Version: trunk (using KDE 4.3.4) Installed from: Archlinux Packages Adding a vignette to an image using the new functionality of the vignetting tool increases the brightness of the image in the center of the vignette. This should not happen or only if requested by the user.
I noticed same problem. I believe that the tool needs to be redesign. The effect always is applied to the center of the photo and not to corners of the photo. Example, when we are to remove the vignetting, the center of photo is darkened so that the photo itself will gain the same level of the lightness. After the fixing, the whole photo needs again fixing by lighting. Now when we are applying the vigneting. The corners stays same level but are applied a black layer and the center is again edited to be a brighter. It is like the tool is wrong way. It should always fix the corners and not the center what is correctly lightened in the first place. So when we remove the vignetting, it should brighten the corners and leave center untouched. And when adding a vignetting to photo, it should darken the corners and not touch the center.
SVN commit 1088097 by cgilles: use new BCG api Fix wrong value with brightness settings to apply it on preview image CCBUGS: 225728 M +32 -36 antivignettingtool.cpp WebSVN link:
Please check current implementation from svn to see if problem with brighness is fixed. Gilles Caulier
SVN commit 1093995 by jnarboux: Reimplement vignetting/antivignetting logic. Remove normalizing of the picture. This caused changes in the brightness of the picture which were hard to predict. Vignetting now decreases exposure in the periphery. Antivignetting increases exposure in the periphery. The center of the picture is always kept untouched. The new parameter inner circle radius allow user to chose the size of the circle where the image is kept untouched. Remove Brightness/Contrast/Gamma tools, which I think were used in the post only as a trick to restore brightness by hand in the center of the picture. CCBUGS: 225728 M +0 -2 TODO M +36 -50 antivignetting.cpp M +7 -5 antivignetting.h M +71 -129 antivignettingtool.cpp WebSVN link:
Johannes, Can you check if the problem is solved for you ? Thanks, Julien
Yes, works as expected now, but I would like to have higher values for outer radius and feather. The slider doesn't allow this right now. Is there any reason for this?
SVN commit 1094477 by jnarboux: Increase range of parameters. CCBUGS: 225728 M +2 -8 antivignetting.cpp M +5 -4 antivignettingtool.cpp WebSVN link:
*** Bug 231562 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***