Version: (using KDE 4.3.2) OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Using 0.9 svn 1029786. Originally reported at The user reported that KNetworkManager crashed after he had tried to connect to a WEP network, then tried to connect again after the first connection failed. It crashed after he gave the password for the second attempt. . Thread 1 (process 1699): #0 0x04f11329 in WirelessSecuritySettingWidget::writeConfig (this=0x9cab878) at /build/buildd/plasma-widget-networkmanagement-0.9~svn1029786/libs/ui/security/wirelesssecuritysettingwidget.cpp:240 d = (WirelessSecuritySettingWidgetPrivate * const) 0x9bf7a80 #1 0x04f2b027 in ConnectionSecretsJob::dialogAccepted (this=0x9e7bf38) at /build/buildd/plasma-widget-networkmanagement-0.9~svn1029786/libs/ui/connectionsecretsjob.cpp:168 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void ConnectionSecretsJob::dialogAccepted()" configFile = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = { ref = {_q_value = 5411}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b892, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 56}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef46e, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = { 0}}, d = 0x4ee021c, static codecForCStrings = 0x0} cp = {<QObject> = {_vptr.QObject = 0x44dff4, static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0xc95ba0 "\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ\\\210ñÿ"..., data = 0xc95c40, extradata = 0xcea1b8}}, d_ptr = 0x4ee0aec, static staticQtMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0xc9f380 'ÿ' <repeats 128 times>, "\003", data = 0xca2700, extradata = 0x0}}}, static staticMetaObject = {d = { superdata = 0x806b790, stringdata = 0x9e3520 "Knm::ConnectionPersistence", data = 0x9e3860, extradata = 0x0}}, static NETWORKMANAGEMENT_RCFILE = { static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = {ref = { _q_value = 5411}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b892, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = { _q_value = 56}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef46e, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, d = 0x9b959e0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, static CONNECTION_PERSISTENCE_PATH = { static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static shared_null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static shared_empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, d = 0x9b95a20, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, static s_walletFolderName = { static null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static shared_null = <same as static member of an already seen type>, static shared_empty = <same as static member of an already seen type>, d = 0x9b95a78, static codecForCStrings = 0x0}, static s_walletWId = 0, m_persistences = {{d = 0x1, e = 0x1}}, m_connection = 0xbfa686b0, m_config = {d = 0x43f326}, m_storageMode = 3078695128} #2 0x04ef3bf3 in ConnectionSecretsJob::qt_metacall (this=0x9e7bf38, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=27, _a=0xbfa6877c) at /build/buildd/plasma-widget-networkmanagement-0.9~svn1029786/obj-i486-linux-gnu/libs/ui/moc_connectionsecretsjob.cpp:72 No locals. #3 0x00c12263 in ~QObjectPrivate (this=0x1b) at kernel/qobject.cpp:134 No locals. #4 0x00c12ec2 in QObject::disconnect (sender=0x9ea5ca8, signal=0x806b860 "\204Ô\215\001àÝy", receiver=0x9, method=0x0) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h:375 method_name = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 1605}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b8c0 "", array = ""}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 8}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef398 "", array = ""}, d = 0x9ea5ca8} method_found = true signal_name = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 1605}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b8c0 "", array = ""}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 8}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef398 "", array = ""}, d = 0xc12ec2} signal_found = false res = 255 smeta = (const QMetaObject *) 0x0 #5 0x00586497 in KDialog::yesClicked () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #6 0x00588da8 in KDialog::slotButtonClicked () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #7 0x0058b2d9 in KDialog::qt_metacall () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #8 0x00c12263 in ~QObjectPrivate (this=0x4) at kernel/qobject.cpp:134 No locals. #9 0x00c12ec2 in QObject::disconnect (sender=0x9e454e0, signal=0xced878 "\220·\006\bÀ]É", receiver=0x0, method=0xbfa68938 "") at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qbytearray.h:375 method_name = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 1605}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b8c0 "", array = ""}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 8}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef398 "", array = ""}, d = 0xbfa689a4} method_found = true signal_name = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 1605}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b8c0 "", array = ""}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 8}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef398 "", array = ""}, d = 0xc12ec2} signal_found = false res = false smeta = (const QMetaObject *) 0x44e7cc #10 0x00c14e73 in QList<QObject*>::detach_helper (this=0x9e454e0) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h:528 No locals. #11 0x00c1570d in QList<QPointer<QObject> >::clear (this=0xceeff4) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h:377 No locals. #12 0x00c158ee in QObjectCleanupHandler::remove (this=0x9e454e0, object=0x0) at kernel/qobjectcleanuphandler.cpp:116 No locals. #13 0x00c1612b in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #14 0x00c12263 in ~QObjectPrivate (this=0x4) at kernel/qobject.cpp:134 No locals. #15 0x00c126d8 in QMetaObject::disconnect (sender=0x9e461e0, signal_index=134658160, receiver=0x2, method_index=3) at ../../include/QtCore/private/../../../src/corelib/thread/qorderedmutexlocker_p.h:82 locker = {mtx1 = 0xceeff4, mtx2 = 0xbfa68ac8, locked = 116} connectionLists = (QObjectConnectionListVector *) 0x10 success = 141 senderMutex = (QMutex *) 0x0 receiverMutex = (QMutex *) 0x9c0ff78 #16 0x016fdcc1 in QCDEStyle::qt_metacall (this=0x9e461e0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=<value optimized out>, _a=0x9e461e0) at .moc/release-shared/moc_qcdestyle.cpp:76 _r = {d = 0x9bab400} #17 0x01426549 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #18 0x014281a4 in QAbstractButton (this=0x9e45be8, parent=0xbfa69110) at widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:584 No locals. #19 0x01428431 in QAbstractButton (this=0xbfa69110, parent=0xbfa68bf8, name=0x719c31 "Å\003\f", f={i = 165962208}) at widgets/qabstractbutton.cpp:1401 No locals. #20 0xbfa69110 in ?? () No symbol table info available. #21 0x010c6012 in QWidget::setGeometry (this=0x9e45be8, r=@0x18e9ff4) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qrect.h:450 d = (QWidgetPrivate * const) 0x8 #22 0x014263ee in QMotifStyle::drawComplexControl (this=0xbfa69100, cc=-1079602944, opt=0x9e461e0, p=0xb06874, widget=0x10) at styles/qmotifstyle.cpp:1612 awh = <value optimized out> dh = -1079602944 arrowOpt = {version = 0, type = 11561076, state = {i = 11560617}, direction = 13561844, rect = {x1 = -1079604120, y1 = 13561844, x2 = 13561844, y2 = -1079603956}, fontMetrics = {d = 0xbfa68cb8}, palette = {static staticMetaObject = {d = {superdata = 0x0, stringdata = 0x1758e20 "(): no matching beginMacro()", data = 0x1758f60, extradata = 0x0}}, d = 0x67cbed, current_group = 8, resolve_mask = 10201934}} ax = <value optimized out> sy = <value optimized out> ew = 165962208 tr = {x1 = 14215069, y1 = 1, x2 = 7066670, y2 = 13561844} ar = {x1 = 163462984, y1 = 14205822, x2 = 164650872, y2 = 15074208} ay = <value optimized out> sh = <value optimized out> fw = 0 #23 0x014d066d in QPushButton::initStyleOption (this=0x9e461e0, option=0x9e461e0) at widgets/qpushbutton.cpp:335 d = (const QPushButtonPrivate * const) 0xbfa69100 #24 0x01070f54 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #25 0x01079033 in QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent (receiver=0xbfa6aae0, event=0x9e461e0, alienWidget=0x9e461e0, nativeWidget=0xb0266c, buttonDown=0x10, lastMouseReceiver=@0xbfa68fe8) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2904 alienGuard = {o = 0x9e461e0} receiverGuard = {o = 0xb0255e} nativeGuard = {o = 0xe603a0} activePopupWidget = {o = 0x0} graphicsWidget = false result = false #26 0x00621bba in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #27 0x00bfc6cb in QCoreApplication::filterEvent (this=0xbfa6aae0, message=0x9e461e0, result=0x0) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:2218 No locals. #28 0x01077f6e in QApplicationPrivate::tryModalHelper (widget=0x9e461e0, rettop=0xbfa69100) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:2827 top = <value optimized out> #29 0x010e67c0 in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent (this=0x9ea5ca8, event=0x9e461e0) at kernel/qapplication_x11.cpp:3571 event_widget = (class QWidget *) 0x4 mouseGrabber = (class QWidget *) 0x10ce658 enterPoint = {xp = 0, yp = 165964288} leave = (class QWidget *) 0x4 enter = <value optimized out> ev = {type = -1079602816, xany = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976}, xkey = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, root = 3215364588, subwindow = 3215364700, time = 58657919, x = 655, y = 681, x_root = 33, y_root = 7, state = 20, keycode = 0, same_screen = 0}, xbutton = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, root = 3215364588, subwindow = 3215364700, time = 58657919, x = 655, y = 681, x_root = 33, y_root = 7, state = 20, button = 0, same_screen = 0}, xmotion = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, root = 3215364588, subwindow = 3215364700, time = 58657919, x = 655, y = 681, x_root = 33, y_root = 7, state = 20, is_hint = 0 '\0', same_screen = 0}, xcrossing = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, root = 3215364588, subwindow = 3215364700, time = 58657919, x = 655, y = 681, x_root = 33, y_root = 7, mode = 20, detail = 0, same_screen = 0, focus = 0, state = 0}, xfocus = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, mode = -1079602708, detail = -1079602596}, xexpose = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, x = -1079602708, y = -1079602596, width = 58657919, height = 655, count = 681}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, drawable = 1075838976, x = -1079602708, y = -1079602596, width = 58657919, height = 655, count = 681, major_code = 33, minor_code = 7}, xnoexpose = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, drawable = 1075838976, major_code = -1079602708, minor_code = -1079602596}, xvisibility = { type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, state = -1079602708}, xcreatewindow = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, parent = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, x = -1079602596, y = 58657919, width = 655, height = 681, border_width = 33, override_redirect = 7}, xdestroywindow = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, event = 1075838976, window = 3215364588}, xunmap = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, event = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, from_configure = -1079602596}, xmap = { type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, event = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, override_redirect = -1079602596}, xmaprequest = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, parent = 1075838976, window = 3215364588}, xreparent = { type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, event = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, parent = 3215364700, x = 58657919, y = 655, override_redirect = 681}, xconfigure = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, event = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, x = -1079602596, y = 58657919, width = 655, height = 681, border_width = 33, above = 7, override_redirect = 20}, xgravity = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, event = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, x = -1079602596, y = 58657919}, xresizerequest = { type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, width = -1079602708, height = -1079602596}, xconfigurerequest = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, parent = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, x = -1079602596, y = 58657919, width = 655, height = 681, border_width = 33, above = 7, detail = 20, value_mask = 0}, xcirculate = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, event = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, place = -1079602596}, xcirculaterequest = { type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, parent = 1075838976, window = 3215364588, place = -1079602596}, xproperty = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, atom = 3215364588, time = 3215364700, state = 58657919}, xselectionclear = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, selection = 3215364588, time = 3215364700}, xselectionrequest = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, owner = 1075838976, requestor = 3215364588, selection = 3215364700, target = 58657919, property = 655, time = 681}, xselection = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, requestor = 1075838976, selection = 3215364588, target = 3215364700, property = 58657919, time = 655}, xcolormap = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, colormap = 3215364588, c_new = -1079602596, state = 58657919}, xclient = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, message_type = 3215364588, format = -1079602596, data = { b = "\177\f\177\003\217\002\000\000©\002\000\000!\000\000\000\a\000\000", s = {3199, 895, 655, 0, 681, 0, 33, 0, 7, 0}, l = {58657919, 655, 681, 33, 7}}}, xmapping = {type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, request = -1079602708, first_keycode = -1079602596, count = 58657919}, xerror = {type = -1079602816, display = 0xbfa6926c, resourceid = 3215364712, serial = 0, error_code = 0 '\0', request_code = 0 '\0', minor_code = 32 ' '}, xkeymap = { type = -1079602816, serial = 3215364716, send_event = -1079602584, display = 0x0, window = 1075838976, key_vector = "ì\221¦¿\\\222¦¿\177\f\177\003\217\002\000\000©\002\000\000!\000\000\000\a\000\000\000\024\000\000"}, pad = {-1079602816, -1079602580, -1079602584, 0, 1075838976, -1079602708, -1079602596, 58657919, 655, 681, 33, 7, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 199, 24, 0, 163687744, 4}} activePopupWidget = <value optimized out> userTime = <value optimized out> widget = (struct QETWidget *) 0xbfa68048 keywidget = (struct QETWidget *) 0xbfa6916c grabbed = 9 d = (class QApplicationPrivate * const) 0xbfa68068 time = <value optimized out> #30 0x010e5c4b in QApplication::x11ProcessEvent (this=0xbfa6aae0, event=0xbfa6a74c) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qpoint.h:112 mouseGrabber = (class QWidget *) 0xbfa6aae0 enterPoint = {xp = 12564404, yp = 164035152} leave = (class QWidget *) 0x1a7 enter = <value optimized out> ev = {type = 7, xany = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172}, xkey = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, root = 0, subwindow = 3215369564, time = 3215369400, x = 14649750, y = 163294596, x_root = 88662004, y_root = -1079597832, state = 88582230, keycode = 163294596, same_screen = -1079597736}, xbutton = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, root = 0, subwindow = 3215369564, time = 3215369400, x = 14649750, y = 163294596, x_root = 88662004, y_root = -1079597832, state = 88582230, button = 163294596, same_screen = -1079597736}, xmotion = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, root = 0, subwindow = 3215369564, time = 3215369400, x = 14649750, y = 163294596, x_root = 88662004, y_root = -1079597832, state = 88582230, is_hint = -124 '\204', same_screen = -1079597736}, xcrossing = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, root = 0, subwindow = 3215369564, time = 3215369400, x = 14649750, y = 163294596, x_root = 88662004, y_root = -1079597832, mode = 88582230, detail = 163294596, same_screen = -1079597736, focus = 1, state = 0}, xfocus = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, mode = 0, detail = -1079597732}, xexpose = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, x = 0, y = -1079597732, width = -1079597896, height = 14649750, count = 163294596}, xgraphicsexpose = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, drawable = 15069172, x = 0, y = -1079597732, width = -1079597896, height = 14649750, count = 163294596, major_code = 88662004, minor_code = -1079597832}, xnoexpose = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, drawable = 15069172, major_code = 0, minor_code = -1079597732}, xvisibility = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, state = 0}, xcreatewindow = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, parent = 15069172, window = 0, x = -1079597732, y = -1079597896, width = 14649750, height = 163294596, border_width = 88662004, override_redirect = -1079597832}, xdestroywindow = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, event = 15069172, window = 0}, xunmap = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, event = 15069172, window = 0, from_configure = -1079597732}, xmap = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, event = 15069172, window = 0, override_redirect = -1079597732}, xmaprequest = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, parent = 15069172, window = 0}, xreparent = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, event = 15069172, window = 0, parent = 3215369564, x = -1079597896, y = 14649750, override_redirect = 163294596}, xconfigure = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, event = 15069172, window = 0, x = -1079597732, y = -1079597896, width = 14649750, height = 163294596, border_width = 88662004, above = 3215369464, override_redirect = 88582230}, xgravity = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, event = 15069172, window = 0, x = -1079597732, y = -1079597896}, xresizerequest = { type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, width = 0, height = -1079597732}, xconfigurerequest = { type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, parent = 15069172, window = 0, x = -1079597732, y = -1079597896, width = 14649750, height = 163294596, border_width = 88662004, above = 3215369464, detail = 88582230, value_mask = 163294596}, xcirculate = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, event = 15069172, window = 0, place = -1079597732}, xcirculaterequest = { type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, parent = 15069172, window = 0, place = -1079597732}, xproperty = { type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, atom = 0, time = 3215369564, state = -1079597896}, xselectionclear = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, selection = 0, time = 3215369564}, xselectionrequest = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, owner = 15069172, requestor = 0, selection = 3215369564, target = 3215369400, property = 14649750, time = 163294596}, xselection = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, requestor = 15069172, selection = 0, target = 3215369564, property = 3215369400, time = 14649750}, xcolormap = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, colormap = 0, c_new = -1079597732, state = -1079597896}, xclient = { type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, message_type = 0, format = -1079597732, data = { b = "¸¤¦¿\226\211ß\000\204»\tôßH\005ø¤¦¿", s = {-23368, -16474, -30314, 223, -21116, 2491, -8204, 1352, -23304, -16474}, l = { -1079597896, 14649750, 163294596, 88662004, -1079597832}}}, xmapping = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, request = 0, first_keycode = -1079597732, count = -1079597896}, xerror = {type = 7, display = 0xbdef, resourceid = 0, serial = 0, error_code = 244 'ô', request_code = 239 'ï', minor_code = 229 'å'}, xkeymap = {type = 7, serial = 48623, send_event = 0, display = 0x0, window = 15069172, key_vector = "\000\000\000\000\\¥¦¿¸¤¦¿\226\211ß\000\204»\tôßH\005ø¤¦¿V¨G\005"}, pad = {7, 48623, 0, 0, 15069172, 0, -1079597732, -1079597896, 14649750, 163294596, 88662004, -1079597832, 88582230, 163294596, -1079597736, 1, 0, 164622520, 164622448, -1079597736, 163294596, 96, 32, 164457768}} activePopupWidget = <value optimized out> userTime = <value optimized out> widget = (struct QETWidget *) 0x9ea5ca8 keywidget = (struct QETWidget *) 0x9ea5ca8 grabbed = false d = (class QApplicationPrivate * const) 0x9bad6a8 time = <value optimized out> #31 0x01112502 in QKeyMapperPrivate::possibleKeysCore (this=0x0, event=0x0) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qlist.h:111 baseKeySym = 164594432 baseCode = 1 pos1Bits = {-1079597236, -1079597240, 165958296, 163250004, -1079597272, 15375855, 13561844, 13561844, 163294584, 15785057, 13733876, 1, -1079597240, 13721397, 2, 0, 0, 15375855, 1, 26886132, -1079597176, 5, 56880, 0, 163334680, 50337448, 423, 0, 469025, 174, 385, 655} xmodifiers = 157081588 baseModifiers = {i = 25} chars = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 1605}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b8c0 "", array = ""}, static shared_empty = {ref = { _q_value = 8}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef398 "", array = ""}, d = 0x0} count = 100 text = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = { ref = {_q_value = 5411}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b892, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 56}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef46e, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = { 0}}, d = 0x0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0} numPerms = 163334680 consumedModifiers = 164604144 result = {{p = {static shared_null = {ref = {_q_value = 7591}, alloc = 0, begin = 0, end = 0, sharable = 1, array = {0x0}}, d = 0x9cd3530}, d = 0x9cd3530}} num1Bits = <value optimized out> #32 0x01927e78 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #33 0x0192b720 in ?? () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #34 0x0192b853 in g_main_context_iteration () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #35 0x00c2702c in QSystemSemaphorePrivate::setErrorString (this=0x9baf800, function=@0xbfa6a96c) at kernel/qsystemsemaphore_unix.cpp:103 No locals. #36 0x01111be5 in QKeyMapperPrivate::translateKeyEvent (this=0x9b93a30, keyWidget=0xbfa6a9ac, event=0x0, grab=72) at kernel/qkeymapper_x11.cpp:1816 dummy = {type = 14649750, xany = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096}, xkey = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, root = 26887136, subwindow = 163248132, time = 0, x = 17899808, y = 0, x_root = 163245440, y_root = 33, state = 0, keycode = 163250056, same_screen = 0}, xbutton = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, root = 26887136, subwindow = 163248132, time = 0, x = 17899808, y = 0, x_root = 163245440, y_root = 33, state = 0, button = 163250056, same_screen = 0}, xmotion = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, root = 26887136, subwindow = 163248132, time = 0, x = 17899808, y = 0, x_root = 163245440, y_root = 33, state = 0, is_hint = -120 '\210', same_screen = 0}, xcrossing = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, root = 26887136, subwindow = 163248132, time = 0, x = 17899808, y = 0, x_root = 163245440, y_root = 33, mode = 0, detail = 163250056, same_screen = 0, focus = 0, state = 0}, xfocus = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, mode = 26887136, detail = 163248132}, xexpose = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, x = 26887136, y = 163248132, width = 0, height = 17899808, count = 0}, xgraphicsexpose = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, drawable = 26887096, x = 26887136, y = 163248132, width = 0, height = 17899808, count = 0, major_code = 163245440, minor_code = 33}, xnoexpose = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, drawable = 26887096, major_code = 26887136, minor_code = 163248132}, xvisibility = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, state = 26887136}, xcreatewindow = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, parent = 26887096, window = 26887136, x = 163248132, y = 0, width = 17899808, height = 0, border_width = 163245440, override_redirect = 33}, xdestroywindow = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, event = 26887096, window = 26887136}, xunmap = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, event = 26887096, window = 26887136, from_configure = 163248132}, xmap = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, event = 26887096, window = 26887136, override_redirect = 163248132}, xmaprequest = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, parent = 26887096, window = 26887136}, xreparent = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, event = 26887096, window = 26887136, parent = 163248132, x = 0, y = 17899808, override_redirect = 0}, xconfigure = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, event = 26887096, window = 26887136, x = 163248132, y = 0, width = 17899808, height = 0, border_width = 163245440, above = 33, override_redirect = 0}, xgravity = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, event = 26887096, window = 26887136, x = 163248132, y = 0}, xresizerequest = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, width = 26887136, height = 163248132}, xconfigurerequest = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, parent = 26887096, window = 26887136, x = 163248132, y = 0, width = 17899808, height = 0, border_width = 163245440, above = 33, detail = 0, value_mask = 163250056}, xcirculate = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, event = 26887096, window = 26887136, place = 163248132}, xcirculaterequest = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, parent = 26887096, window = 26887136, place = 163248132}, xproperty = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, atom = 26887136, time = 163248132, state = 0}, xselectionclear = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, selection = 26887136, time = 163248132}, xselectionrequest = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, owner = 26887096, requestor = 26887136, selection = 163248132, target = 0, property = 17899808, time = 0}, xselection = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, requestor = 26887096, selection = 26887136, target = 163248132, property = 0, time = 17899808}, xcolormap = { type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, colormap = 26887136, c_new = 163248132, state = 0}, xclient = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, message_type = 26887136, format = 163248132, data = { b = "\000\000\000\000 !\021\001\000\000\000\000\200íº\t!\000\000", s = { 0, 0, 8480, 273, 0, 0, -4736, 2490, 33, 0}, l = {0, 17899808, 0, 163245440, 33}}}, xmapping = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, request = 26887136, first_keycode = 163248132, count = 0}, xerror = { type = 14649750, display = 0x9baf804, resourceid = 26886132, serial = 3215370312, error_code = 184 '¸', request_code = 67 'C', minor_code = 154 '\232'}, xkeymap = {type = 14649750, serial = 163248132, send_event = 26886132, display = 0xbfa6a848, window = 26887096, key_vector = "àC\232\001\004øº\t\000\000\000\000 !\021\001\000\000\000\000\200íº\t!\000\000\000\000\000\000"}, pad = {14649750, 163248132, 26886132, -1079596984, 26887096, 26887136, 163248132, 0, 17899808, 0, 163245440, 33, 0, 163250056, 0, 0, 0, 164452832, 6, 26377355, 26886132, 163248128, 1, -1079596856}} autor = <value optimized out> auto_repeat_data = {window = 25, keycode = 48 '0', timestamp = 164604144, release = false, error = 131} curr_autorep = 0 qic = (class QInputContext *) 0x1 count = 163250056 dpy = (Display *) 0x9bad768 type = 26389610 text = {static null = {<No data fields>}, static shared_null = { ref = {_q_value = 5411}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0x806b892, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = {0}}, static shared_empty = {ref = {_q_value = 56}, alloc = 0, size = 0, data = 0xcef46e, clean = 0, simpletext = 0, righttoleft = 0, asciiCache = 0, capacity = 0, reserved = 0, array = { 0}}, d = 0x0, static codecForCStrings = 0x0} keysym = 0 code = -1079597064 modifiers = {i = 163248132} #37 0x00bfac79 in QVector<QMap<int, QVariant> >::append (this=0xbfa6aa44, t=@0xbfa6a9fc) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qvector.h:521 No locals. #38 0x00bfb0ca in QVector<QVector<QPersistentModelIndexData*> >::append ( this=0x9cebef8, t=@0xbfa6aa4c) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_i386.h:120 copy = {{p = 0x24, d = 0x24}} #39 0x00bfd53f in QCoreApplication::postEvent (receiver=0xbfa6aae0, event=0x444fc0, priority=1) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qalgorithms.h:289 pdata = (QThreadData * volatile *) 0xbfa6aa44 data = <value optimized out> #40 0x01070dd7 in QActionGroup (this=0xbfa6aae0, parent=0xbfa6aafc) at kernel/qactiongroup.cpp:150 No locals. #41 0x08052925 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbfa6ac34) at /build/buildd/plasma-widget-networkmanagement-0.9~svn1029786/monolithic/main.cpp:45 about = {d = 0x9b961d0} options = {d = 0x9ba91f8} app = {<> = {<No data fields>}, static staticMetaObject = {d = { superdata = 0x806b8d8, stringdata = 0x80637e0 "Monolithic", data = 0x8063ca0, extradata = 0x0}}, d_ptr = 0x9c8ecc0} i = 163643256
*** Bug 209280 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 211219 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 212612 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From bug 212861: What I was doing when the application crashed: I was configuring my wifi wpa pass when knetworkmanager crashed, I had tried 3 to 4 times after this happen. The wifi network is the one at home No other app was running that I remember.
*** Bug 212861 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 212845 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From bug 213396: -- What I was doing when the application crashed: Was trying to connect to a WPA2 Entreprise, EAP/TLS with cl.pem, ca.pem and key.prv. (choosed TLS security) After the first try, the window askin again the certificates appeared and System ca certificate was check and my own ca.pem wasn't present. So I unchecked system certificate, added again the ca.pem and tried to reconnect, then it crashed. (ca.pem, cl.pem and .prv perfectly working on wicd client) (connection sucessful)
*** Bug 213396 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 213511 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 214203 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 214220 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From bug 214878: --- What I was doing when the application crashed: I open Network managemet tool and change wlan connection parameters when system use wlan0. I push "Ok" and Network management tool show bug report.
*** Bug 214878 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 211494 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This bug can be reproduced with different kinds of network nics like PRISM2-USB, Intel 2200bg. If no crash happens the entered wireless key is not stored either using kwallet or without kwallet.
*** Bug 215196 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From bug 215196: --- I tried to get a connection to my home wlan because i had changed some options just before and for that changed the interface (eth1, wlan0) and other options that should have made the connection work, i thought. Then the KNetworkManager crashed, but after the reload of the manager it worked and i had a connection.
*** Bug 215300 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From bug 215722: --- What I was doing when the application crashed: The KNetworkManager has made a connection to my home WLAN, but there was still no traffic to my Aplications(firefox, software installation). I checked the passphrase for the WPA1 Network, allowed KNetwork to get everytime acces to KWallet, saved the settings an used the OK button. After that I recognised that there was still the password configuration window open (may be a second???). I used the OK Button, may be. Than KNetworkManager crashed.
*** Bug 215722 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From bug 216403: --- wireless connection is not authenticated, continues to require the passphrase wireless connection to an access point without WPA security is done regular
*** Bug 216403 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 217395 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 216893 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've managed to create a workaround. Start using knetworkmanager -- this will not work. Then edit kwallet settings made by knetworkmanager and save them. After that wifi works with all settings as usual. I think that knetworkmanager ist not able to store values in kwallet. Jochen
*** Bug 218009 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 218208 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 218959 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 219517 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I'm trying to reproduce this with a Karmic installation since I cannot reproduce this on openSUSE, but I can't make it crash, nor does valgrind report any problems. What am I missing? Is everyone using KWallet here? Do you have a password set on the wallet? Do you have 'always allow' set on KNM on KWallet?
Ok, nailed it down with trunk. To reproduce: 1) Start a connection attempt (or let connect automatically connection activate) 2) Connection fails, for whatever reason, and the connection secrets dialog is shown 3) Edit the connection in the KCM, not in the shown connection secrets dialog 4) Ok the connection secrets dialog 5) Crash. Classic case of interleaved actions exposing unsafe assumptions about when stuff gets deleted.
Fixed by commit 1065133. " r1065133 | wstephens | 2009-12-22 17:03:54 +0100 (Tue, 22 Dec 2009) | 4 lines If the user edits or deletes a connection while a ConnectionSecretsJob (GetSecrets dialog) is running, kill the job (and replace it with a new job if the job was edited, so the GetSecrets call is answered). " Kubuntu packagers, please add this as a patch a lot of your users are suffering from it.
*** Bug 219829 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 220163 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 220282 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 221183 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 221276 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 221807 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 222989 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 225709 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 227581 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 228083 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 230610 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
please remove me from this thread... non-issue now... my laptop died!
*** Bug 233225 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***