Bug 38856 - konsole doesn't display linux font
Summary: konsole doesn't display linux font
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
: 73077 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-03-01 23:48 UTC by mrudolf
Modified: 2005-03-30 17:45 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

image shows weird display of the font "Courier 10 pitch" (9 bytes, image/png)
2004-08-31 12:18 UTC, Andreas Leuner
image shows weird display of the font "Courier 10 pitch" --hopefully (9 bytes, image/png)
2004-08-31 12:21 UTC, Andreas Leuner
image shows weird display of the font "Courier 10 pitch" --hopefully with current konqi (56.50 KB, image/png)
2004-09-06 16:44 UTC, Andreas Leuner

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description mrudolf 2002-03-01 23:47:44 UTC
(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***)

Package:           konsole
Version:           1.1 Beta2 (using KDE 2.9.0 2 (3.0 beta2))
Severity:          normal
Installed from:    SPEC files from sources
Compiler:          gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)
OS:                Linux (i586) release 2.2.14-5.0
OS/Compiler notes: 

konsole cannot find linux font (it displays message that -misc-console... etc. cannot
be found (it is visible by xlsfonts and
konsole from kde2.x).
I found that it could be fixed by commenting
out "ugly hack" in konsole.cpp but
don't know what was broken by it.

(Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
(Called from KBugReport dialog)
Comment 1 Stephan Binner 2002-04-03 07:37:51 UTC
> Installed from: SPEC files from sources

SPEC files are rather unmaintained by try to change in kdebase/kdebase.spec=

  # install the linux console fonts
  install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc
- install -m 644 konsole/other/*.pcf.gz \
+ install -m 644 konsole/fonts/*.pcf.gz \

and it should work. :-)
Comment 2 Stephan Binner 2002-08-27 17:54:29 UTC
Another idea I got while reading user talk:
Is $KDEDIR set? If not does it help if?
Comment 3 mrudolf 2002-08-28 16:30:27 UTC
W wto 27 sie 2002 19:54 Stephan Binner napisa=B3:
>Another idea I got while reading user talk:
>Is $KDEDIR set? If not does it help if?
It is set.

I think things are getting hopeless. I've just install KDE 3.0.3. Linux fon=
is still claimed as missing (although

xlsfonts || grep --=20

lists proper font so it undoubtfully exists.

Till 3.0.2 I was able to fix the problem using "Console/Regular/15" font=20
selected manually in Konsole (Custom font). Alas it works no more - now=20
Console font has squares instead of frames in Midnight Commander and screen=
is messed up (something that was observed when viewing non-ascii file in=20
KDE 3.0).

Micha=B3 Rudolf
Comment 4 mrudolf 2002-08-28 18:17:15 UTC
>Till 3.0.2 I was able to fix the problem using "Console/Regular/15" font
>selected manually in Konsole (Custom font). Alas it works no more - now
>Console font has squares instead of frames in Midnight Commander and
> screen is messed up (something that was observed when viewing non-ascii
> file in KDE 3.0).

I did further tests. It seems that qt-3.0.5 breaks unicode font display in=
Konsole (there are similar problems as with first kde3.x versions  of=20
Konsole). After downgrading to qt-3.0.4 things work again (although other=
things don't so I had to downgrade to kde-3.0.2 too).

BTW. Qt-3.0.5 doesn't work well with Konsole font also in 3.1beta1
Micha=B3 Rudolf
Comment 5 Waldo Bastian 2002-08-28 18:43:09 UTC
Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday 28 August 2002 11:17 am Michal Rudolf wrote:
> >Till 3.0.2 I was able to fix the problem using "Console/Regular/15" font
> >selected manually in Konsole (Custom font). Alas it works no more - now
> >Console font has squares instead of frames in Midnight Commander and
> > screen is messed up (something that was observed when viewing non-ascii
> > file in KDE 3.0).
> I did further tests. It seems that qt-3.0.5 breaks unicode font display in
> Konsole (there are similar problems as with first kde3.x versions  of
> Konsole). After downgrading to qt-3.0.4 things work again (although other
> things don't so I had to downgrade to kde-3.0.2 too).
> BTW. Qt-3.0.5 doesn't work well with Konsole font also in 3.1beta1

I have contacted Trolltech about this but they aren't very responsive about=
this. Let's try again.

- --=20
bastian@kde.org  |   SuSE Labs KDE Developer  |  bastian@suse.com
Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org

Comment 6 Stephan Binner 2002-09-06 08:08:57 UTC
> I think things are getting hopeless.

Not until we are running out of ideas what to test :-). With how many DPI runs 
your screen (what says `xdpyinfo | grep dots')? I just read this funny answer
Comment 7 mrudolf 2002-09-09 11:10:08 UTC
W pi=B1 6 wrz 2002 10:08 Stephan Binner napisa=B3:

>Not until we are running out of ideas what to test :-). With how many DPI
> runs your screen (what says `xdpyinfo | grep dots')? I just read this
> funny answer
> http://groups.google.com/groups?safe=3Dimages&ie=3DISO-8859-1&as_umsgid=
Well it works with -dpi 90 set although now my 10pt font has size that=20
12pt had at 75dpi.

Micha=B3 Rudolf
Comment 8 Bodo Eggert 2002-12-08 04:25:57 UTC
For some reason, the font size seems to be adjusted if they are supposed to 
be 72dpi while X runs at 75dpi, and a KDE application tries to use it.

This results in 
-misc-console-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-iso10646-1 being 
available to non-KDE-applications and 
-misc-console-medium-r-normal--15-160-75-75-c-160-iso10646-1 being 
available for KDE-apllications. (16 * 75/72 == 15)

If you can't change the dpi settings, you can patch konsole:

konsole` > ~/bin/konsole
chmod u+x ~/bin/konsole

(~/bin must be in your path before the KDE directory)
Comment 9 Matt Rogers 2004-04-14 04:21:15 UTC
*** Bug 73077 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 Kurt Hindenburg 2004-06-06 08:02:30 UTC
I don't understand why the console font is hard-coded.  Simply allow the user to pick what font they want.  I notice Unicode is also hard-coded...
Both should be removed IMHO.
Comment 11 Andreas Leuner 2004-08-31 12:18:29 UTC
Created attachment 7367 [details]
image shows weird display of the font "Courier 10 pitch"

I'm running CVS-HEAD of 2004-06-2? together with Qt 3.3.3.
I have tried that konsole patch from #8. Konsole still cannot find that
-misc-console-... font nor any other bitmap font (so do other KDE apps) then.
However there was some other problem this fixed for me. Missing the 'real'
linux Konsole font I use Courier 10 pitch as a replacement. Look at the image
to see how this font is displayed.
Konsole and also Konqi display that font always slightly italic, and if I
choose 'italic' in the font dialog, even more italic. Patched konsole displays
the font erectly.
Other fonts don't have this anomaly. Also Kolourpaint displays this font
correctly. So do other X apps.
Maybe this is another problem (for another BR) -- it seemed related somehow.
Comment 12 Andreas Leuner 2004-08-31 12:21:46 UTC
Created attachment 7368 [details]
image shows weird display of the font "Courier 10 pitch" --hopefully

second attempt
Comment 13 Andreas Leuner 2004-08-31 12:26:17 UTC
uploading or showing image attachments seems to fail. Hopefully my descriptions were enough
Comment 14 Andreas Leuner 2004-09-06 16:44:03 UTC
Created attachment 7427 [details]
image shows weird display of the font "Courier 10 pitch" --hopefully with current konqi

Konqueror bug #84178 stroke me, but should no longer
Comment 15 Kurt Hindenburg 2005-03-29 06:22:36 UTC
KDE 3.5 will have a new Font menu structure; the Linux/Unicode hard-coded fonts have been removed.  
BR: 100930
Comment 16 Stephen Chao 2005-03-29 15:49:07 UTC
Will there be any bitmap fonts in KDE 3.5?  It's not just that the Linux font is the nicest looking font for console, it's that anti-aliasing is too slow.

Is this an issue of QT removing old X font support?
Comment 17 Kurt Hindenburg 2005-03-30 01:51:46 UTC
You can still use the Konsole provided fonts.  You have to add them via KControl.  See konsole.kde.org for more info.  I'll add this to a README and the Handbook before KDE 3.5 is released.
Comment 18 mrudolf 2005-03-30 09:16:48 UTC
Kurt V.Hindenburg,  środa, 30 marca 2005 01:51:
>------- Additional Comments From kurt.hindenburg kdemail net  2005-03-30
> You can still use the Konsole provided fonts.  You have to
> add them via KControl.  See konsole.kde.org for more info.  I'll add this
> to a README and the Handbook before KDE 3.5 is released.

Doesn't it make sense to try to do it automatically for users?

Breaking what worked in previous versions will certainly make a bad 
impression, even if it can be finally fixed by reading README and/or 
Comment 19 Kurt Hindenburg 2005-03-30 17:30:49 UTC
I agree it would be nice if this was automatic.  I'm not sure if it is even possible to do at installation time.  Currently, installing kdebase puts the fonts in $KDEDIR/share/fonts
Comment 20 Maksim Orlovich 2005-03-30 17:45:22 UTC
There is some code in startkde that is supposed to setup fonts from there, but I don't know whether it works with client-side/Xft/font-config fonts