal-bottom=Ctrl+Alt+Down grow-terminal-left=Ctrl+Alt+Left grow-terminal-right=Ctrl+Alt+Right grow-terminal-top=Ctrl+Alt+Up increase-window-height=Alt+Shift+Down increase-window-width=Alt+Shift+Right move-session-left=Ctrl+Shift+Left move-session-right=Ctrl+Shift+Right new-session=Ctrl+Shift+T next-session=Shift+Right next-terminal=Ctrl+Shift+Down previous-session=Shift+Left previous-terminal=Ctrl+Shift+Up rename-session=Ctrl+Alt+S split-left-right=Ctrl+( split-top-bottom=Ctrl+) toggle-session-monitor-activity=Ctrl+Shift+A toggle-session-monitor-silence=Ctrl+Shift+I view-full-screen=Ctrl+Shift+F11 [Window] DynamicTabTitles=true KeepAbove=false KeepOpenAfterLastSessionCloses=true Screen=1 ToggleToFocus=true Width=70
Update: I have confirmed that on reboot, the yakuakerc file still has "Screen=1", and opened the first time on Screen 2.
Just chiming in to confirm, this issue also persists in my case with Version 3.0.5. on Plasma 5.14.2 on a two-screen setup. After reboot "Open on screen" is set to "At mouse location" no matter what it was set to before.
confirmed on kubuntu 18.04.1 LTS, plasma 5.12.7, kde 5.44.0, qt 5.9.5
I can confirm this issue. I just installed Kubuntu 18.04 from scratch. I want to start yuakuake on the second screen. But after reboot, it always starts on the first screen. Interesting note: I have a panel on the bottom side of the second screen. And if I move this panel on the first screen — yakuake starts normally on the second screen. Looks like panel and yakuake somehow conflict with each other after reboot. Also, I didn't have this issue on Kubuntu 16.04.
You don't happen to have scaling enabled, do you?