Bug 131647 - ICQ server terminates connection
Summary: ICQ server terminates connection
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 131598
Alias: None
Product: kopete
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Mandriva RPMs Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kopete Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-08-01 11:32 UTC by Igor
Modified: 2006-08-01 12:28 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Igor 2006-08-01 11:32:56 UTC
Version:           0.12.1 (using KDE KDE 3.4.2)
Installed from:    Mandriva RPMs
Compiler:          gcc 4.0.1 4.0.1-5mdk for Mandriva Linux release 2006.0
OS:                Linux

After compilation and installation of new Kopete version (previous one 0.8.1 did not support russian chars in contacts window and received messages) everything worked OK for 2 days. The third day and until now any attempt to change Kopete status to online ends immediately followed by the report "ICQ_ACCOUNT_NUMBER disconnected. ICQ server considers your client to be extremely obsolete. Please report the bug to http://bugs.kde.org"

The same picture when changing logon servers (either ICQ or oscar).

The following lines are seen in protocol from the attempt to launch connection:

kopete (oscar/icq): [void ICQAccount::setPresenceType(ICQ::Presence::Type, const QString&)] new type=6, old type=0, new message=
kopete (oscar/icq): [virtual void ICQAccount::connectWithPassword(const QString&)] accountId='ICQ_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant:  toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant:  toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant:  toString=]
kopete (oscar/icq): [virtual void ICQAccount::connectWithPassword(const QString&)] Logging in as ICQ_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [KNetworkConnector::KNetworkConnector(QObject*, const char*)] New KNetwork connector.
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [KNetworkByteStream::KNetworkByteStream(QObject*, const char*)] Instantiating new KNetwork byte stream.
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [void KNetworkConnector::setOptHostPort(const QString&, Q_UINT16)] Manually specifying host login.icq.com and port 5190
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [void Client::setStatus(Oscar::DWORD, const QString&)] Setting status message to
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual void KNetworkConnector::done()]
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual void KNetworkConnector::connectToServer(const QString&)] Initiating connection to login.icq.com
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [bool KNetworkByteStream::connect(QString, QString)] Connecting to login.icq.com, service 5190
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [void KNetworkConnector::slotConnected()] We are connected.
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [void CoreProtocol::addIncomingData(const QByteArray&)] Received 10 bytes.
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual Transfer* FlapProtocol::parse(const QByteArray&, uint&)] channel: \x01 sequence: 17059 length: 4
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual bool StageOneLoginTask::take(Transfer*)] Starting ICQ login
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [QString IcqLoginTask::encodePassword(const QString&)] Called.
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual void IcqLoginTask::onGo()] Sending ICQ channel 0x01 login packet
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [void CoreProtocol::addIncomingData(const QByteArray&)] Received 647 bytes.
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual Transfer* FlapProtocol::parse(const QByteArray&, uint&)] channel: \x04 sequence: 17060 length: 641
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual bool CloseConnectionTask::take(Transfer*)] RECV (DISCONNECT)
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual bool CloseConnectionTask::take(Transfer*)] found TLV(1) [UIN], uin=ICQ_ACCOUNT_NUMBER
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual bool CloseConnectionTask::take(Transfer*)] found TLV(8) [ERROR] error= 28
kopete (oscar): [void OscarAccount::slotTaskError(const Oscar::SNAC&, int, bool)] error recieived from task
kopete (oscar): [void OscarAccount::slotTaskError(const Oscar::SNAC&, int, bool)] service: 0 subtype: 0 code: 28
kopete (oscar): [void OscarAccount::logOff(Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason)] accountId='ICQ_ACCOUNT_NUMBER'
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [void ConnectionHandler::clear()] Clearing all connections
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant:  toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant:  toString=]
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant:  toString=]
kopete (oscar/icq): [virtual void ICQAccount::disconnected(Kopete::Account::DisconnectReason)] Attempting to set status offline
kopete: [void KopeteWindow::slotAccountStatusIconChanged(Kopete::Contact*)] [variant:  toString=]
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [void KNetworkByteStream::slotConnectionClosed()] Socket has been closed.
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): ..by ourselves!
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): socket error is no error
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual void KNetworkConnector::done()]
kopete (oscar - raw protocol): [virtual void KNetworkConnector::done()]
Comment 1 Jan Ritzerfeld 2006-08-01 12:28:08 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 131598 ***