Version: 3.1.0 (using KDE 3.1.9) Compiler: gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (SuSE) OS: Linux (i686) release 2.4.18-4GB When I first open a folder with several mpeg files (.mpg) the first preview icon is quickly generated and shown. But the others appears very slowly, if at all... If I kill the artsd processes that were started (restart operation?) another icon can become visible. Repeat until all icons are generated. It might be related to how big the files are - bigger (>1MB) are more likely to get into this problem.
Similar problem with KDE 3.0.99 (KDE 3.1 rc3) Mandrake cooker rpms A window where Konquorer is used as a file manager becomes non-responsive after displaying the contents of a folder that contains videos files (.mpg, .avi) when using Icon View mode. Folders containing video files no larger than 200KB and folders containing video files 200 - 400 MB appear to be equally affected although the larger the files and the more files there are seems to make the problem worse. Cannot close the affected window nor display/manipuate the content of the affected window. Logout/shutdown using KDE hangs. Windows where Konqueror is used as web browser are unaffected.
I too on a cooker with 3.1 rc5 have the same pb as described
Similar problem with kde3.1-rc6: compiled from source, gcc 3.2, Suse 8.1 In my case, the "thumbnail creation process" stops after about 10 sec (without creating any video-thumbnails). However, the artsd process doesn't terminate at all (and blocks all new artsd-processes untill it is killed): "ps -x" yields: 7503 ? S 0:02 /home/jonathan/kde3.1-rc6/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s 5 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f
Confirmed on KDE 3.1. (CVS from 2003-01-10). I have some movie files from my digital camera here, and some MOV (Quicktime) videos (eg. LOTR trailer, 18MB). When this file is encountered by kio_thumbnail, Konqueror refreshes the directory display about once a second but nothing else happens. (it *seems* it's *trying* to create a thumbnail for the image, fails, tries again, fails, tries again, etc etc). Maybe there should be an upper bound of attempts for each thumbnail that is to be created. I also would very much like the kio_thumbnail process to be started with a high nice value - on slower computers it can hog quite a few resources. Thank you! ;) Jens Benecke
I get a slightly different behaviour now (CVS HEAD). There is no respawning of arts processes instead they seem to dead/livelock. (all are sleeping, either in schedu... or rt_sig - nanosleep) Programs requesting audio service will block...
I have the same behaviour on KDE 3.1 on debian woody (installed from the .debs). Konqueror show 3 or 4 videos quickly, but then it stops until i kill all the artsd proccess. In the meantime, sometimes i can open a new konqueror but it can't close or even can't work, and sometimes i can't event to open a new konqueror. All back to a normal way if each artsd proccess is killed. This also affects if the preview is disabled, when the mouse is over the file appears a big panel playing the audio but not the video. After do that to 3 or 4 videos konqueror crashes. greetings.
This HAS to be fixed for 3.1.1. This is unacceptable behaviour, and has been reported many times throughout the pre-3.1.0 testing cycle.
It has something todo with realtime priority of artds So, as a workaround you can disable 'run soundserver with realtime priority'...
Subject: Re: mpeg/video preview in konqueror spawns lots of artsd but never finishes > ------- Additional Comments From 2003-01-30 22:24 ------- > It has something todo with realtime priority of artds > > So, as a workaround you can disable 'run soundserver with realtime priority'... > Not for me - I can get into a situation where I get no more audio nor video (after opening about eight movies). When running a little gdb on the processes (using linux threads?) It looks like one thread is trying to kill another - but that do not like to die, is seems to have corrupt data...? Control moves back, another attempt... This situation looks like an live lock so I assume that if you run into this with 'realtime priority' AND artswrapper suid root you are in big trouble... /RogerL
This looks a lot like bug #54129.
I have the same problem. In konqueror file-browsing with multiple (6 or more usually) videos in the directory and video thumbnail previews enabled, it generates one or two (if I'm lucky) thumbnail previews and then acts like it's doing something (the kde kog in the konqueror window is still spinning) but nothing happens except a lot of artsd being spawned. Eventually konqueror crashes if you let it go for long enough (couple minutes depending on how many videos there are in pwd). I also have to kill all instances of artsd. This is with the libarts_xine plugin built against xine-lib/ui 0.9.13 installed. It happens with arts sound server both on or disabled. I launched konqueror from konsole to see what kind of output if any and could see this: [me@localhost me]$ konqueror mcop warning: user defined signal handler found for SIG_PIPE, overriding unix_connect: can't connect to server (unix:/tmp/mcop-me/localhost_localdomain-073d-3e45cea3) If I do this over and over again I get the same error and end up with stale sockets in the /tmp/mcop directory corresponding to the number of times this happens. Looks like arts is having trouble talking to mcop maybe?
Subject: KDE_3_1_BRANCH: kdemultimedia/xine_artsplugin CVS commit by staikos: No more video thumbnails until the severe problems are fixed. CCMAIL:, M +1 -1 --- kdemultimedia/xine_artsplugin/ #1.7: @@ -24,3 +24,3 @@ mcopclass_DATA = xinePlayObject.mcopclass -SUBDIRS = tools +#SUBDIRS = tools
Works in CVS HEAD from tonight (with xine-lib-1-beta6) I leave it open since I have not tested 3.1.1 ...
Subject: Re: mpeg/video preview in konqueror spawns lots of artsd but never finishes On Thursday 13 March 2003 17:34, Roger Larsson wrote: > ------- Works in CVS HEAD from tonight (with xine-lib-1-beta6) > I leave it open since I have not tested 3.1.1 ... It was removed in 3.1 branch. If it works now and there is evidence that it was properly fixed, then this report can be closed.
This seems the same as my comment in bug 50839
i do not have any of the above problems. i am using xine-lib-1-beta9 and the latest xine_arts plugin for kdemultimedia. i am using kde-3.1 and recently upgraded to 3.1.1 and still no problems. i have different kinds of movies (mpg, avi, asf and etc), and movie preview in konqueror has not given me any problems except with my *.mov movies. i suggest you upgrade your xine_arts plugin and xine-lib apply the necessary patches. here is the link
Demian (added you as cc), please read the history, atleast the near history... 13 March I wrote: "Works in CVS HEAD from tonight (with xine-lib-1-beta6) I leave it open since I have not tested 3.1.1 ... " Can confirm that you get ICON preview of movies works in 3.1.1? (It might be disabled, see comment from George Staikos 9 February)
Subject: Re: mpeg/video preview in konqueror spawns lots of artsd but never finishes On Monday 24 March 2003 10:11, Roger Larsson wrote: > please read the history, atleast the near history... 13 March I wrote: > "Works in CVS HEAD from tonight (with xine-lib-1-beta6) > I leave it open since I have not tested 3.1.1 ... " > > Can confirm that you get ICON preview of movies works in 3.1.1? > (It might be disabled, see comment from George Staikos 9 February) Movie previews no longer exist in 3.1 branch. Do not close this bug until it can be clearly proben that the bug is fixed in all cases. This requires much feedback.
Hi, I tried again with a CVS from March 7th. I get video previews now, and they stay, but most thumbnails are distorted and many just show a black picture. I would suggest that the video preview function takes maybe the 100th or 1000th frame (or the min(1000, $MOVIE_LENGTH/10)th frame), _not_ the first one, as this is almost always useless. Thanks!
Jens, what xine-lib version are you using? (My understanding of video thumbnails are that they are not the first frame, but that is another bug report / wishlist item anyway...)
roger, im now using kde-3.1.1 and movie previews still work for me. i dont have any problems. one of my movie folders contains about 4 gig of movies and i have icon previews for all of them.
Problem sort of returned (CVS from yesterday)... But I got some more info. I noticed that the problem reappeared on another users, but not on the one I use daily. After investigation I found out that "audio preview" was disabled. How to reproduce: * preview of video (video thumbnails) - ON * preview of audio - ON (is this automatically turned off at artsd crashes) Previewing video icons only works. Previewing audio on audio files works - one extra artsd thread. Mixing the previews and moving the cursor around in a directory with videos - spawns about ten artsds and locks up.
I haven't seen this problem in the last couple CVS updates any more. I'd like to hear from the other people who have encountered this. -- Jens
I still have it after cvs update, configure and recompile. ./configure --enable-debug=full --with-qt-dir=/opt/qt-copy --with-alsa It does not always trigger - you need to have "video preview" & "audio preview" enabled. Hover over a mpeg video - you should hear the sound. Then move mouse to another mpeg video - sound off - nothing more - ever... Something deadlocks/livelocks (is there a limit for maximum number of arts processes?) Anything that tries to use audio will block. Kill all artsd processes to retry. (Doing the same on .mp3 files works)
I have a .wmv file here when Konqueror encounters that file, it stops generating thumbs altogether. 500 JPEGs + one WMV in one directory and say file #200 is the WMV - the remaining 300 JPEGs will not get a thumbnail at all. I've also had Konqueror repeatedly try to generate thumbnails. But I didn't realize it because apparently the kio_thumbnail process is 'nice'd now - good work! :) I suggest that there be an upper bound for the attempts at generating a thumbnail, and if that fails, just create an empty file (or a file with a specific string) - and make Konqueror etc. display no thumbnail if it encounters that as thumbnail. CVS from 2003-06-13 Thank you!
Just about to report this, glad to see its already here though I'm surprised such a huge bug could not be fixed since last year!
INVALID, because a non-KDE issue.
ergs, wrong report sorry.
I tried with a a dir with a mp3 album and with a directory with 20 avi files (tv serie recordings before you ask :) and it worked always fine. I would even suggest enabling the preview by default again.
Sounds good I would really like this feature if it works.