Version: 0.9.90 (using KDE KDE 3.5.5) Installed from: Debian stable Packages OS: Linux In most KDE applications, but not in kdiff3, it is possible to do a horizontal scroll by either: - holding Alt while using a scrollwheel - using a touchpad horizontal scroll I believe this corresponds with buttons 6 and 7 in X Here are some reports of similar behavior being implemented in other KDE apps:
I know it is not sufficient for now, but to ease everyone's work while this feature is implemented, I remember you(all users who are reading this) that under KDE if you scroll with your mouse while your cursor in over the horizontal scrollbar, then the window will scroll horizontally.
This is almost identical to #391551. This needs some work. It's an accessibility issue as well as an an annoyance
Commented on wrong issue, but don't see how to delete it. Feel free to delete comment #2 and this one if you have access
works in kf5/qt5. kdiff3 1.8.1 tested