Version: (using KDE 4.0.83) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages OS: Linux The "folderview" widget should be installed as default in KDE4. Users expect that files in the ~/Desktop will appear, naturally, on their desktop. The ability to add Widgets and such is nice, but as default it should not change such fundamental behaviour and user expectations. I am classifying this as a bug and not as a wish because the issue is very confusing for users. Note these bugs asking about the issue:
> The "folderview" widget should be installed as default in KDE4. That's already what happens with the development version.
The 'folderview' widget is neither installed by default, nor available in my distro (Kubuntu). I will file a bug there. Thanks.
This is a Kubuntu packaging bug, definitely. If you check with the nightly packages Project Neon provided compared with the Kubuntu Beta 2 version, you'll see that the Folder View *is* included in the nightlies.
@Luca: are the Project Neon nightlies representative of Kubuntu? In other words, should I file a bug with Ubuntu? I searched the Ubuntu bugtracker (launchpad) but did not find anything relevant.
No, that's why I mentioned them (they're built differently). This report should be closed as INVALID, not because it does not exist, but because it is a specific distribution problem.
Thanks, for those who will come after me, I filed the bug here: