Version: 0.70.0 (using 4.2.00 (KDE 4.2.0), Gentoo) Compiler: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-gcc OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.25-gentoo-r7-20080501 Ever since I switched to Kopete, I've found myself returning to my computer (sometimes I was AFK, sometimes I was asleep) to find Kopete disconnected from some or all of my IM networks. Asking friends reveals that I sometimes have been disconnected for nearly as long as I was away. (eg. 12 hours on nights when I slept for 15 after an all-nighter) It's definitely better than crashing all the time (the reason I switched from Gaim back in pre-Pidgin days), but for my main means of communication with my friends, it's still suboptimal. I think your auto-reconnect just gives up too easily. Perhaps, instead of giving up, it could use an exponential back-off algorithm the way TCP does, topping out at something like once per hour?
Similar problem with and kopete from 4.2.0: if it loses the connection, it didn't bother to reconnect at all. This is critical bug for me.
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
We use japper at work and I find myself disconnected every once in a while (because of network related operations), it would be really helpful if kopete kept trying to auto-reconnect. A TCP-like algorithm as suggested in the Description would be perfect.
Same problem with KDE 4.2.2, Kopete 0.70.2 and account on
Already commented on bug 187584 (, which is the same as this one. Anyway, just to confirm that kopete doesn't reconnect after my (forced) daily ISP disconnect, too. There is about 2 or 3 minutes of interval until ppp comes up again and kopete usually doesn't bother to reconnect. At least trying for 15 mins before giving up would be cool ;) Thanks!
I would like to add that not only does kopete not reconnect when I lose a network connection (by disconnection or switching networks). It takes some time for it to realize that the connection has been dropped. Little annoying aspect of this is that one has to click on offline status before re-selecting online because otherwise it will not connect.
I second this. Kopete also has trouble auto-connecting on startup. On my most recent installation Kopete consistently fails to auto-connect on startup (but usually connects fine when I tell it to).
It seems that especially the WLM protocol is unstable and likes to disconnect frequently, and here is where I would like to be reconnected. Currently I only get an empty contact list (I hide offline contacts) and I need to reconnect manually. Please fix! This worked far better in KDE 3.5...
Kopete does no longer reconnect after wake-up from hibernate. This worked fine in KDE3-kopete. This should work again.
*** Bug 187584 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
There is absolutely no reconnect for me on my jabber account. I'm using Kopete Version 0.70.90 Under KDE 4.2.95 ((KDE 4.3 RC1)). I think thats a big problem.
*** Bug 199827 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Same here. It does not reconnect most of the time. KDE 4.3. Especially this is noticeable with gtalk account. icq is up longer but sometimes fails as well. Giving up is not acceptable at all.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 181883 ***