Bug 92499 - Using Journal to post to blogs
Summary: Using Journal to post to blogs
Alias: None
Product: korganizer
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
: 116653 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2004-11-01 00:43 UTC by Nathan Toone
Modified: 2007-09-06 20:02 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Nathan Toone 2004-11-01 00:43:14 UTC
Version:           3.4 pre (using KDE 3.3.89 (CVS >= 20040820), Gentoo)
Compiler:          gcc version 3.4.2 20041025 (Gentoo Linux 3.4.2-r3, ssp-3.4.1-1, pie-
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.9-gentoo-r1

I don't know where this would go - but it would be really cool to be able to use the journal to post/read blog entries.  I know it would be different for different blogging software/sites - but it shouldn't be too hard to create different resources that would allow for that.  I have been using the "Calendar in Remote File" resource with a custom cgi script to do some proof-of-concept stuff - and it's REALLY EASY and natural to do...just fill out your entry in kontact!  :)

I don't really mean for this to be answered - there are millions of different blogging software/sites out there, and it's probably not feasable to cover them all...but it's more of just an idea to kick around a little bit...maybe cover the big ones?

Problem is, I'm new to blogging, so I don't know what the big software packages or sites even are!  :)
Comment 1 Reinhold Kainhofer 2004-11-21 14:38:16 UTC
CVS commit by kainhofe: 

This is a first, read-only version of my new blogging resource for libkcal, which allows you to use KOrganizer as a blogging tool. The blog postings on the blog server are interpreted as journals, which can be edited, deleted or created in KOrganizer's journal view (or in kontacts's journal view). I copied the xmlrpc and api stuff from Ian's KBlog application in kdenonbeta, which I fixed to some extent and which I will need to extend further to support more blogging servers/apis.

So far, downloading works from kdedevelopers (URL: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/xmlrpc.php, username and pw as set on the server), but no changes will be stored to the server (not implemented, and I don't want to test my resource with the live blog on kdedevelopers). You'll see the blogs in the journal view of KOrganizer (only one journal per day possible at the moment, but that will change soon).

Blogger.com and drupal.org don't work yet. Blogger.com returns the recent blogs without title or description (just content), which is ignored, so you'll just see empty blogs. And drupal.org completely refuses to  let me log in via xml-rpc so far...

Planned feature is also a file method, so you can also store your blogs in a local/remote file (i.e. a static html blog page on your own web server) with a given template, but that's not yet even started.

CCBUG: 92499

  A            .cvsignore   1.1
  A            Makefile.am   1.1
  A            api_blogger.cpp   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            api_blogger.h   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            api_drupal.cpp   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            api_drupal.h   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            api_file.cpp   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            api_file.h   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            api_kdedevelopers.cpp   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            api_kdedevelopers.h   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            blogging.desktop   1.1
  A            bloginterface.cpp   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            bloginterface.h   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            kcal_resourceblogging.cpp   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            kcal_resourceblogging.h   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            kcal_resourceblogging_plugin.cpp   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            kcal_resourcebloggingconfig.cpp   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            kcal_resourcebloggingconfig.h   1.1 [LGPL (v2+)]
  A            profiles.desktop   1.1
  A            resourcebloggingsettings.ui   1.1
  A            servers.txt   1.1
  A            xmlrpciface.cpp   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]
  A            xmlrpciface.h   1.1 [GPL (v2+)]

Comment 2 Reinhold Kainhofer 2006-11-02 19:22:57 UTC
Reassigning all KOrganizer bug reports and wishes to the newly created 
korganizer-devel mailing list.
Comment 3 Mike McQuaid 2007-08-08 15:38:30 UTC
Fixed in KDE 4.x.
Added a "blog" resource that can be used by adding the "Journal in a blog" resource in KOrganizer.

This resource supports reading, writing, deleting and modifying blog entries using any of the APIs supported by the kblog library.

Currently Blogger, MetaWeblog and MovableType are fully functional and Google Data and LiveJournal are partially functional but should be working by KDE 4.x release.

The resource uses a local cache to store entries to be used when offline and changes can be made offline which are later synchronised with the server.

Tested and working with kdedevelopers.org, Drupal, Wordpress and Blogger.
Comment 4 Mike McQuaid 2007-09-06 20:02:14 UTC
*** Bug 116653 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***