This report say that this feature is already implemented: With version currently installed on my system (0.16.3), I have not yet this feature. It's a bug or thi feature is not yet implemented? Reproducible: Always
Smooth scrolling is implemented. Of course it may not mean what you understand by smooth scrolling, so intstead of opening a bug saying "Add smooth scrolling", can you please exactly describe what you want? Sadly we are not mind readers yet
sorry, you're right. For smooth scrolling I mean a smooth vertical movement of the page visualized when I scroll with my touchpad. Now, vertical scroll is about 20 pixel for step. If I scroll from the beginning to the end of a page I wish a smooth scrolling of the page. This is a video that explain better what I mean. Sorry for my english.
Oh, that, i hate that :D Of course if someone has time to code a patch we can always ship it disabled if the patch is not very intrusive.
Ok. thank you for your work.
Here's another vote for smooth, aka "per pixel", scrolling in Okular. Actually, it would be nice to implement this feature across the board in all KDE 4 applications of the "right sort".
Implemented in But only for mouse wheel scroll.
+1 for the per pixel request on touchpads. Is anybody able to implement it? Lots of people would be really happy, especially now that everything - from browser to plasma UI - is smooth :) Thank you!
I already have per-pixel scrolling with my touchpad. Versions: Computer: Lenovo Ideapad s205 (with Synaptics touchpad) Touchpad settings: Inertial scrolling off (doesn’t matter) KDE Neon 5.15 Plasma 5.15.4 KDE Frameworks 5.57.0 Qt 5.12.0 Kernel 4.18.0-17-generic All applications have per-pixel scrolling, Konsole and Kate have per-line scrolling. Only Firefox does junk. Scrolling with a mouse wheel (simulated with xdotool) gives stepwise scrolling (not animated) in Okular and most other applications. In some widgets, like QAbstractItemView (like in Dolphin), it gives smooth scrolling (stepwise, animated). (Just for info: I don’t like smooth scroling (stepwise, animated), because when I send saccadic scroll commands (what the mouse wheel mechanic enforces), my eyes also want to move saccadic. So, after the saccadic eye movement, I have to wait until the animation is over. Please do not implement smooth scrolling (stepwise, animated) anywhere without an option to turn it off.) So, questions are: How to activate smooth scrolling (mouse wheel stepwise, animated) in Okular? Should this bug be closed, because Okular already supports per-pixel scrolling?
Smooth scroll step animations and inertial scrolling are implemented now.