Bug 178053 - wlm account stop/freeze working after connect
Summary: wlm account stop/freeze working after connect
Alias: None
Product: kopete
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: WLM Plugin (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kopete Developers
: 188469 190828 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2008-12-18 12:30 UTC by Alexandre Pereira
Modified: 2010-01-17 10:56 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

as you can see , i have the msn account online in amsn, but kopete still shows as the same account online (175.54 KB, image/jpeg)
2008-12-18 12:35 UTC, Alexandre Pereira

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Alexandre Pereira 2008-12-18 12:30:33 UTC
Version:            (using Devel)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Compiled sources

i am using kde 4.2 beta5 kopete with wlm plugin.

it can connect properly and show my contacts.

but after a while ( 1 minute or so ) it just stops updating them. if i connect with amsn or another app to the same account, kopete just keeps me showing as online on kopete. also online contacts that go offline or offline contacts that go online arent shown.
Comment 1 Alexandre Pereira 2008-12-18 12:35:34 UTC
Created attachment 29408 [details]
as you can see , i have the msn account online in amsn, but kopete still shows as the same account online

first i connected with kopete.

the , after 1 minute or so , i connected with amsn.

its been 5 minutes or so , and kopete still shows the account as online.
Comment 2 Pedro 2009-02-04 05:52:46 UTC
I have the same problem. When I login I can change my status but after some minutes (1 or two) the wlm account "freezes", the account goes offline but the status shown in kopete is the one before the freeze.
I have instaled KDE 4.2 from openSUSE repos. 
I updated libmsn to 4.0 beta4 but bug is still there.
Comment 3 Lamarque V. Souza 2009-03-04 16:00:04 UTC
I have the same problem except that for me Kopete takes much more than a minute to behave like that, several hours actually.

People, if you want the developers to take attention to this bug please vote for it on the top of this page.
Comment 4 Lamarque V. Souza 2009-03-04 16:04:28 UTC
By the way, I use KDE 4.2.0 with Gentoo (profile amd64/2008.0/desktop) on a AMD64 notebook.
Comment 5 Oliver 2009-03-05 18:02:57 UTC
Same problem here after a reconnect, Jabber goes offline and doesn't reconnect, ICQ reconnects with status online (even if it wasn't online before) and msn keeps online for kopete, but you can't send or receive messages.
Comment 6 Cameron Maxwell 2009-04-11 16:46:36 UTC
I have replicated this bug using the msntest application that comes with libmsn-4.0-beta4.

I performed the following:
 1. Logged on and connected to MSN server.
 2. Set status as available (status NLN).  Status reported as changed.
 3. Observed contact status updates for a couple of minutes.
 4. Tried to set status to away (status AWY).  It failed and reported no error.
 5. Tried to set status to away again.  This time it printed the error 'MSN: Error: Error on socket'.

So I think its fairly safe to say this is a bug in libmsn and not kopete or the WLM plugin.
Comment 7 Cameron Maxwell 2009-04-11 17:53:12 UTC
I've done a bit more digging and it appears that neither libmsn, nor the kopete wlm plugin, actually ensure that the wlm connection is maintained as open using the using keep alive or ping commands.

A quick and dirty hack with the msntest application shows that by adding in the msn ping commands on a 110sec timer fixes this issue.
Comment 8 Roman Jarosz 2009-05-21 00:18:51 UTC
SVN commit 970799 by rjarosz:

Add SocketTimoutWather to wlm and also implement error detection.
We still need some ping packet to be sent otherwise the timeout
will only be detected when user interacts with wlm.

SVN commit 970816 by rjarosz:

Send keep alive packet so we know when we aren't connected anymore.
Dropped connection will be detected at most in 65 seconds (on Linux).
Comment 9 Lamarque V. Souza 2009-05-23 16:46:07 UTC
Well, it works, I mean, the patch makes Kopete reconnects when it thinks the connection is broken. But the reconnections are too often, once in less than 10 minutes, one of my contacts even complaint that I was reconnecting too often. Is that also happening with other people using this patch?
Comment 10 Roman Jarosz 2009-05-24 16:47:16 UTC
SVN commit 972308 by rjarosz:

If we get socket error for not main connection just close that connection and not all connections.

CCBUG: 180058
CCBUG: 178053

 M  +14 -6     wlmlibmsn.cpp  
 M  +6 -0      wlmsocket.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=972308
Comment 11 Lamarque V. Souza 2009-05-24 18:43:43 UTC
Hi all, commit 97230 seems to solve the reconnect-too-often problem. Thanks :-)
Comment 12 Roman Jarosz 2009-05-28 21:43:06 UTC
SVN commit 974235 by rjarosz:

Backport commits 972308, 970816, 970799 without the SocketTimoutWather.
This will keep wlm connection alive and will catch socket errors and automatically reconnect.

CCBUG: 180058
CCBUG: 178053

 M  +25 -15    wlmaccount.cpp  
 M  +16 -9     wlmaccount.h  
 M  +21 -2     wlmlibmsn.cpp  
 M  +5 -0      wlmlibmsn.h  
 M  +14 -10    wlmserver.h  
 M  +66 -37    wlmsocket.cpp  
 M  +20 -11    wlmsocket.h  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=974235
Comment 13 Roman Jarosz 2010-01-17 10:49:40 UTC
*** Bug 188469 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 14 Roman Jarosz 2010-01-17 10:56:15 UTC
*** Bug 190828 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***