Version: 2.0 (using 4.1.3 (KDE 4.1.3), Debian packages) Compiler: cc OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.27-7.slh.3-sidux-686 When editing the metadata of a music file and after that save the changes, the collection treeview on the left side gets completely minimized. The output is the following (perhaps the part with the "X Error" might be important): amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::ViewCommon::trackMenu(QWidget*, const QModelIndex*, const QPoint&, bool) amarok: BEGIN: TagDialog::TagDialog(const Meta::TrackList&, QWidget*) amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::init() amarok: [TagDialog] [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED: void TagDialog::loadLabels(const Meta::TrackPtr&) amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::readTags() amarok: [TagDialog] [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED: const QStringList TagDialog::statisticsData() amarok: END__: void TagDialog::readTags() - Took 0.0047s amarok: END__: void TagDialog::init() - Took 0.027s amarok: END__: TagDialog::TagDialog(const Meta::TrackList&, QWidget*) - Took 0.046s amarok: END__: void Playlist::ViewCommon::trackMenu(QWidget*, const QModelIndex*, const QPoint&, bool) - Took 2s QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to TagDialog "TagDialogBase", which already has a layout amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::dataQueryDone() amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::readTags() amarok: [TagDialog] [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED: const QStringList TagDialog::statisticsData() amarok: END__: void TagDialog::readTags() - Took 0.0028s amarok: END__: void TagDialog::dataQueryDone() - Took 0.0043s amarok: BEGIN: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan() amarok: BEGIN: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() const amarok: END__: QStringList ScanManager::getDirsToScan() const - Took 0.016s amarok: GOING TO SCAN: amarok: END__: void ScanManager::startIncrementalScan() - Took 0.016s amarok: BEGIN: virtual TagDialog::~TagDialog() amarok: END__: virtual TagDialog::~TagDialog() - Took 0.0058s X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 Major opcode: 20 (X_GetProperty) Resource id: 0xe158ac amarok: [WARNING!] failed: an unexpected comparison was made amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::ViewCommon::trackMenu(QWidget*, const QModelIndex*, const QPoint&, bool) amarok: BEGIN: TagDialog::TagDialog(const Meta::TrackList&, QWidget*) amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::init() amarok: [TagDialog] [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED: void TagDialog::loadLabels(const Meta::TrackPtr&) amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::readTags() amarok: [TagDialog] [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED: const QStringList TagDialog::statisticsData() amarok: END__: void TagDialog::readTags() - Took 0.0044s amarok: END__: void TagDialog::init() - Took 0.027s amarok: END__: TagDialog::TagDialog(const Meta::TrackList&, QWidget*) - Took 0.043s amarok: END__: void Playlist::ViewCommon::trackMenu(QWidget*, const QModelIndex*, const QPoint&, bool) - Took 1.9s QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to TagDialog "TagDialogBase", which already has a layout amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::dataQueryDone() amarok: BEGIN: void TagDialog::readTags() amarok: [TagDialog] [WARNING!] NOT-IMPLEMENTED: const QStringList TagDialog::statisticsData()
Please don't submit dupes. It's a lot of work for us to filter them out. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 166841 ***