Version: unknown (using 4.00.81 (KDE 4.0.81 >= 20080527), compiled sources) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.24-16-generic [Kde4Daily] how to reproduce: 1. move panel to up of destop, 2. restart machine, => after restart panel placed bottom. Screencast (h264)
Might be a consequence of which kills KDE prematurely when you try to logout. I can't tell from your screencast if this is the case, as it seems to show something to do with Konqueror ;) I'm going to try and get to the bottom of bug:163112 this weekend if I can ping ervin; otherwise I'll just have to patch around it, I guess :/
bad link, propper is
Yep, definitely bug:163112 (note how it dumps you straight back to kdm instead of restarting). I'm trying to create a workaround as we speak, and will roll out an emergency update if I figure it out. Stay tuned!
Please upgrade to the KDESVNTRUNKr818001 update and re-try (it now WORKSFORME, at least :)).
yes, it has been since fixed.
*** Bug 169218 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***