When typing any query in the "filter bar", then erasing it, in a directory that displays some thumbnails (video, pictures etc.), some thumbnails are replaced by the default filetype icon. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open Dolphin with a directory containing some thumbnails 2. Display the filter bar 3. Type anything in the filter bar 4. Delete the filter Actual Results: Some of the thumbs are replaced by the default filetype icon. Expected Results: The thumbs which arevisible before typing the filter should be the same as what is visible after typing then removing the filter.
Just one more remark : it doesn't affect folder icons ; only files.
Thanks for the bug report. I can reproduce this bug in Dolphin 2.1.95 / KDE 4.9.95 This bug also appears sometimes while browsing folders with "preview enabled"
Default file type icon? You mean the unknown file, ie. the question mark symbol? I could reproduce it also using: 1. Enter something in the filter bar such as "pdf" 2. Press F5 to refresh the folder 3. Now clear the filter bar 4. Scroll down Many files get the unknown/generic icon but not all of them. The PDF files that were shown already keep their thumbnails, as well as some images but I could see no pattern which files keep their previews and/or icons and which don't
Hello Mahendra and Kai, I think this patch https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/109045/ will solve the problem ;) @Mahendra, @Kai: Can you please test it? Thanks
Git commit 8008bc233d8447794df6f4cdc8c3f0ee7e8ac628 by Emmanuel Pescosta. Committed on 27/02/2013 at 13:35. Pushed by emmanuelp into branch 'master'. Big Thanks to Frank Reininghaus, who helped me a lot with these changes! :) * Fixed the "Network browser" and "timeline" issues, by using the KDirLister's itemsAdded(KUrl,KFileItemList) signal -> Use the given Url to define the parent-child relationship. * Changed the name of the slot "slotNewItems" to "slotItemsAdded" for consistency with the signal. * Use a QHash<KFileItem, ItemData*> instead of a QSet<KFileItem> to store the filtered data (needed to keep the O(1) lookup for filtered KFileItems in slotItemsDeleted + needed to fix bug 311912 "After erasing a filter, some thumbnails randomly disappear") * Made the determination of the "expandedParentsCount" slightly simpler - just adding 1 to the parent's level (Also needed to fix the "Network browser" and "timeline" issues) FIXED-IN: 4.11.0 REVIEW: 109180 Related: bug 304565, bug 312890, bug 315593 M +69 -64 dolphin/src/kitemviews/kfileitemmodel.cpp M +13 -8 dolphin/src/kitemviews/kfileitemmodel.h M +9 -3 dolphin/src/tests/kfileitemmodelbenchmark.cpp M +1 -1 dolphin/src/tests/kfileitemmodeltest.cpp http://commits.kde.org/kde-baseapps/8008bc233d8447794df6f4cdc8c3f0ee7e8ac628