Bug 127298 - HIG window section needs major update (MDI vs SDI)
Summary: HIG window section needs major update (MDI vs SDI)
Alias: None
Product: HIG
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Celeste Lyn Paul
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Blocks: 170995
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Reported: 2006-05-14 11:52 UTC by Maciej Pilichowski
Modified: 2019-02-07 16:45 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description Maciej Pilichowski 2006-05-14 11:52:13 UTC
Version:            (using KDE KDE 3.5.2)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs

If you just look at the HIG spec (not knowing how the KDE and KDE apps looks today) you can easily find
several reasons why this sections should be rewritten:
a) it is terribly outdated ("several years ago" -- when?!; "Windows 3.1" -- what it is?)
b) it presents awful narrow-minded attitude ("MDI offers no benefits to the user" -- for who exactly?
"you-the user" is not equal to "me-the user")
c) the big picture is missing -- the arguments are focused on freedom of moving windows, but where did
the freedom of organizing desktop go; _maybe_ the user doesn't want to go through of hundrends of 
opened images (thanks to SDI) just to get to one pdf document while task-switching

There are a lot of "freedom" word in that document but the most important freedom is omitted. 
Freedom of choice!

Both MDI and SDI approaches have their drawbacks. Both have advantages (yes!). The best thing to do is not
to dictate the user (sic!) how she/he should work or what is the best for her/him. Add an option in every
app to suite the user needs. This attitude should be the final argument -- fullfiling the user needs (not the
idee fixe of some doctrinaire).

And that was just HIG itself. The nature doesn't allow the vacuum to last -- years have passed and a lot of applications introduced... MDI as an option. Of course it is not called MDI (1 -- it is not full featured MDI, since it is crippled <<vide Konqueror split mode>>; 2 -- it would violate HIG, right? ;->) but "tabbed view". Examples -- Kate, Kdvelop, Konqueror, Konsole, just to name few. The pressure of user needs and the obvious advantages caused that -- adding another _option_ for such mode for those whole like it.

So, MDI exists. Banned, crippled but under the hood it is MDI. So please update this section, so the 
apps could "legally" spread their wings and offer (as an option) full MDI -- not only as a static tab, but 
with tiling, moving, resizing. Such mode is extremely useful (for me! not everyone) when viewing several 
documents at once -- the hardware (high resolutions like SVGA+ or UXGA+) makes this possible and it is about
time the software will be up to date.

Probably the best example of MDI+SDI application is Opera. You like SDI? Voila. Or you think the tabbed view
is better? Here you go. Oh, you want to resize tabbed window -- no problem.

REMOVE BOUNDARIES, the software is for that, do not make another one.

* sorry for my rusty English *
Comment 1 Dotan Cohen 2008-09-13 17:30:50 UTC
I also agree that the HIG should be rewritten to allow for MDI interfaces. In fact, most of the KDE applications that I use do in fact have tabs (Konsole, Konqueror, Dolphin, Kopete), multiple documents (Kate), multiple components (Kontact), or tabbed sidebars (Amarok, Digikam). Furthermore, applications such as Okular would greatly benefit from the addition of tabs. Bug reports on KPDF and Okular state that the developer has no problem implementing tabs, other than the fact that the KDE HIG states that tabs are off limits. What is the justification for forbidding MDI?
Comment 2 Celeste Lyn Paul 2008-09-14 16:37:01 UTC
*** Bug 170995 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Dotan Cohen 2008-09-15 20:47:24 UTC
I am willing to take upon myself the rewriting of the relevant HIG documentation. How does one commit changes to the HIG? Thanks.