Version: (using KDE 4.1.2) Installed from: SuSE RPMs I have a huge music colection, even thoug I really love (great job!!) amarok's feautures and everything, I dosnt work for me, I think you should look at the way Quod Libet handles the tags and the collection. The ex-falso tagger can handle multiple equal tags (amarok tagger seams realy primitive to me), I think this is a important feature.. If I have an album (ex. Corteggiando le Messi) in wich an artist (ex. Alio Die) colaborates with other (ex. Saffron Wood) i can split the "artist" tag, so in Quod Libet's "Paned Browser" the album would apear in the "Album" collum when I sellect "Alio Die" in the "People" collum and also when i do it with "Saffron Wood". In Amarok sadly it dosn't work like that, in the collection there will be an artist named "Alio Die Saffron Wood". This is really anoying specialy when I have several albums with multiple artist. I dont like having the artists "Alio Die", "Alio Die Saffron Wood", "Alio Die Jack or Live", "Alio Die Martina Galvagni" "Alio Die Mathias Grassow".. I think all that albums should be faund in "Alio Die".. and this is just the first example of my collection I suppouse you get my point. This is why I keep using Quod Libet (even thoug it is GTK.. not much options and it cushes sometimes), it dosn't just use the multiple artist tags, it also mixes them (if desired with the people collum) with the "performer", "composer", "origal artist", (etc) tags.. This is something I found really userful. If I have a concerto in wich Itzhak Perlman plays the viloin and it is taged as "Perfomer" I would like to have an acces to it (along with al his performances) even thoug he would not be the artist (maybe it would be beethoven).. and i should be able to found that album (if it is the case) also in London Phillarmonic Orchetra (they mey be "performer" to) and in Vladimir Ashkenazy (if he is playing the piano) and in Isak Bergman (he may be conducting.. This feauture really increase the usablilty of the player.. and not just with the artist tag.. with genre it is also usefull. I may like having a Dimitir Shostakovich quartet in the genres Classical, Contemporary Music, Quartet, Chamber Music, Viloin, Strings, Played by me.. etc. I hope someday amarok would handle this multiple tags, I would love to use it, it is such a great player :-).. (you should also give a look to the tagger, is not practicall with big collections) reggards
We have already received other requests like this, and we also have a pretty thorough proposal. The thing is that IMHO the whole tagging infrastructure would have to be redone and we definitely won't be doing that before pushing 2.0 out. Be assured that your request has been noted and it's on our long-term TODO list. Cheers
This would be a great future! Amarok should read *all* the tags found in a music file. Also, why is it so slow when changing a tag in some files, like in FLAC files? Is this a know or common bug?
*** Bug 171458 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
This wish has been granted.This report should be removed.
(In reply to comment #5) > This wish has been granted.This report should be removed. So sorry, please disregard this message, there was a misunderstanding with the Google Code-In student.
This could probably be considered a duplicate of bug 119539
(In reply to comment #7) > This could probably be considered a duplicate of bug 119539 Indeed it is, thanks for spotting :) *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 119539 ***