Bug 303486 - Clearing history only removes lines that do not fit on screen
Summary: Clearing history only removes lines that do not fit on screen
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: history (show other bugs)
Version: 2.9
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2012-07-13 15:53 UTC by l.mierzwa
Modified: 2012-07-13 18:08 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description l.mierzwa 2012-07-13 15:53:43 UTC
Since upgrade to kde 4.9 beta (from kubuntu beta ppa) I've noticed that:

1. my ctrl+shift+x (or was it just ctrl+x?) doesn't work, I had to add this shortcut in settings so it seems it's gone from defaults (?)
2. clearing history only remove lines that do not fit on the screen, so that scrollbar is gone but not whole screen is cleared. With konsole from 4.8 clearing history would remove all text from konsole window.

I can't find any settings to control that so I request to either restore old behaviour or make it adjustable.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. clear history in open konsole window
Actual Results:  
only lines that do not fit on screen are removed

Expected Results:  
all text from current window is removed
Comment 1 Jekyll Wu 2012-07-13 16:18:39 UTC
To clarify the thing, there are two actions related with "clearing history" under the "View" menu

  * Clear Scrollback
  * Clear Scrollback and Reset

"1. my ctrl+shift+x (or was it just ctrl+x?) doesn't work, I had to add this shortcut in settings so it seems it's gone from defaults"

"Ctrl+Shift+X" was the default shortcut for "Clear Scrollback and Reset". It has been changed to "Ctrl+Shift+K" in KDE SC 4.9 . See bug 282593 for the reason.

"2. clearing history only remove lines that do not fit on the screen, so that scrollbar is gone but not whole screen is cleared. "

If you use "Clear Scrollback", then that is the expected behavior, because the on screen content (usually the latest output) does not belong to scrollback.  If you try KDE 4.8 again, you will find it has always been like that.

If you want everything to go away, you should use "Clear Scrollback and Reset" .
Comment 2 l.mierzwa 2012-07-13 16:44:34 UTC
You are obviously right. I got hidden menu bar since forever and once I've lost my shortcut I've been using right click menu and it only has "Clear scrollback" options.
Since "Clear Scrollback and Reset" had shortcut in settings and "Clear Scrollback" didn't had any I assumed that this is the one I was using and assigned "Ctrl + shift + x" to it.

Maybe to avoid such confusion for others it would be wise to leave old shortcuts alone, and just change it for new installations?
Comment 3 Jekyll Wu 2012-07-13 18:08:53 UTC
If a user has defined customized shortcut, then this change of default shortcut won't influence him.

For the users using the old default shortcut, it is doable to keep old default shortcut (Basically I need to write a kconf_update script to check and modify user config file ). But at the moment I don't think it is worth the effort (not easy to do it correctly in all situations) . 

Actually, this kind of "break" is the necessary part to make users realize and follow the change. If existing users still use the old and problemaic shortcut, then the solved problem is effectively not solved for them.