Good day! I'm missing the "Print current view" option in Okular desperately and would like to add a request of this feature to the wish-list. I'm an editor, so from time to time I have to print out pages (or their parts) that are to be read-out and corrected, and this option would be very helpful. Thanks! Reproducible: Always
Agreed! I do a number of things which require zooming in to a document to print an enlarged version of part of a page, and this would be greatly appreciated! As Adobe has apparently stopped development on the linux version of Reader, there's a glaring hole for this functionality.
A real pity. I use okular everyday, but when I print PCB schematics, I really need to print the right crop, else the fonts are even more tiny. So three years later, I still install acroread :/
I would also benefit greatly from this being implemented. I'll just add there's a similar, more recent request in bug 226321. Perhaps these can be considered the same thing and be merged into one request.