Bug 204170 - Improve PPPOE support
Summary: Improve PPPOE support
Alias: None
Product: Network Management
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Control Module (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Will Stephenson
: 242088 264176 280648 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-08-17 14:02 UTC by Kamil Neczaj
Modified: 2011-11-05 20:32 UTC (History)
10 users (show)

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Latest Commit:
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Sentry Crash Report:

Patch to make PPPoE connections appear when an ethernet device is available (2.60 KB, patch)
2011-07-25 18:59 UTC, Ilia Kats

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Kamil Neczaj 2009-08-17 14:02:57 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.3.0)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Unlisted Binary Package

There is lack of pppoe protocol support in kde's networkmanager frontend. I cannot set new connection as well as use the one set before using the gnome frontend. I am most interested in using pppoe with my ethernet card, not a DSL device.
Comment 1 Will Stephenson 2009-09-16 20:22:12 UTC
Is PPPOE over an ethernet card possible with the gnome nm-applet?
Comment 2 Emmanuel Touzery 2009-09-17 07:36:52 UTC
Yes absolutely PPPoE over an ethernet card is possible with the GNOME nm-applet. This is exactly my use-case and i can tell you it works.
Comment 3 Blingg 2009-09-19 21:45:59 UTC
Yea, I can confirm too...PPPoE with nm-applet works like a charm
Comment 4 Kamil Neczaj 2009-09-20 13:12:58 UTC
In the gnome applet you can set pppoe connection using an ethernet card in dsl tab and after that it's listed in dsl category. The only difference between setting pppoe using an ethernet card and a dsl device is that that in the field 'MAC address' you must type MAC address of your ethernet card instead dsl device.
Comment 5 Will Stephenson 2009-09-27 18:35:56 UTC
SVN commit 1028570 by wstephens:

Enable PPPoE on ethernet devices, please test.

 M  +2 -2      libs/ui/connectioneditor.cpp  
 M  +1 -1      libs/ui/pppoepreferences.cpp  
 M  +1 -0      libs/ui/pppoepreferences.h  
 M  +1 -1      settings/config/manageconnectionwidget.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1028570
Comment 6 Will Stephenson 2009-09-27 21:14:27 UTC
SVN commit 1028629 by wstephens:

Simplify the way serial and PPP settings are put on the bus.  

Also make sure you have svn r1028616 for PPPoE

CCBUG: 204170

 M  +35 -18    pppdbus.cpp  
 M  +3 -0      pppdbus.h  
 M  +18 -4     serialdbus.cpp  
 M  +3 -0      serialdbus.h  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1028629
Comment 7 Kamil Neczaj 2009-09-28 00:26:19 UTC
For me it doesn't work. I have a problem with knetworkmanager. Connections made using gnome frontend aren't listed in knetworkmanager module for managing connections. Whereas connections created using the same module in knetworkmanager aren't visible for NetworkManager and cannot be used, so at the moment it doesn't work for me. Created connections also don't appear in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections.

Gnome's nm-applet saves connection settings in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections (now I have there 3 connections: AGH, dhcp, lanbit, the last one is pppoe), whereas knetworkmanager saves settings in ~/.kde4/share/apps/networkmanagement/connections/. Maybe it doesn't work because of this.
Comment 8 Will Stephenson 2009-09-28 09:37:28 UTC
The place the settings are saved does not matter, because the settings are communicated by the client to NetworkManager as DBUS objects, not via the filesystem.

Please compare the PPPoE connections made by nm-applet and by knetworkmanager with the instructions at 


(If you want to compare a system setting, replace org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings with
org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSystemSettings in the qdbus command described above)

Please also provide NetworkManager logs from when knetworkmanager is started to the unsuccessful PPPoE connection attempt; log locations are given at the above url.
Comment 9 Will Stephenson 2009-09-28 09:44:29 UTC
https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=204340 tracks the separate issue of editing/adding system connections
Comment 10 Kamil Neczaj 2009-09-28 10:30:19 UTC
Ok, I will try to diagnose that using qdbusfornm. 

Now I noticed that knetworkmanager doesn't see only my pppoe over ethernet card connections. VPN and common wired connections are listed in knetworkmanager main menu, but pppoe ones don't. There isn't neither the systemwide 'lanbit' connection nor the one created using knetworkmanager.
Comment 11 Will Stephenson 2009-09-28 11:26:10 UTC
Thanks for the info, I'll try to reproduce the missing PPPoE system connections - should be easy enough to fix.
Comment 12 Kamil Neczaj 2009-09-28 11:42:14 UTC

qdbus --system --literal org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerUserSettings /org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings/0 org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.Connection.GetSettings:

a{sa{sv}} {
"connection" = [Argument: a{sv} {
"autoconnect" = false 
"id" = "kde", 
"type" = "pppoe"
"uuid" = "14dbb1ad-fb60-4c03-919b-e2bc5348baaa" 
"ppp" = [Argument: a{sv} {}], 
"pppoe" = [Argument: a{sv} {
"service" = "", 
"username" = "neczaj"]}]}]

I've formatted these outputs a bit.

The "kde" is local pppoe connection made using knetworkmanager.



the systemwide 'lanbit' connection

qdbus --system --literal org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSystemSettings /org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings/3 org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerSettings.Connection.GetSettings

[Argument: a{sa{sv}} {
"ppp" = [Argument: a{sv} {}], 
"ipv4" = [Argument: a{sv} {
"addresses" = [Variant: [Argument: aau {}]], 
"dns" = [Variant: [Argument: au {}]], 
"routes" = [Variant: [Argument: aau {}]], 
"method" = "auto"
"pppoe" = [Argument: a{sv} {
"username" = "neczaj"
"connection" = [Argument: a{sv} {
"uuid" = "d87bf2f4-9f29-4861-8434-9d931e2eb131"
"autoconnect" = false
"id" = "lanbit"
"type" = "pppoe"
"802-3-ethernet" = [Argument: a{sv} {
"mac-address" = {0, 24, -13, -113, -45, -108}
"duplex" = "full"


In my opinion the main problem is that knetworkmanager's menu doesn't see any of these two pppoe connections so I even cannot try to connect.
On the other hand, these connections are a bit different, this may be another issue.
Comment 13 Kamil Neczaj 2009-10-30 16:06:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> Thanks for the info, I'll try to reproduce the missing PPPoE system connections
> - should be easy enough to fix.

What's with it? You say it should be easy, but the issue stopped.
Comment 14 Will Stephenson 2009-11-17 16:16:10 UTC
It's easy but low priority for me since many more people are having problems with other connection types like wireless and vpn...
Comment 15 Blc 2009-11-20 15:41:59 UTC
I don't wanna be rude, but 1 easy fix = 1 less bug to fix later... :)
Comment 16 Stefan Vater 2009-11-20 18:02:38 UTC
Additionally, I think that since the DSL tab in the configuration menu is enabled now, it should be also possible to use it. Otherwise not so experienced people might get confused...

Nevertheless, you guys do great work, thank you very much to have such good kde4 already!
Comment 17 Stefan Vater 2010-03-29 14:12:18 UTC

is there any chance that this will be fixed in the near future? Eg., for KDE SC 4.5? It is kind of funny: I configured my DSL connection in the DSL-Tab, and sometimes NM connects by itself. When it does not, I can use cnetworkmanager to connect. In both cases the knetworkmanager icon shows that it is connected in the end. Unfortunatelly, this does not work with the plasma-widget (r1057339).

As said above, to me it seems that only the connection buttom is missing. I would also give it a try to see if I can fix it, if someone could tell me in which files to look ... and if this is possible for someone unexperienced in QT and kde programming ...
Comment 18 Stefan Vater 2010-10-08 17:01:38 UTC
Now, the same procedure also works for plasma-nm (r1180608 with kde 4.5.2, opensuse 11.3), as I described above for knetworkmanager. But a button to (dis)connect a DSL connection is still missing. So let's hope for the first official 1.0 release :-)
Comment 19 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-05-08 21:19:44 UTC
*** Bug 242088 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-07-08 22:57:24 UTC
*** Bug 264176 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 21 Ilia Kats 2011-07-25 18:59:03 UTC
Created attachment 62187 [details]
Patch to make PPPoE connections appear when an ethernet device is available

Can someone please test the attached patch? This is against nm09 branch.
Comment 22 Ilia Kats 2011-08-23 16:47:24 UTC
*** Bug 280648 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 23 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-10 01:39:38 UTC
Git commit 2a26ff257ca588ce96d5f443795c82d96140f7e0 by Lamarque V. Souza.
Committed on 10/09/2011 at 02:55.
Pushed by lvsouza into branch 'nm09'.

Allow DSL connections be associated to ethernet interfaces.

CCBUG: 204170

M  +5    -4    libs/service/networkinterfaceactivatableprovider.cpp

Comment 24 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-13 00:54:19 UTC
Git commit 68ebd8231f942154cd743d4007b8ab9e8689808b by Lamarque V. Souza.
Committed on 13/09/2011 at 02:52.
Pushed by lvsouza into branch 'master'.

Allow DSL connections be associated to ethernet interfaces.

CCBUG: 204170

M  +1    -0    libs/service/networkinterfaceactivatableprovider.cpp

Comment 25 dE 2011-09-13 02:33:53 UTC
Comment 26 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-16 19:00:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #25)
> Thanks!!!

Are you able to connect through DLS now? I do not have access to DSL connection here to test it. If your answer is yes I will close this bug as fixed.
Comment 27 dE 2011-09-17 12:43:48 UTC
Where the GIT repository?
Comment 28 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-20 19:31:36 UTC
(In reply to comment #27)
> Where the GIT repository?

Read instructions here: http://lamarque-lvs.blogspot.com/2011/07/some-clarifications-about-plasma-nm.html
Comment 29 dE 2011-09-24 04:16:26 UTC
It doesn't build, make does nothing.
Comment 30 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-24 04:24:24 UTC
Send me the log messages that appered when you ran 'cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr'
Comment 31 dE 2011-09-24 04:55:01 UTC
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/de/Desktop/knetworkmanager
-- Found Qt-Version 4.7.2 (using /usr/bin/qmake)
-- Found X11: /usr/lib64/libX11.so
-- Found KDE 4.6 include dir: /usr/include
-- Found KDE 4.6 library dir: /usr/lib64
-- Found the KDE4 kconfig_compiler preprocessor: /usr/bin/kconfig_compiler
-- Found automoc4: /usr/bin/automoc4
-- checking for one of the modules 'mobile-broadband-provider-info'
-- checking for one of the modules 'NetworkManager'
-- checking for one of the modules 'libnm-util'

-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.
   * mobile-broadband-provider-info  <http://live.gnome.org/NetworkManager/MobileBroadband/ServiceProviders>
     Database of mobile broadband service providers
     Needed for Mobile Connection Wizard support in Broadband Modem Management
   * NetworkManager headers (0.9 or higher)  <http://projects.gnome.org/NetworkManager>
     User controllable networking
     Needed for NetworkManager support in Network Management


-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/de/Desktop/knetworkmanager/networkmanagement

Notice, I do have NM headers in /usr/include/NetworkManager
Comment 32 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-24 05:05:12 UTC
Is your NM version 0.9.0 or higher?
Comment 33 dE 2011-09-24 05:51:34 UTC
Comment 34 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-24 06:01:28 UTC
You have kdelibs-devel installed, right? Send me the output of the command:

pkg-config NetworkManager --modversion
Comment 35 dE 2011-09-24 07:28:18 UTC
There're no devel packages, I'm using Gentoo. pkg-config was not installed, now it's compiling.
Comment 36 dE 2011-09-24 08:18:37 UTC
It appears to be working OK, but has 2 problems. The icon is always a white cross in a red background, and all connections appear as 'system (interface)' if even if it's not a system connection.
Comment 37 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-09-26 23:37:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #36)
> It appears to be working OK, but has 2 problems. The icon is always a white
> cross in a red background, and all connections appear as 'system (interface)'
> if even if it's not a system connection.

Have you git pulled the repository recently? I did several commits that change how Plasma NM updates the system tray icon.

I still need to implement secrets storage selection (user or system) for pppoe settings. NM stores secrets by default, probably that is why your connection is system type.
Comment 38 dE 2011-09-28 02:06:01 UTC
I'll try it out.
Comment 39 dE 2011-10-03 13:39:40 UTC
Sorry for the late response, I couldn't find this bug.

The problem appears to be fixed.
Comment 40 Lamarque V. Souza 2011-11-05 20:32:55 UTC
Plasma NM saves secrets as expected and seems to update the system tray icon as expected too. I will close this bug as fixed.