Bug 306062 - konsolepart should provide default shortcut for increasing/decreasing font size (zoom in/out) in Yakuake
Summary: konsolepart should provide default shortcut for increasing/decreasing font si...
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: kpart (show other bugs)
Version: master
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
Keywords: usability
: 412557 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2012-08-31 07:43 UTC by gorgo
Modified: 2021-09-07 03:16 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

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Description gorgo 2012-08-31 07:43:08 UTC
After update to the 2.9.8 version I am no longer able to change size of the font used in yakuake via keyboard shortcuts.
I didn't find the font size increase / decrease keyboard shortcuts in the shortcuts settings.
Though it is still possible to use Ctrl+mouse wheel up/down or change it via configuring the profile.
I use Czech translation, not tested on any other translations.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. open yakuake
2. go to shortcuts settings (or what is it called in english)
3. try to find shortcuts for adjusting font size
Actual Results:  
didn't find any

Expected Results:  
there used to be two shortcuts:
1. increase font size
2. decrease font size
Comment 1 Jekyll Wu 2012-09-08 12:59:20 UTC
This is actually an issue of konsolepart.  

See http://commits.kde.org/konsole/08de49da1cf4c89c375d7eea267bce3b46c05527

Note, there is currently no way to configure those shortcuts provided by konsolepart in yakuake or other applications, no matter whether that commit is present or not.  

I will leave this report open for a while to gather feedback. But I do not see there is high chance for it to be "fixed".
Comment 2 foormea 2012-10-01 06:03:12 UTC
Yes, it would be great to be able to zoom in/out with keyboard shortcuts in yakuake. Hope it can be achieved again!

Thanks a lot.
Comment 3 Vadim Fint 2012-11-01 12:19:53 UTC
Yep, I did came here from yakuake too.
In 4.8.5 increase/shrink fonts shortcuts were working perfectly.
In 4.9.2 they are not usable in yakuake.

This is quite frustraiting, because in Konsole thoose shortcuts are working perfectly.

And it's very sad you say what there is no big chance for this to be fixed. Maybe shortcuts should be made in yakuake?
Comment 4 Jekyll Wu 2012-11-01 13:00:51 UTC
Well, there is no technical difficulty in getting that shortcut back in konsolepart. 

The real problem is currently you just can't change the shortcuts provided by konsolepart in hosting applications(yakuake, dolphin), so the general attitude now is only providing  frequently used shortcuts in konsolepart to decrease the chance that those default shortcut stand in the way of users who would like to use those shortcuts in  console applications (vim, emacs). 

So when I made the change, I didn't see enlarging/shrinking font size in a terminal as frequent operation.  Actually I still don't understand why . Could you give some use cases as explanation for that *frequent* need ?
Comment 5 Vadim Fint 2012-11-01 13:52:12 UTC
Personally, for me, inlarge/decrease is very frequient :)

I prefer very small fonts -- 8px tall ProFont. But at work I have many collegues and often I show them some things on my pc. So, then they are looking I'm usually increase font to 14px in yakuake :).

To be honest -- I'm using 8px rasterized font on 14.3 monitor with FullHD resolution. Nobody can see such a small font from at least 1 meter, except me :).

Also sometimes I'm working in my car. If sun light touches my notebook - I'm also enlarging/shrinking fonts several times a minute.

I can change font size in yakuake preferences right now. This forces my to touch mouse and make few clicks, so It is much less convinient than using Ctrl+[+-]. But this way I just cant have big font in one yakuake tab and small in other. Font changes in every tab I have :(.
Comment 6 Vadim Fint 2012-11-01 13:55:52 UTC
Break existent shortcuts to one users is *much* worse, than adding ability to other users to set those shortcuts to different actions.

Simply -- I was used that functionality, while other users (which were not able to assign something to Ctrl-[+-] were not. Personally, I think it could be better to leave those shortcuts untouched, at least until normal "fix" will be (ability to change konsolepart shortcuts in parent apps?)
Comment 7 Eike Hein 2012-11-02 01:55:17 UTC
Jekyll, maybe we could make the KPart's action collection properly available to the client so we can get it into the Yakuake shortcuts dialog? Maybe making it opt-in using a BC slot method call to avoid giving problems to other KPart users.
Comment 8 Vadim Fint 2012-11-08 10:06:20 UTC
Suddenly found another way (yet working) to change font size. CTRL + Wheel (up/down). On notebook in looks like CTRL + SwipeTouchPadWithTwoFingersUp. It seems even more comfortable than CTRL+"+/-" for me, so severity for this bug is now minor for me.

Please just dont break ctrl+wheel shortcuts in future releases :).
Comment 9 Adam Hunt 2015-10-07 18:42:17 UTC
This bug is still valid as of Konsole 15.
Comment 10 Adam Hunt 2015-10-07 18:42:34 UTC
Comment 11 AndyKluger 2016-05-24 21:48:59 UTC
(In reply to Jekyll Wu from comment #4)
> So when I made the change, I didn't see enlarging/shrinking font size in a
> terminal as frequent operation.  Actually I still don't understand why .
> Could you give some use cases as explanation for that *frequent* need ?

I variously use my laptop up close in person, and from afar while it's plugged into a television across the room. As it is, I have to use Konsole instead of Yakuake when using from afar, due to this font size regression, and I am constantly accidentally showing and hiding Yakuake.
Comment 12 AndyKluger 2016-08-01 03:13:57 UTC
Will someone with permissions please update the version from 2.9 to 16.04.3? This bug is having its fourth birthday next month and doesn't wanna look like a kid in front of its friends.

And probably its component should change from konsolepart to konsole.
Comment 13 AndyKluger 2016-08-16 15:19:53 UTC
Does anyone know of a keyboard-friendly drop-down terminal suitable for Qt/KDE/Plasma environment?
Comment 14 AndyKluger 2016-08-25 01:12:53 UTC
For anyone else struggling with yakuake, here's a nice way to eliminate yakuake, and hence this 4-year-young regression, from the equation.

0) Install xdotool
1) Create an executable toggle_konsole.sh: http://paste2.org/M0w5YL53
2) Use Custom Shortcuts to create a new global shortcut triggering that script
3) Right-click the titlebar of a konsole window, More Actions > Special Window Settings
4) Under Window Matching, make Window title Unimportant
5) Under Size & Position, set Position and Size to Remember, and Desktop to Force All Desktops
6) Under Arrangement & Access, set the Skip options to Force Yes
7) Under Appearance & Fixes, set No titlebar and frame to Force Yes
8) Add konsole to Autostart
Comment 15 Peter Wu 2020-09-13 14:31:26 UTC
*** Bug 412557 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 16 Peter Wu 2020-09-13 14:33:47 UTC
(Adjusting title in case people search for "zoom in" or "zoom out")
Comment 17 Sebastian Kuźlak 2021-09-07 03:16:21 UTC
this is an issue for almost 10 years...