I'm using NVidia Twinview and both screens are 1680x1050. I have 4 virtual desktops and I've set "different activities for each desktop". This option created six new activities, one for each screen on each virtual desktop. When zooming out and in on activities, them are moved across virtual desktops. example: VirtualDesktop 1 [Left|Right] VirtualDesktop 2 [Left|Right] VirtualDesktop 3 [Left|Right] VirtualDesktop 4 [Left|Right] - click on "zoom out" on the toolbox placed on "VirtualDesktop 1 (right)" - click on "zoom in" of Virtual Desktop 4 (right) The activity which was before on VirtualDesktop 1 (right) is on Virtual Desktop 4 (right) and viceversa. On a multiscreen setup activities of the same virtual desktop, should stay matched and not mixed while zooming. I hope to have clearly explain the problem. Thanks! P.S: is zooming activities slow due to my nvidia drivers?
"I hope to have clearly explain the problem." i think you did, yes; it's a tricky one to explain and understand, though ;) that said ... screens are not paired in this way. they are independent. there are use cases for both ways that i can think of; i'm not sure it's worth implementing both, though, and then adding a config option for it? anyways, as this is the intended behaviour, i'm marking this as a feature request for later thought :) "P.S: is zooming activities slow due to my nvidia drivers?" no; it's something in QGraphicsView
You're right Aaron, there are use cases for both. Probably the best solution is to add a sub-option to "different activities for each desktop" and: A) let the current behaviour the default one and call the new option "pair up activities with multiple screens" (or "keep activities on same virtual desktop paired up") or: B) make the new behaviour the default one and call the new option "unmatch activities on multiple screens" or some better string :-)
Match activities or Pair up activities is a good idea. The wording is just atrocious. "Lock Activity to Specific Desktop" says it all. You don't need dual screens to see this mess. Just do the expiriment that FiNex mentioned with the typical 4 virtual desktops and a single monitor. - click on "zoom out" on the toolbox placed on "VirtualDesktop 1" - click on "zoom in" of Virtual Desktop 4 The activity which was before on VirtualDesktop 1 is on Virtual Desktop 4 and viceversa. I am still seeing this in 4.3.1 (kubuntu). The rationale (thin as it was) for Activities in the first place was to have the tools at hand for any task. But if the tools for Accounting tasks wander over to your Gameing desktop its less than useful. If the user chooses "different activities for each desktop" It should be that what they put on a desktop STAYS on that desktop until/unless they move it. (Of course this calls into question the whole concept of Activities, but be that as it may). In fact, a case can be made that "different activities for each desktop" should simply be changed to the "Lock Activities to Specific Desktop", because that is what user have come to expect and want. Those that want to have a collection of activities with no specific ties to desktops would simply not choose this option.
Activities are paired in KDE trunk. How well it plays with different activities per desktop I do not know. Actually, I hope the current activities work replaces virtual desktops.
activities and virtual desktops are separate in trunk (although you can still have different widgets per desktop), and the ZUI is gone, so I'm 99% sure this isn't a problem any more :)
@Chani: Only in trunk or even in 4.5 RC1 ? I'd like to do some tests on multiple screens.
@finex in rc1 too, although I think some multiscreen regressions slipped into rc1. I need to figure out how to test multiscreen at akademy... :/ my laptop only seems to do it with hdmi, and my tv wouldn't fit in my suitcase ;)
*** Bug 232203 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
@chani: he he he... Meanwhile I'll do some tests on rc1 :-)
Ok, I'm testing RC2 now and I like the new behaviour (on RC1 I've had too many crashes, RC2 looks more stable).