Bug 163176 - konsole paints wrong when scrolling upwards
Summary: konsole paints wrong when scrolling upwards
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
: 167229 167482 168549 170281 179598 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-06-04 02:14 UTC by Sebastian Kuźlak
Modified: 2011-09-25 04:52 UTC (History)
22 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

before scrolling (209.88 KB, image/png)
2008-06-04 02:18 UTC, Sebastian Kuźlak
after scrolling (868.97 KB, image/png)
2008-06-04 02:20 UTC, Sebastian Kuźlak
Set Qt:AA_NativeWindows flag (553 bytes, patch)
2009-09-20 16:10 UTC, Matthias Lübben
Inject -graphicssystem raster into argv (879 bytes, patch)
2009-12-05 20:52 UTC, Matthias Lübben

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sebastian Kuźlak 2008-06-04 02:14:49 UTC
Version:            (using Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources
Compiler:          gcc 4.2.3 

when i scroll upwards (mouse scroll up ;] ) window content is beeing painted wrong. Some lines are just beeing copied, some just wont update.
Steps to reproduce on my machine:
*open console
*type few times ls -l (add few lines so that we could scroll some things)
*scroll back to the begining 
at this point u should be able to see this bug
Comment 1 Sebastian Kuźlak 2008-06-04 02:18:22 UTC
Created attachment 25100 [details]
before scrolling
Comment 2 Sebastian Kuźlak 2008-06-04 02:20:05 UTC
Created attachment 25101 [details]
after scrolling

one more thing. If i scroll back to the top and then change focus to another
window then konsole is repainting correctly.
Comment 3 Robert Knight 2008-06-04 04:00:45 UTC
Do you know roughly when this bug appeared?
Comment 4 Robert Knight 2008-06-04 04:48:51 UTC
I cannot reproduce this here.  Can you try changing a few settings and see if they make any difference:

- Scroll bar position (left, right or hidden)
- Resize the window
- Tab bar settings (shown, show when necessary, hidden)

... anything else you can think of.
Comment 5 Sebastian Kuźlak 2008-06-04 12:31:25 UTC
it looks like variation of any settingsof those does not have anny affect on paiting (transparency does not affect it at all). It is still painted wrong when scrolling. Ive noticed that when i compile something and it scrolls down by it self, at that time i can scroll up without any artifacts. After compilation is over if i scroll up again i see those lines painted wrongly. I ve cheched also the nv driver. With it it seams that there is no bug. All is painted ok. But with nvidia driver is not :/ Now im using gf4 with 96.43.05 nvidia-drivers becouse my gf7 broke. But i also saw this but with the latest nvidia-drivers (173.14.05).
Comment 6 Sebastian Kuźlak 2008-06-04 12:33:30 UTC
oh... and it looks like this drawing issiu is not present when desktop effects are turned off.
Comment 7 Sebastian Kuźlak 2008-06-04 12:40:45 UTC
oh... and it looks like this drawing issue is not present when desktop effects are turned off.

One little note: Some time ago (well a month or more?) there wasnt this bug so its not an issue of nvidia drivers.
Comment 8 Manuel Mommertz 2008-06-15 22:15:46 UTC
I have the same problem with fglrx and yakuake. I cannot say what to do, to get it. sometimes it's there, sometimes not. if i change the dimensons of the window, it goes away for some time. then it comes back. It's there with and without desktop effects.
With okular i have scrolling-problems to. Look at this videos:
Comment 9 Robert Knight 2008-06-19 19:14:35 UTC
> With okular i have scrolling-problems to

In that case there is probably a bug in the fglrx driver.  I suggest reporting the problem to ATI.
Comment 10 Scott Thomson 2008-06-23 10:47:51 UTC
I can confirm this happens for me also.

I am currently running r822193, and the problem has been around for some time (at least 4 weeks).  I also have an ATI card but use the open source radeon driver.

For me the problem is apparent when desktop effects are disabled, I haven't noticed it with oKular but I use that less often.  The problem is, unfortunately, intermittent: some sessions are never affected.

I'll try and see if I can reliably trigger it and report back.
Comment 11 mangus 2008-06-26 17:31:21 UTC
here I got kde 4.1 beta2 and the same bug I think.
type some commands ls -l, then enlarge the window and scroll up and the bug appears,
very annoying. using nvidia driver and no compositing.

Comment 12 Robert Knight 2008-06-28 01:01:58 UTC
Hi Manuel,

I cannot view those videos on my machine.  Please could you re-post them in a different, preferably free format such as ogg theora.
Comment 13 Timo Weingärtner 2008-06-30 15:29:01 UTC
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
Comment 14 Timo Weingärtner 2008-06-30 15:53:05 UTC
I also see this bug. I use Intel graphics and konsole 4:4.0.82+svn819867-1 (debian) on KDE 3.5.
The bug also shows up when an application (like aptitude) srolls parts of the screen.
Comment 15 Manuel Mommertz 2008-07-02 20:52:00 UTC
i have not enough time at the moment to look for a program to convert a video easily so maybe could someone else do it?
Comment 16 Robert Knight 2008-07-09 02:52:43 UTC
> The bug also shows up when an application (like aptitude)
> srolls parts of the screen. 

Is this the KDE 3 version of Aptitude?

> I am currently running r822193, and the problem has been
> around for some time (at least 4 weeks).

Could you try checking out an older version of Konsole, build it and see if that fixes the problem?

For example:  svn up -r750000

If it does fix the problem, it would be very helpful if you could then try later revisions and try to narrow down to find which one causes the problem.

Comment 17 Robert Knight 2008-07-10 06:12:01 UTC
There seems to be several possibly conflicting reports given here for what causes this.  Can everyone who is CCed to this please state:

- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X)
- What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy)
- What video card and driver combination they have
- Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both
Comment 18 Scott Thomson 2008-07-10 10:28:27 UTC
- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X)

svn trunk - bug still present in r828814

- What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy)


- What video card and driver combination they have

ATI Radeon Mobility X600 (r300) - radeon driver (FOSS)

- Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both

Definitely when off, I generally don't run with desktop effects since I normally have 2 monitors set up

Other info:

 * I still can't find any reliable way of triggering it
 * In a multi-tab konsole session not all sessions get affected
Comment 19 Manuel Mommertz 2008-07-10 10:45:13 UTC
Dell Inspiron 1501:

- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X) 
 svn trunk
 - What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy) 
 - What video card and driver combination they have 
 ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 IGP (rs485) - fglrx driver 
 - Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both 

Lenovo 3000 N200:

- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X) 
 repo: KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop
 - What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy) 
 openSUSE 11.0 
 - What video card and driver combination they have 
 Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 - i810
 - Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both 

 Other info: 
  In yakuake just started I type dmesg and scroll up and down. On Lenovo I get the scrolling-bug if I scrollup, on Dell it occures if I scroll down... But it's reproducable.
Comment 20 Piotr Zatoń 2008-07-17 18:08:41 UTC
I can confirm this also happens for me.

- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X)

kdesvn-portage tree (from 4.0.80 still to 4.0.98)

- What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy)


- What video card and driver combination they have

Nvidia GF3 Ti200 

- Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both 

both (only when scrolling with mouse, shift+pgup work normal)
Comment 21 Manuel Mommertz 2008-07-17 19:03:50 UTC
Lenovo 3000 N200 (second distri on this laptop): 
 - Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X) 
  portage x11-libs/qt-core, etc 
  - What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy) 
  - What video card and driver combination they have 
  Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 - i810 
  - Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both 

Other info:
shift+pgup work, shift+up (arrow-keys) and mousewheel doesn't. scrollbar works, if i scroll fast. if i scroll slow, the bug shows up.
(this info is also true for the cases i posted above.)
Comment 22 Manuel Mommertz 2008-07-17 19:07:35 UTC
sorry, i have missed to tell you the kde-version for my last report.
its from gentoo's inofficiel kde4-overlay. kde4.1 rc 1 (4.0.98)
Comment 23 Mikolaj Machowski 2008-07-22 18:35:13 UTC
- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X) 

qt-copy from svn compiled at home (rev. 828353)
KDE from svn (4.1 branch, rev. 833955)

- What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy) 

Mandriva 2008.0

- What video card and driver combination they have 

nVidia GeForce 2 MX 400, legacy driver 9639 (from Mandriva packages)

- Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both 

With effects on.
Comment 24 Mikolaj Machowski 2008-07-22 18:36:20 UTC
*** Bug 167229 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 25 Robert Knight 2008-07-26 20:03:15 UTC
*** Bug 167482 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 26 Lukas Kropatschek 2008-07-26 21:01:31 UTC
 - Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X) 
   [testing] repo from Archlinux
   - What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy) 
   - What video card and driver combination they have 
   NVIDIA GeForce 8600GTS / nvidia 173.14.09 
   - Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both 
Comment 27 Robert Knight 2008-07-26 23:58:05 UTC
@ Manuel

On your Dell laptop with KDE from 'svn trunk', are you using Qt from your distribution or qt-copy from KDE's SVN?  

@ Everyone

Can someone who experiences this problem and has KDE compiled from source please try the following:

In kdebase/apps/konsole/src/TerminalDisplay.cpp line 2858 insert "return;" at the top of the "TerminalDisplay::scrollImage()" function and rebuild Konsole (using 'make install' in the build directory) and see if that has any effect.
Comment 28 Manuel Mommertz 2008-07-27 00:04:45 UTC
O wanted to say that both are from trunk. So there is qt-copy on my Dell. ;)

I am going to test the extra 'return' in some minutes, maybe an hour. I will report than.
Comment 29 Manuel Mommertz 2008-07-27 01:11:32 UTC
In current trunk the function starts at line 768, so I inserted a return in it. And surprise, no more artefacts for me.
Comment 30 Robert Knight 2008-07-27 01:53:52 UTC
> O wanted to say that both are from trunk. So there is qt-copy on my Dell. ;) 

Does that include KDE's patches? ie. Did you run the apply_patches script in the qt-copy folder?
Comment 31 Manuel Mommertz 2008-07-27 01:58:24 UTC
Yes, but i update qt not very often. It's one or two month old.
Comment 32 Robert Knight 2008-07-27 02:00:46 UTC
> In current trunk the function starts at line 768, so I inserted a return in it.
> And surprise, no more artefacts for me. 

Thanks - you're right about the line number, I must have been looking at a different source file.  What that function does is to scroll the part of the visible display which has only moved up or down to avoid repainting it.  Then only the newly-exposed text or modified lines have to be repainted.  This makes scrolling much smoother and faster.  With the modified version you'll probably find that scrolling a large window is now slower and more jerky.

Some internal changes in Qt 4.4 broke this but I fixed those some time back.  

@ Everyone

Does anyone here who experiences this bug see odd scrolling behavior in other KDE programs? 
Comment 33 Robert Knight 2008-07-27 02:07:29 UTC
> Yes, but i update qt not very often. It's one or two month old. 

I don't think there have been any possibly related patches recently but I suggest updating, re-running apply_patches and rebuilding when you have time.
Comment 34 Lukas Kropatschek 2008-07-27 02:34:02 UTC
Yes i recognize choppy scrolling in most kde apps (e.g. KMail, Quassel IRC client [build from source linking against distribution Qt]) but it's much smoother and faster if i do the following:

$ nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=1

Comment 35 Robert Knight 2008-07-27 03:53:51 UTC
Hi Lukas,

Slight misunderstanding, I meant visually incorrect (as shown in your video) rather than just slow scrolling.
Comment 36 Lukas Kropatschek 2008-07-27 09:54:32 UTC
Oh, sorry Robert, it was just slow, no artefacts or other drawing problems. Those only occure in Konsole.
Comment 37 Mikolaj Machowski 2008-07-27 11:25:20 UTC
> @ Everyone
> Does anyone here who experiences this bug see odd scrolling behavior in
> other KDE programs?

Extremely slow scrolling in KMail.
Comment 38 Mikolaj Machowski 2008-07-27 11:39:34 UTC
> In kdebase/apps/konsole/src/TerminalDisplay.cpp line 2858 insert
> "return;" at the top of the "TerminalDisplay::scrollImage()" function

After adding that line not only I didn't spot these problems but whole
Konsole feels much faster and smoother - previously even `ps aux` outcome
was coughing.
Comment 39 Tilman Klaeger 2008-08-09 16:18:26 UTC
Proposed Change from Comment #27 fixed it here! Using KDE 4.1.0 with inofficial Gentoo builds, QT 4.4.0, X.org 7.3 and NVIdia drivers 100.14.19, Desktop Effects turned on.
Comment 40 Harald Hvaal 2008-08-10 12:45:50 UTC
Here's a quick video of the scrolling bug on by ubuntu.
Running 4.1/kubuntu, intel graphics card, desktop effects turned on which is evident by the transparent konsole in the video. hope it helps
Comment 41 Robert Knight 2008-08-10 23:45:27 UTC
Hi folks,

Can anyone who is experiencing this bug try hiding/showing the menu bar and see if that makes a difference?

I can reproduce http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=168499, which might be the same issue.
Comment 42 Robert Knight 2008-08-11 01:06:32 UTC
With the above mentioned bug, I was able to 'fix' the problem by setting the QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS environment variable to '1' before starting Konsole.

> konsole

After upgrading my local SVN copy to Qt 4.4.1 the problem was still present but only in terminals which were already created when the settings were changed and not present on a restart.

Can anyone who is experiencing this bug please try setting QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS.  If that does make a difference then this is a Qt bug.

Comment 43 awendt 2008-08-11 02:17:51 UTC
Showing the menubar fixes it for me. And if I turn the menubar back off, the problem comes back again.

I also can't seem to get it to happen with QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1

For me, resizing the window helps to show the bug:
1. Open a non-maximized Konsole
2. Type 'ls -l' a few times
3. Maximize the Konsole vertically (middle-click on maximize button)
4. Scroll window upwards... Konsole has trouble repainting inside the area newly opened up by maximizing, but the rest of the display paints okay.

You can see the behaviour with other resizing also (including horizontal resizing), but a vertical maximize is probably the easiest way to see it.
Comment 44 Lukas Kropatschek 2008-08-11 19:12:34 UTC
> Can anyone who is experiencing this bug please try setting 
> QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS.  If that does make a difference
> then this is a Qt bug.

I can't reproduce the bug with this env var set to 1. Looks like a Qt bug
Comment 45 Manuel Mommertz 2008-08-11 19:27:22 UTC
> Can anyone who is experiencing this bug try hiding/showing the menu bar and see if that makes a difference?

Testresults: With Yakuake or Konsole without menu, the bug is there. Konsole with menu doesn't produce artefacts. (Testet on my two different laptops)

> Can anyone who is experiencing this bug please try setting QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS.  If that does make a difference then this is a Qt bug.

With this variable set, as Lukas said, this bug is gone. 
Comment 46 Simon Jagoe 2008-08-19 14:47:57 UTC
I am experiencing this bug using Kubuntu Hardy with the Hardy KDE 4.1 packages (from the http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu repository).

I experience this bug without fail if the menu bar is hidden, and if either of the following conditions are also met:
   * The window is vertically maximised (including fully maximised)
   * The scrollbar is either on the right or hidden

I have an NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT, using the 169.12 drivers (packaged version in Hardy)

I am also using the KDE3 desktop at the moment, but using Konsole from KDE4 instead of Konsole from KDE3, so I am not using any desktop effects from KDE4.
Comment 47 Sergio 2008-09-04 10:38:57 UTC
Not fixed for me on kde 4.1.1

kubuntu hardy i386 with NVIDIA Geoforce 2 MX/MX400 adapter and latest Nvidia drivers.
KDE codebase:
kde 4.1.1 packages shipped through kubuntu repositories.

Window size, menubar, scrollbar do not seem to affect the incorrect rendering on scrolling up.

BUG is serious: not only it affects scrolling up with the scrollbar, but also scrolling up the text in text based applications. For instance:

less file.txt      (assuming txt is a long file)
read file scrolling down with PgDown or DownArrow
try scrolling up again with UpArrow
konsole viewarea is now garbled.

This means that konsole cannot be used for precious applications like less, vi, etc. and one has to resort to xterm. I regard this as a showstopper. Please consider rising the severity of the bug, since the command line in Unix is not something that one can live without.

If this is a QT bug, please make sure that the info is passed to packagers with a big warning on kde release notes, so - if available - they can ship an updated QT4 with kde.
Comment 48 robert lindgren 2008-09-05 22:33:04 UTC
Same problem on Kubuntu Intrepid, kde 4.1.1 using ubuntu repositories. It's a real showstopper for me also. Can't use my computer without a working Konsole.
Comment 49 Sergio 2008-09-06 10:20:18 UTC
Given that the intrepid release notes indicate that there will be no easy way to use kde 3.5 on it this issue is very very serious.

"This release uses .kde instead of .kde4 for KDE settings so you will be unable to easily downgrade to KDE 3".

There is a kubuntu bug for it at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/257338

Please all affected kubuntu users, report this bug also there and also ask to keep support for kde 3.5 until the konsole of kde 4 can be fixed (see also https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/267038).
Comment 50 Jonathan Thomas 2008-09-09 03:41:26 UTC
This is a duplicate of bug 155070.
Comment 51 Jonathan Thomas 2008-09-09 03:48:15 UTC
Installing the nvidia-glx-177 driver in Intrepid should solve this issue for Ubuntu users.
Comment 52 Manuel Mommertz 2008-09-09 08:55:09 UTC
I don't think that my intel-card likes the nvidia-drivers...
So, no, I don't think that this bug is a duplicate of bug 155070.

Yesterday in #kde we had a user with this problem and a nvidia-card. He set's QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 and started yakuake. But the bug was still there. Than he changed to nv-drivers and the bug is gone (even without QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS).

For me, setting QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 helps. So it's something different. Maybe also a bug in the intel-drivers?
Comment 53 Manuel Mommertz 2008-09-09 08:58:41 UTC
I have to add: I have the same bug on a second laptop with ati's fglrx drivers. So a bug there too? Or may it be, that the bug just isn't driver-related?
Comment 54 Robert Knight 2008-09-09 09:22:01 UTC
I can reproduce the bug here with Intel and setting QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS definitely fixes the problem.  The NVidia issue where QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS had no effect appears to be a different, although possibly related, bug.
Comment 55 Sergio 2008-09-09 09:39:05 UTC
Unfortunately the nvidia-glx-177 drivers are not an option for all the many nvidia legacy cards that are around.
Whether and when nvidia will release the same fixes as for the 177 drivers to the legacy ones is unknown.  Would it be possible to workaround the scrolling issues in some way for these cards? It is tolerable to have graphics glitches on icons redraw, etc, but not being able to reliably use the konsole for things like less and vi is worrying.
Comment 56 Robert Knight 2008-09-09 10:24:33 UTC
> Would it be possible to workaround the scrolling issues in some way
> for these  cards?

Yes.  See comments #27 and #32.  I could put in a command-line switch to toggle this.  
Comment 57 Manuel Mommertz 2008-09-09 10:33:42 UTC
I think it would be nice, if you can set a variable like KONSOLE_SCROLLING_WORKAROUND=1 so it is easily settable for the environment without changing desktop-files.
Comment 58 Sergio 2008-09-09 10:47:05 UTC
Yes, using the environment can be an option. Only one note: while command line parameters tend to be always nicely documented (eg. via konsole --help), behaviours depending on the environment often are not. Please make sure that if using the environment the application manual is updated to reflect this fact.
Comment 59 Robert Knight 2008-09-22 00:32:46 UTC
*** Bug 170281 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 60 Robert Knight 2008-09-22 04:26:27 UTC
*** Bug 168549 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 61 Sergio 2008-10-04 05:42:43 UTC

has this (temporary) fix made it to kde 4.1.2?  There is no mention to this in the changelog.

Comment 62 Robert Knight 2008-10-04 10:20:52 UTC

No it hasn't because the 'workaround' will cause a very annoying regression for a lot of other users as scrolling becomes much more choppy.  This makes Vim, screen etc. much more uncomfortable to use.

I'll have to find an alternative, hopefully proper fix.
Comment 63 Sergio 2008-10-05 08:42:56 UTC
I hoped that the idea of introducing a command line switch or an environment variable to control the hack could have been a reasonable temporary solution.  Is there any particular problem with that?
Comment 64 Manuel Mommertz 2008-10-22 16:24:46 UTC
I just noticed that I didn't see the bug for a long time now. Using Qt 4.4.2 and KDE 4.1.2 from Gentoo Portage and self-compiled KDE trunk. So is it fixed with Qt 4.4.2? Or is it fixed in KDE? Or is there a special patch in Gentoo's Qt?
Comment 65 Nicolas Dubuit 2008-10-22 19:37:24 UTC
It is still here for me, using
Qt 4.4.1
KDE 4.1.2 from kubuntu hardy 
and the legacy nvidia driver.

On my other 2 PCs on the other hand, with the same software setup and radeon (laptop) and nvidia "new" driver (home PC), this bug never appeared.
Comment 66 Manuel Mommertz 2008-10-22 19:51:55 UTC
I have updated to Xorg 7.4 (from 7.2) maybe it's something there
Comment 67 Joseph Catrambone 2008-11-11 03:43:26 UTC
- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X)
Included in Kubuntu distribution.

- What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy)
Fresh install of Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex.

- What video card and driver combination they have
nVidia GeForce 6600 - nVidia proprietary drivers. (173?)

- Whether the bug occurs with desktop effects off, on or both
Both, near as I can tell.
Comment 68 Sergio Callegari 2008-11-11 12:09:03 UTC
- Where they got Qt / KDE from (eg. SVN, packages from distribution X)

Kubuntu Hardy with kde4 repositories

- What distribution and version they are running (eg. Kubuntu Hardy) Fresh install of Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex.

Same as above

- What video card and driver combination they have nVidia GeForce 6600 - nVidia proprietary drivers. (173?) 

Nvidia Geoforce 2 MX 400, Nvidia legacy drivers 96.43.07

In any case, I am in the process of getting rid of my Nvidia card and switch to ATI/AMD.  Indeed, after discovering the problematic interactions between 'nvidia' and 'kde4' I also started tracing down other sorts of weird behaviours to the nvidia legacy drivers (particularly java drawing and scrolling issues).

 so unfortunately I will not be able to report any longer on this.

Comment 69 Joseph Catrambone 2008-11-13 17:02:00 UTC
Sregio, as a word of advice, the reason I started to use nVidia was because of the problems I had with ATIs drivers under Linux.  Perhaps they have improved over the past few years, but I doubt it.  Be wary.

It seems like reinstalling the drivers has fixed the problem for me.  Xorg still chews up a bit too much CPU, but otherwise everything is normal.  I'll report if anything turns up.
Comment 70 Sergio Callegari 2008-11-13 18:15:14 UTC
Amusingly, that was also the reason I started using nVidia a few years ago!

But now, with an old Radeon XT 9600 bought at about $30 on e-bay and the latest drivers, KDE 4 has become usable and also the many rendering problems with java have disappeared. Only Firefox scrolling speed has remained disappointingly slow.

Nonetheless I am happy to see that at least some nVidia card/driver combinations now work.  Unfortunately my, that relies on legacy drivers, did not as of 96.43.07.  I now hear that there is a 96.43.09 legacy release but the release notes indicate no fix for the rendering problems.

As long as nVidia shows this attitude at its legacy hardware, it would be good if konsole could really provide some "alternate" behavior for the broken X drivers.
Comment 71 Dimitris 2009-01-18 21:23:20 UTC
I also have this problem for months now. It only comes up when composite is enabled. I use nvidia legacy drivers 96.43.09.
Comment 72 Lukas Kropatschek 2009-01-19 00:01:46 UTC
On Sunday 18 January 2009 21:23:22 you wrote:
> --- Comment #71 from Dimitris <praktoreio2002 yahoo gr>  2009-01-18
> 21:23:20 --- I also have this problem for months now. It only comes up when
> composite is enabled. I use nvidia legacy drivers 96.43.09.

Please use more recent drivers, there are many bugfixes in the new ones.
Comment 73 Dimitris 2009-01-19 00:06:37 UTC
I would, if my card was supported by recent drivers but unfortunatelly it isn't.
I thought it was some kind of konsole bug, but it seems that's not the case.
Comment 74 Robert Knight 2009-01-19 14:31:36 UTC
Hi Dimitris,

> I would, if my card was supported by recent drivers but unfortunatelly it isn't

That sucks :( - In the mean-time please see comment #42 for a work-around.
Comment 75 garbage.angel 2009-01-30 04:02:04 UTC
I'm not sure if this is driver related because I experienced this problem even while using Konsole over SSH/X11 forward. I saw it in KDE 4.0 (4.0.3) series while using nvidia legacy drivers on Gentoo the host on a GeForce 3. I haven't tested it on that same machine since then so I cannot say anything about newer versions of KDE.
Comment 76 K G 2009-02-04 13:11:42 UTC
It was i 4.1.3 and in 4.2 it is even worse. It appears in many places in all kde. For example folderview plasmoid and list with plasma themes. It happens only when you are scrolling up slowly. 

I've got nvidia legacy drivers GF2MX in gentoo. 
Comment 77 Lukas Kropatschek 2009-02-04 22:19:16 UTC
(In reply to comment #76)
> It was i 4.1.3 and in 4.2 it is even worse. It appears in many places in all
> kde. For example folderview plasmoid and list with plasma themes. It happens
> only when you are scrolling up slowly. 
> I've got nvidia legacy drivers GF2MX in gentoo. 

To me that looks like it's driver related since most people with older cards and therefor older drivers have the issue.

For me, using the most up to date nvidia binary drivers, the issue is gone.
Comment 78 Tomas Racek 2009-02-05 10:21:12 UTC
I upgraded to nvidia-drivers 96.43.10 and xorg-server 1.5 and the problem is gone. Latest nvidia legacy drivers also fixes text corruption bug. Great! :-)
Comment 79 K G 2009-02-07 00:23:59 UTC
(In reply to comment #78)
> I upgraded to nvidia-drivers 96.43.10 and xorg-server 1.5 and the problem is
> gone. Latest nvidia legacy drivers also fixes text corruption bug. Great! :-)

I've upgraded xorg-server to 1.5.3-r2 and ncidia-drivers to 96.43.10 and the problem haven't gone for me.
Comment 80 Lukas Kropatschek 2009-02-07 12:26:21 UTC
(In reply to comment #79)
> (In reply to comment #78)
> > I upgraded to nvidia-drivers 96.43.10 and xorg-server 1.5 and the problem is
> > gone. Latest nvidia legacy drivers also fixes text corruption bug. Great! :-)
> > 
> I've upgraded xorg-server to 1.5.3-r2 and ncidia-drivers to 96.43.10 and the
> problem haven't gone for me.

So it could depend on the card as well...

Which cards are you both using?
Comment 81 Tomas Racek 2009-02-07 14:48:17 UTC
(In reply to comment #80)
> So it could depend on the card as well...
> Which cards are you both using?

Well, I have GeForce4 MX 440.

(In reply to comment #79)
> I've upgraded xorg-server to 1.5.3-r2 and ncidia-drivers to 96.43.10 and the
> problem haven't gone for me.

I tried to upgrade xorg-server to 1.5.3-r2 from -r1 and the problem has appeared again. Have you tried -r1? Seems to work fine for me.
Comment 82 Tomas Racek 2009-02-07 16:50:16 UTC
Hmm, I was mistaken. :-(

It occurs in -r1 too but it's hard to reproduce it (I tried to run konsole, cat some file, scroll up, run another konsole etc. - it happens randomly from my point of view). Any suggestions?
Comment 83 Reuben Martin 2009-02-09 01:02:23 UTC
Same issue.

Gentoo, GeForce4 MX 440. xorg-server-1.5.3-r2 (plus patch to fix a bug when using xfs), latest nvidia drivers (96.43.10)

Have only been able to fix it when the composite/Xdamage extensions are not enabled (i.e. when I connect remotely using NX)

Happens with Konsole, Yakuake, and Plasma menus / desktop folder views. Possibly other places, I have only recently started using KDE4...

It kinda seems there is an image buffer used that looses the image data for anything above the visible section of the buffer. When scrolling up, it has to repopulate the buffer and can't do it fast enough, so the old data in the buffer is getting dumped to the display. Furthermore, that garbage is now part of the buffered image and stays there when scrolling back down, until an event forces the display to be updated, at which point it is corrected.

Very Annoying.
Comment 84 Kurt Hindenburg 2009-02-22 18:58:09 UTC
*** Bug 179598 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 85 Reuben Martin 2009-05-15 03:30:21 UTC

qt 4.5.1
kde 4.2.3
nvidia drivers 96.43.11
xorg 1.5.3

still can't scroll up.
Comment 86 SlashDevDsp 2009-05-17 05:58:55 UTC
not happening on trunk, with Xorg 1.60 and nvidia latest beta binary drivers 185.18
Comment 87 Matthias Lübben 2009-09-20 16:10:34 UTC
Created attachment 37085 [details]
Set Qt:AA_NativeWindows flag

Set the Qt::AA_NativeWindows flag for the application. This elimates the need for the QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS environment variable.
Comment 88 Björn Ruberg 2009-11-30 01:27:16 UTC
Is this bug still present in KDE 4.3? Please report back.
Comment 89 K G 2009-11-30 19:39:14 UTC
Yes it is still present. 
xserver: 1.5.3-r2
kernel: linux-2.6.27-gentoo-r3
KDE (mostly) 4.3.3 (some elements could be from 4.3.1 or 4.3-rc1)
Comment 90 Robert Knight 2009-12-01 11:20:30 UTC
> Set the Qt::AA_NativeWindows flag for the application.
> This elimates the need for the QT_USE_NATIVE_WINDOWS environment variable.

This causes a regression for users who are not affected by the driver problem though.  We'd need to identify which driver and version are affected and apply this only on those machines.  Alternatively if the scrolling optimization can be reworked to make it equally or more efficient without triggering this bug then that is a possibility.
Comment 91 Matthias Lübben 2009-12-05 20:24:02 UTC
After an update from kde-4.3.3 to kde-4.3.4 the bug has appeared on me again. Even with the Qt::AA_NativeWindows flag set. Executing konsole with the arguments "-graphicssystem raster" fixed it for me, though.
Comment 92 Matthias Lübben 2009-12-05 20:52:00 UTC
Created attachment 38856 [details]
Inject -graphicssystem raster into argv

My temporarily workaround to get konsole working by injecting the arguments
-graphicssystem raster into argv.
Comment 93 mclaudt 2010-02-16 21:15:20 UTC
opensuse 11.0 64bit 
libqt4 4.4.0-12.8
xorg 7.3-96.4
nvidia driver 190.53

I don't use composite.
Comment 94 Alvaro Manuel Recio Perez 2010-03-16 20:03:04 UTC
Bug still present in KDE SC 4.4.1 from Kubuntu packages.
Comment 95 Stephen Dunn 2010-06-11 08:55:17 UTC
This now works for me in 4.5b2

Comment 96 Jekyll Wu 2011-07-25 11:15:15 UTC
It works well for me now

xorg-server 1.10.3
nvidia      275.21
qt          4.7.3
KDE         4.7rc2(desktop effect enabled)
konsole     2.7.999
Comment 97 Jekyll Wu 2011-09-25 04:52:46 UTC
Can't reproduce it and this report has been inactive for a long time, so close it. Feel free to reopen it or leave comment if this still happens.