Both Kopete and Pidgin offer a direct link to the chat log in the context menu of a contact. This makes a lot of sense, since one often just wants to retrieve something form a contact's log without starting a conversation. Although one could just launch the log-viewer seperately and select the contact, it's more intuitive to do it from the contact list since that's a user's "natural" entry point to everyhing in an IM. Therefore the option to view the log should be integrated - In the context menu of contacts in the contact list application - As an action icon (the ones appearing on mouseover) in the contact list application - As an icon in the - yet to be implemented - action list in the contact list Plasmoid. These actions should only be available if a log for a contact actually exists (see bug 299368) Reproducible: Always
*** Bug 303262 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is now implemented (except for the contact-list-applet)