Bug 18060 - Ability to edit cookies from cookie-manager
Summary: Ability to edit cookies from cookie-manager
Alias: None
Product: konqueror
Classification: Applications
Component: kcookiejar (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Other
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Unassigned bugs mailing-list
: 54796 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2001-01-04 15:03 UTC by Geoffrey Hausheer
Modified: 2010-09-19 06:47 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Geoffrey Hausheer 2001-01-03 23:00:00 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package: konqueror
Version: 1.9.8
Severity: Wishlist

I'd like tp be able to modify cookies from within the cookie-manager.
Specifically I'd like the ability to change the expire date.  Some sites set login cookies to be good for only a few hours and I want those to be persistent instead.  I can accomplish this by logging out (the only way I seem to be able to force my cookies to be written to disk and clear the internal cache) change it through a console text-editor then log back into kde and continue on my merry way.  I mean the box is right there if only I could modify its value...

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Comment 1 Waldo Bastian 2001-01-04 20:51:41 UTC
On Wednesday 31 December 1969 16:00 Geoffrey Hausheer wrote:
> Package: konqueror
> Version: 1.9.8
> Severity: Wishlist
> I'd like tp be able to modify cookies from within the cookie-manager.
> Specifically I'd like the ability to change the expire date.  Some sites
> set login cookies to be good for only a few hours and I want those to be
> persistent instead. 

> I can accomplish this by logging out (the only way I
> seem to be able to force my cookies to be written to disk and clear the
> internal cache) change it through a console text-editor then log back into
> kde and continue on my merry way.  I mean the box is right there if only
> I could modify its value...

You don't have to logout. Typing "kcookiejar --shutdown" writes the cookies 
to disk and shuts down the cookiejar. You can then edit them and restart the 
cookiejar with "kcookiejar" or "kdeinit_wrapper kcookiejar".


bastian@kde.org | SuSE Labs KDE Developer | bastian@suse.com
Comment 2 shu 2003-01-05 01:02:47 UTC
I believe being able to edit would still be a nice feature. My purpose would be for 
testing web software you are developing yourself, would be nice to change values 
on the fly. 
Comment 3 Stephan Binner 2003-10-19 16:22:50 UTC
*** Bug 54796 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Dawit Alemayehu 2010-09-19 06:47:28 UTC
This feature has already been implemented a long time ago...