Bug 198661 - Add option to disable scroll on taskbar
Summary: Add option to disable scroll on taskbar
Alias: None
Product: plasmashell
Classification: Plasma
Component: Task Manager and Icons-Only Task Manager widgets (show other bugs)
Version: master
Platform: unspecified Unspecified
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: 1.0
Assignee: Eike Hein
Keywords: junior-jobs
: 186729 252585 344928 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-07-02 15:48 UTC by Dotan Cohen
Modified: 2018-03-14 14:15 UTC (History)
37 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 5.3.0
Sentry Crash Report:
intruderkw: VisualDesign+

scroll switch enable/disable (8.69 KB, patch)
2009-12-11 17:53 UTC, Ravi Vagadia
patch for 4.4 (13.00 KB, patch)
2010-03-06 14:40 UTC, Ravi Vagadia
Patch against plasma-desktop git master rev. ba6f2d7c054e7cdc1013c03a3f0821e8e328329b (2.95 KB, patch)
2014-04-11 03:37 UTC, Idonotexist

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Dotan Cohen 2009-07-02 15:48:01 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.90)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

Currently, scrolling the mouse wheel over the taskbar changes the active application. Please add an option to disable this feature. Thanks.
Comment 1 jonasz 2009-08-09 23:31:04 UTC
I agree. There were no such a feature in KDE 3.3. Later it was added only for windows in the same group (on the taskbar), and later -- for all windows. But as for me, it's very inconvenient. Could you please add a feature to switch it off.
Comment 2 markuss 2009-08-12 14:45:54 UTC
Yeah, this is especially annoying when using a touch pad, when accidentally touching the "scroll area" switches windows when one only wanted to move the cursor.
Comment 3 Andrey Borzenkov 2009-08-19 15:37:58 UTC

Related bug http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=148939. I have exactly the same issues with touch pad. Would be nice if this feature were user controlled.
Comment 4 markuss 2009-08-19 16:51:10 UTC
Don't write "+1". Nobody counts "+1" comments. Click the "Vote" link instead and give this bug up to 20 votes.
Comment 5 Dotan Cohen 2009-08-23 11:45:12 UTC
Additionally, sometime I am scrolling in a window, but the mouse moves because my hand is on it scrolling. It moves over the taskbar and Boom! my window is gone. Then the librarian has me removed for screaming Russian profanity in the otherwise tranquil library.
Comment 6 Dotan Cohen 2009-10-24 11:09:33 UTC
The problem is that one does not deliberately park his mouse in any specific
location, rather, Fitt's Law dictates that a large edge-of-screen area is the
ideal place to "throw" the mouse pointer when not in use. This behaviour leads
to bugs like this bug and related bug #211593.
Comment 7 markuss 2009-10-26 00:18:07 UTC
As a work-around the 3rd party Smooth Tasks plasmoid can be used: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Smooth+Tasks?content=101586
It has a scroll option.
Check your distro's repos if it's available.
Comment 8 Dotan Cohen 2009-10-28 12:23:16 UTC
The Smooth Tasks plasmoid does not seem to have the non-scroll option either.
Comment 9 markuss 2009-10-28 16:21:11 UTC
It's a new option. Added only a few days ago. Wait for updated packages. Smoth Tasks adopted the brain-dead context menu placement of KDE's default task bar, though.
Comment 10 CDC 2009-10-29 20:31:03 UTC
This is a rather important request.  On a desktop it's not much of an issue, but if you're using KDE4 on a laptop or netbook, the scrolling thing becomes a major problem.  

The touchpad is easy to accidentally brush with your hand or thumb while you work.  The touchpads on new laptops and netbooks have a scroll area on the right hand side, and it's VERY sensitive.  The slightest accidental swipe with the heel of your hand and your applications start swapping around very rapidly.

Scrolling with the wheel is something I definitely use on the full desktop PC with a normal mouse, but on my netbook, the importance of being able to toggle this option off cannot be overstated.
Comment 11 Ravi Vagadia 2009-12-11 17:53:30 UTC
Created attachment 38995 [details]
scroll switch enable/disable

built against KDE 4.3.81
Comment 12 Andrey Borzenkov 2010-02-19 13:44:07 UTC
What is the status of this bug? Personally I hit this dozens of times a day using touchpad. Even configuration parameter without GUI would be appreciated.

Hell, I just jumped to some random window when all I wanted was to move mouse pointer a bit :(
Comment 13 Dotan Cohen 2010-02-19 15:29:17 UTC
Andrey, the status of this bug is NEW. Ravi proposed a fix but no developer has commented on it. You might want to ask on the dev list. Thanks.
Comment 14 Dario Andres 2010-02-28 14:43:24 UTC
- Isn't this the same as bug 186729 ? Regards
Comment 15 Andrey Borzenkov 2010-02-28 18:52:01 UTC
yes, it is. I hoped, this was *fixed* bug :(
Comment 16 markuss 2010-02-28 19:57:28 UTC
I contacted Ravi. He agreed to update the patch for the current trunk version.
In the meantime you can use the Smooth Tasks plasmoid. It has the feature and works well.
Comment 17 Ravi Vagadia 2010-03-06 14:40:10 UTC
Created attachment 41380 [details]
patch for 4.4

patch for 4.4
Comment 18 markuss 2010-03-07 02:42:55 UTC
I applied the patch to trunk and while I was at it, moved the checkbox to the top category that I renamed "Appearance and Interaction".
Comment 19 markuss 2010-03-07 02:47:44 UTC
PS: Thanks a lot, Ravi!
Comment 20 Aaron J. Seigo 2010-03-09 07:10:28 UTC
SVN commit 1100986 by aseigo:

revert patches made for bug#198661; they are quite simply incorrect. next time, use review board, ping us on plasma-devel or find us on irc. but don't just commit such things to code you do not maintain. the coding style was incorrect in places, which is a somewhat minor issue, and the implementation itself was completely wrong. i've commented in other bug reports how this should be done (e.g. globally for all plasmoids) and will happily accept such a patch.

 _M            . (directory)  
 M  +0 -4      plasma-tasks-default.desktop  
 M  +1 -1      taskgroupitem.cpp  
 M  +1 -14     tasks.cpp  
 M  +1 -2      tasks.h  
 M  +128 -102  tasksConfig.ui  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1100986
Comment 21 Aaron J. Seigo 2010-08-11 08:07:20 UTC
*** Bug 186729 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 22 fuggum 2010-09-27 07:53:37 UTC
how many votes does it take to get some traction on this?  i'll submit the following use case...

judy has carpal tunnel syndrome.  she uses her laptop to earn a living as well as for pleasure.  her laptop dies and she gets a new one with a ***HUGE*** touchpad that has no discernible borders and is very sensitive as well.

she loves kubuntu lucid, and is even trying out maverick hoping for better control of the touchpad settings, yet finds the touchpad configuration capabilities lacking.

after resorting to asking a friend to help her in writing a shell script to set the touchpad parameters to the best she can including syndaemon to disable the touchpad while typing, she still finds it quite difficult and extremely painful to type while trying to keep her palms and thumbs off the touchpad and still gets undesired movement and scroll events.

she adores the ability to disable the touchpad scroll from switching desktops by using the mouse actions in the plasma workspace/desktop settings.  

she finds it quite hard to accept that the same configuration capabilities cannot be easily added to the pager and tasks widgets which still give her considerable annoyance, pain and irritation as well as lost productivity resulting in some less than pleasant chats with her boss.

can someone help judy solve these issues?  she claims she'll do herself in before going back to windoze ;)
Comment 23 CDC 2010-09-27 09:18:44 UTC
@fuggum - install Synaptiks.  It does all the configuration that KDE needs.  It's default installed in KDE4/openSUSE 11.3 and up.  It should be available for other distros as well.

See: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=114270&forumpage=0&PHPSESSID=e5af

Problem solved, and done so quite elegantly.
Comment 24 Andrey Borzenkov 2010-09-27 12:45:00 UTC
(In reply to comment #23)
> @fuggum - install Synaptiks. 

The problem is not to configure touchpad; but rather that it is too easy to accidentally trigger "scroll". I have very small touchpad so every second time I try to move mouse off taskbar I switch windows.
Comment 25 fuggum 2010-09-27 21:34:40 UTC
kubuntu includes kde-config-touchpad which permits configuration much the same as synaptiks.  as andrey stated, the problem is not touchpad configuration, but plasma applet configuration.

or to state more appropriately the root cause:
kde sc4 lacks global mouse/touchpad features implementation standards and conventions, control center module to manage global and custom mouse/pointer buttons, scroll events, gesture shortcuts (similar to keyboard shortcuts), and therefore some developers are including mouse/touchpad configuration capabilities in their applications and others are hard-coding scroll events into their applications and not providing a method to configure/disable the scroll events.

make sense?
Comment 26 fuggum 2010-09-27 22:09:11 UTC
opened bug report for widget-pager, same issue, test case and root-cause, but refer here rather than duplicate.  please vote there too if you wish

see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=252585

Comment 27 fuggum 2010-09-27 22:19:58 UTC
opened bug report for widget-pager, same issue, test case and root-cause, but refer here rather than duplicate.  please vote there too if you wish

see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=252585

Comment 28 fuggum 2010-09-27 22:48:43 UTC
excuse duplicate post, please.

judy's laptop is tough to work with ;)
Comment 29 fuggum 2010-09-27 23:24:35 UTC
added author to cc list

didn't see you listed, thought you might want to be aware of this.
Comment 30 Aaron J. Seigo 2010-09-28 03:39:53 UTC
*** Bug 252585 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 31 fuggum 2010-09-28 06:04:52 UTC
i'm okay with tracking both issues in one bug report, but can we at least change the title of this one to reflect both applets?

suggest " Add option to disable scroll on taskbar  and pager plasma widgets"

Comment 32 siegfried 2011-02-06 18:24:22 UTC
I have disabled scroll on both taskbar and pager on my laptop. 
I commended function Pager::wheelEvent in kdebase-workspace-4.6.0a/plasma/desktop/applets/pager/pager.cpp
and TaskGroupItem::wheelEvent in kdebase-workspace-4.6.0a/plasma/desktop/applets/tasks/taskgroupitem.cpp

I also had to remove both functions out of the header files. 
And build again after that.

This is my first experience with the kde source code. If I have time, I will try to write an option to disable and enable the function.
Comment 33 Flavio 2011-03-09 04:28:11 UTC
This is a very annoying bug for touchpad users who have reserved areas for scrolling.
When horizontal scrolling is enabled on a touchpad, if you click on the taskbar and move the cursor back into the window/desktop/other area of the screeen, very often horizontal scrolling is triggered by mistake. 
Even an option buried in a config file is better than nothing.

Many laptop/netbook users will be very thankful.

I'm happy to hear that Siegfried has found a solution to this bug.
Comment 34 tosiara 2011-09-24 17:44:46 UTC
Having same issue, please provide any fix or workaround
Comment 35 siegfried 2011-09-24 19:09:47 UTC
I just installed kubuntu 11.10, so i had to do this all over again.

I will list my steps

sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get build-dep kdebase-workspace
sudo apt-get source kdebase-workspace

Now we need to comment the wheelevent functions in the following files.

For example:
kate kde-workspace-4.7.0/plasma/desktop/applets/tasks/taskgroupitem.cpp
select the whole function:

void TaskGroupItem::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event)
     focusSubTask((event->delta() < 0), true);

Use control-D to comment the selected text.

Do this also for the other files.

cd kde-workspace-4.7.0

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b
(now you can bake some cookies on your cpu) :p

sudo dpkg -i kde-workspace

If you have anymore questions just ask.
I'm sure there will be a sollution without recompiling the whole kde workspace, if you find it please let me know ;)
Comment 36 siegfried 2011-09-24 19:11:17 UTC
Sorry, the last line should be
sudo dpkg -i plasma-desktop_4.7.0-0ubuntu11_amd64.deb
Comment 37 Dotan Cohen 2011-09-24 19:41:20 UTC
Why can't this:
void TaskGroupItem::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event)
     focusSubTask((event->delta() < 0), true);

Be this:
void TaskGroupItem::wheelEvent(QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent *event)
     if (someOption)
          focusSubTask((event->delta() < 0), true);

And a corresponding UI to set someOption?
Comment 38 Runar Jensen 2012-04-03 19:31:33 UTC
Is it possible to get this patch into the main trunk? The problem still exists in Kubuntu 11.10 running KDE 4.7.4, and is quite annoying with a touchpad.
Comment 39 simion314 2012-12-19 09:52:04 UTC
Hi, I am having same issues with the Icon tasks plasmoid, so can anyuone please l post how /where this bug can be fixed? What abouyt the patches above?
Comment 40 Andrei Duma 2012-12-19 22:57:32 UTC
Is solving this bug of interest? I'm new around, but I'd like to try implementing the requested feature.
Comment 41 Trip Ericson 2012-12-20 03:30:38 UTC
I'm certainly interested.  I encounter this bug at least once per day (usually more like 20 times) thanks to my overly-sensitive touchpad.
Comment 42 tosiara 2012-12-20 05:26:04 UTC
I'm also appreciate any efforts to fix this
Comment 43 Dotan Cohen 2012-12-20 14:33:21 UTC
I'm with Trip and tosiara.
Comment 44 Edward 2012-12-26 19:49:04 UTC
Why is this simple feature taking so long to get fixed? It was reported over 3 years ago.
Very annoying to have your windows switching like crazy when using a trackpad.
Comment 45 K900 2013-02-23 20:01:34 UTC
> i've commented in other bug reports how this should be done (e.g. globally for all plasmoids) and will happily accept such a patch
I want to try my hand at fixing/implementing this, but I'm not sure if this still applies, and I can't find the mentioned comment. Can someone please give me a link?
Comment 46 Luca76 2013-05-31 08:12:41 UTC
Due to many votes, I think this is one of the most hated bug (or... ehm... feature :D )
Comment 47 markuss 2013-06-25 01:34:27 UTC
Still the same with QML widget.
Comment 48 Rob 2013-06-29 23:19:59 UTC
Throwing in my vote on this bug as well. It has been a daily annoyance for a long time now.

Use scroll area on right edge of trackpad to scroll code or content or what-have-you; cursor drifts down to bottom of screen eventually and lands in the task switcher area; go to flick finger on edge of trackpad to scroll content and all my windows go flippy-flippy-flippy-flippy-flippy... (scroll coasting makes this a really hilarious effect, the first time it happens. After that, decreasingly less so.)
Comment 49 Brandon Watkins 2013-08-24 13:48:58 UTC
This is a huge issue on a laptop with a touchpad with two finger scrolling, very easily to accidently trigger. And especially if there is a user that doesn't know about these feature, they would have no idea wtf is happening when they inevitably accidently trigger this. Not only should this be optional, IMO it needs to be disabled by default, its not a user friendly default.
Comment 50 Werner Loureiro 2013-08-24 19:32:34 UTC
this is one of the most stupid KDE feature... I think the only one that can beat the stupidity of this is the Middle Button Paste!!!
Comment 51 Edward 2013-08-24 19:54:34 UTC
(In reply to comment #50)
> this is one of the most stupid KDE feature... I think the only one that can
> beat the stupidity of this is the Middle Button Paste!!!

At least middle button paste can be disabled.  This one can't.
Comment 52 Werner Loureiro 2013-08-24 22:20:33 UTC
(In reply to comment #51)
> (In reply to comment #50)
> > this is one of the most stupid KDE feature... I think the only one that can
> > beat the stupidity of this is the Middle Button Paste!!!
> At least middle button paste can be disabled.  This one can't.

I've tried many times, and I couldn't disabled it... If you are saying it "can be suppressed by a workaround" then I agree, couse "really disable" it I couldn't do it...

I've tried "patching the gtk source file", rebuild it, reinstall it, and it didn't worked, and f...ked up everything here, I almost had to reinstall my system...
Comment 53 Murz 2013-12-16 07:39:58 UTC
Maybe exists some hidden option in plasma-desktop-appletsrc that disable kde task manager mouse scroll event?
Comment 54 Idonotexist 2014-04-11 00:56:58 UTC
I have found a solution that works for me and wish to share it.

Preventing scrolling in the taskbar requires neither binary patches nor rebuilds.

All you need to do is to open /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma/packages/org.kde.plasma.tasks/contents/ui/Task.qml or its equivalent and at line 137 (the one which has "onWheelMoved:"), change it to

onWheelMoved: {} /* Commented out bullshit */

Log out and in.

Those who are more able and adventurous can try adding a JavaScript/QML if-statement controlled by some GUI panel checkbox property. I have only been able to identify and bluntly disable this behaviour; I do not pretend to know how one would truly go about adding a GUI checkbox, but would consider making a patch were I showed how.
Comment 55 Idonotexist 2014-04-11 00:58:41 UTC
I have found a solution that works for me and wish to share it.

Preventing scrolling in the taskbar requires neither binary patches nor rebuilds.

All you need to do is to open /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma/packages/org.kde.plasma.tasks/contents/ui/Task.qml or its equivalent and at line 137 (the one which has "onWheelMoved:"), change it to

onWheelMoved: {} /* Commented out code */

Log out and in.

Those who are more able and adventurous can try adding a JavaScript/QML if-statement controlled by some GUI panel checkbox property. I have only been able to identify and bluntly disable this behaviour; I do not pretend to know how one would truly go about adding a GUI checkbox, but would consider making a patch were I showed how.
Comment 56 Idonotexist 2014-04-11 03:37:30 UTC
Created attachment 86036 [details]
Patch against plasma-desktop git master rev. ba6f2d7c054e7cdc1013c03a3f0821e8e328329b

This patch adds a new checkbox under Task Manager Settings > General and a corresponding property called enableMouseScroll, with the default set to True (the current default). This property is checked on every onWheelMoved event, and only if true does it permit scrolling.

This patch is public domain, in case you're worried.
Comment 57 Tuukka Verho 2014-04-23 05:31:13 UTC
Since this is a non-feature for touchpad users anyway (touchpad is too imprecise to accurately switch by scrolling) it might make sense to disable the feature altogether if no mouse is present.
Comment 58 anomaly256 2014-05-20 13:13:08 UTC
Thanks @idontexist.

This one's really annoying with a trackpad + gestures when i'm on a browser page and my cursor happens to be resting on the taskbar.  So very very annoying.  Kind of hard to believe it hasn't been dealt with officially after all this time.
Comment 59 Luca76 2014-05-20 13:25:11 UTC
(In reply to comment #58)

+1. I never saw one that uses this feature, so why don't remove it in KF5? I'm so sure that none will miss it...
Comment 60 Murz 2014-05-20 13:35:28 UTC
+1 for removing this feature in KF5 from me too.
Comment 61 Luca76 2014-05-20 13:40:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #60)
> +1 for removing this feature in KF5 from me too.

I think it's one of the most hated bug :D
Comment 62 Werner Loureiro 2014-05-20 14:26:50 UTC
repeating: This is one of the most stupid KDE feature... (I think the only one that can beat the stupidity of this is the Middle Button Paste)
Comment 63 Jonathan Doman 2014-05-21 16:51:23 UTC
I actually like the feature when using a real mouse, especially when managing many windows with the icon-only task manager. But it is a pain when using a trackpad, so an option would be better than removing it altogether.

(Also @Werner, middle click paste is part of X - it has nothing to do with KDE.)
Comment 64 Eike Hein 2014-12-15 19:13:56 UTC
Since it's configurable in other places (e.g. the clock widgets make time zone switching on wheel optional, and mouse actions on the desktop containment are configurable as well) and I hear about this fairly often, I'll add an option soon.
Comment 65 intruderkw 2015-01-13 00:25:18 UTC
a mustdie piece
Comment 66 Kai Uwe Broulik 2015-02-17 17:18:23 UTC
Git commit e9b2c389c64f4ce8ad1e4df7597fd3bcf9be4fbc by Kai Uwe Broulik.
Committed on 17/02/2015 at 17:14.
Pushed by broulik into branch 'master'.

Add a "cycle through tasks with mouse wheel" option

REVIEW: 122600

M  +3    -0    applets/taskmanager/package/contents/config/main.xml
M  +22   -5    applets/taskmanager/package/contents/ui/ConfigGeneral.qml
M  +1    -0    applets/taskmanager/package/contents/ui/MouseHandler.qml
M  +5    -1    applets/taskmanager/package/contents/ui/Task.qml

Comment 67 Dotan Cohen 2015-02-17 17:27:36 UTC
Thank you Kai Uwe Broulik! I haven't yet tested your solution, but I am glad to see you give attention to this issue.
Comment 68 Bhushan Shah 2015-03-07 07:42:23 UTC
*** Bug 344928 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 69 Idonotexist 2015-03-18 01:23:25 UTC
Kai Uwe Broulik: Thank you so much for this change. I also haven't tried it yet, but you show infinitely more care towards this issue than Aaron Seigo, who 8 *years* ago has this dumb thing to say (http://kde.6490.n7.nabble.com/disable-lt-scroll-gt-on-kicker-taskbar-td1382212.html#a1382214), and that (http://kde.6490.n7.nabble.com/disable-scroll-on-kicker-taskbar-tp1382212p1382234.html).

Your patch was shorter than his comments!!!!
Comment 70 Eike Hein 2015-03-18 12:32:37 UTC
Idonotexist: That post wasn't acceptable for this venue, please have a look at https://www.kde.org/code-of-conduct/