Bug 155241 - Desktop icons are added after every login
Summary: Desktop icons are added after every login
Alias: None
Product: plasma4
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: containment-desktop (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
: 155344 155620 155724 162340 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2008-01-07 20:42 UTC by Dorian Vasco
Modified: 2008-05-31 22:24 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
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Sentry Crash Report:

checks if the icon applet is already registered in the cache (424 bytes, patch)
2008-03-07 14:06 UTC, Christopher Blauvelt

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Dorian Vasco 2008-01-07 20:42:41 UTC
Version:            (using KDE Devel)
Installed from:    Compiled sources

I have KDE4 installed with KDE 3.5.8 on openSuSE 10.3.

Every time, when I login (with own username) to KDE4, the Icons on the desktop are added, even if they are there.

The icons are:
-Trash (without icon)
-Computer (without icon)
-Printer (without icon)
-openSUSE (without icon)
-Online Help (without icon)
Comment 1 Alex Merry 2008-01-07 23:07:21 UTC
That bug should only have been fixed in svn revision 757612.  If the packages are from a more recent svn revision (or the next version of the packages have the same problem), re-open the bug.
Comment 2 Dorian Vasco 2008-01-09 18:23:22 UTC
Even after last package updates (I think two days before) the problem is still there.
Comment 3 Dorian Vasco 2008-01-09 18:24:04 UTC
If you want more infos, please let me know.
Comment 4 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-01-09 22:49:07 UTC
i can also confirm this; essentially when a ~/Desktop icon is removed, it should deleted from disk as well (after a confirmation ;)
Comment 5 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-01-09 22:52:34 UTC
*** Bug 155344 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 Alex Merry 2008-01-10 12:01:17 UTC
It doesn't even save the option for not using desktop icons here (I've checked in ~/.kde4/share/config/plasmarc, and there's no DesktopIcons group after I kquitapp plasma).
Comment 7 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-01-10 17:17:06 UTC
Alex: it's not saved in plasmarc, but in plasma-appletsrc in the global section. the settings are saved between restarts here.
Comment 8 FiNeX 2008-01-14 10:23:51 UTC
*** Bug 155724 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 9 Dennis Murczak 2008-01-14 16:52:11 UTC
Confirmed on Kubuntu Gutsy (with KDE 4.0.0 installed from kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA repository)
Comment 10 Herbert Graeber 2008-01-17 12:07:46 UTC
I can confirm this on openSUSE_10.3 with packages from the openSUSE BuildService.

A new set of icons is added on every login if "Show Icons" is set. If "Show Icons" is turned off, one of the duplicate sets of Icons is removes, all others remain on the desktop. After the next login, exactly one set of Icons is on the desktop, all the duplicates have been deleted. After following logins nothing changes. When turning "Show Icons" on again, Icon duplication on login starts anew. 
Comment 11 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-01-25 00:06:50 UTC
*** Bug has been marked as fixed ***.
Comment 12 Alessio Pollero 2008-01-31 09:26:07 UTC
I have the same problem also i have update the packet from the repository yesterday...
Comment 13 Alessio Pollero 2008-02-09 18:03:52 UTC
I have this bug also with the new version of KDE 4.0.1 !!!

Download from suse 10.3 repository...
Comment 14 Javier Jardon 2008-02-13 04:59:04 UTC
Same here, with Kubuntu Gutsy with KDE 4.0.1 the problem persist
Comment 15 Sebastian Sauer 2008-02-13 22:13:28 UTC
The fix done in trunk (aka upcoming 4.1) with r757612, see here also comment #2, was backported to the 4.0.x-branch with r758191 at 2008-01-07 what was 2 days after the release of 4.0.1. That means, it should be fixed with 4.0.2.
Comment 16 Sebastian Sauer 2008-02-13 22:25:36 UTC
oh, forgive me. The release of 4.0.1 was on 2008-02-05 while the backport was on 2008-01-07 what in turn means, that the fix is part of 4.0.1 :-/
So, as sayed on comment #1 and cause of the feedback that this is still reproducable with 4.0.1, let's reopen the bug-report.
Comment 17 Sebastian Sauer 2008-02-13 22:47:02 UTC
UNCONFIRMED=>NEW cause at least 2 ppl are able to reproduce this with 4.0.1 and cause I double-checked the backport and it's the same solution we have in trunk (though I can't reproduce this by myself in trunk even if trying it the hard way).
So, let's add those that did the fix to the CC-list to let him know, that the fix was not fixing the issue 100%. Any idea there, Jason? :)
Comment 18 Sebastian Sauer 2008-02-13 23:49:55 UTC
Could anybody who is able to reproduce this please with a short step-by-step how the icon was added to the desktop (copied to the ~/Desktop folder? or e.g. from kickoff right-click and then "Add to Desktop"? or drag+drop from Dolphin/Konqueror? or...), is it enough to just add an icon, logout and login again? I still try to reproduce this and to look at the code where the prob may located.

Would probably also help if someone who's able to reproduce this, could provide his ~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-appletsrc file, an info what files are in the ~/Desktop directory and what files are duplicated at the desktop.

Thanks in advance :)
Comment 19 Harald Sitter 2008-02-14 00:28:25 UTC
SVN commit 774783 by sitter:

Don't translate Url config key ... initial fix in branch was incomplete and the fix in trunk didn't get backported
BUG: 155241

 M  +1 -1      iconloader.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=774783
Comment 20 Sebastian Sauer 2008-02-18 22:47:35 UTC
*** Bug 155620 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 21 Sebastian Turzański 2008-03-06 08:15:16 UTC
bug still present in kde 4.0.2 (opensuse 10.3 packages)
Comment 22 Sebastian Sauer 2008-03-06 22:22:12 UTC
hi Sebastian (nice name btw :)

does that happen with each icon you have at the desktop? So, if you have e.g. one KSpread-icon, logout and login, you have 2 now?

I ask cause there is another issue that may a bit related. That is, if you have the icon in ~/Desktop, remove it from your desktop, the link/item in ~/Desktop doesn't got removed. That in turn means, that after you re-login, the icon is there again. While it somehow has the same affect, it's another issue since what this report imho was about is, that each icon got duplicated at each login. So, after 10 login/logout you had 10 KSpread icons :-/
Comment 23 Sebastian Turzański 2008-03-06 22:32:28 UTC
yes it happens for every icon- and yest the icons get duplicated every login - so after 10 logins/logout i have 10 icons one under another (you can notice that by moving the icon and see that that there are more underneeth overlapping each other)
Comment 24 Sebastian Sauer 2008-03-06 22:41:18 UTC
Then let's reopen the report again. Seems this issue is really hard to catch :-/
Comment 25 Sebastian Turzański 2008-03-06 23:20:11 UTC
i know it's easy to say but it's just to check if the icons are already included in plasma-appletsrc before adding them again
Comment 26 Christopher Blauvelt 2008-03-07 00:33:31 UTC
> i know it's easy to say but it's just to check if the icons are already
> included in plasma-appletsrc before adding them again

That's done here in iconloader.cpp.
//build list of current icons
    foreach (Plasma::Applet* applet, m_desktop->applets()) {
        if (applet->name() == i18n("Icon")) {
<div class="gmail_quote"><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">i know it&#39;s easy to say but it&#39;s just to check if the icons are already included in plasma-appletsrc before adding them again<br>

<div><div></div><div class="Wj3C7c"></div></div></blockquote><div><br>That&#39;s done here in iconloader.cpp.<br>//build list of current icons<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; foreach (Plasma::Applet* applet, m_desktop-&gt;applets()) {<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; if (applet-&gt;name() == i18n(&quot;Icon&quot;)) {<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; addIcon(applet);<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; }<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; } <br></div></div>
Comment 27 Sebastian Turzański 2008-03-07 10:22:30 UTC
ok so for example transh can does not get duplicated. 
I know i may be talking bullshit because i just try to imagine how it looks like but if the code is as You show then before "foreach" all icons should be deleted 
or before addIcon is called there should be "if" to check if it's not already added.
Comment 28 Christopher Blauvelt 2008-03-07 14:06:50 UTC
Created attachment 23823 [details]
checks if the icon applet is already registered in the cache

Sebastian, try this.
Comment 29 Sebastian Turzański 2008-03-07 16:56:08 UTC
can this problem be related to the fact that i have files in ~/Desktop ? is there a kde4 rule that the icons should only be some virtual links to apps?

i can't try the code fix as i use only opensuse rpms and dont use self compiled 
Comment 30 Christopher Blauvelt 2008-03-07 17:13:39 UTC
Well it works for me so unless someone can test the fix.  Then there's nothing I can do.  Files in the ~/Desktop folder are supported.
Comment 31 Alessio Pollero 2008-03-09 10:09:58 UTC
I have installed the lastest rpm from opensuse repository (the version : ) but the problem exist again ...
This bug prevents the use of kde4 in my workstation, it's absurd that this bug it has been carried from version 4.0 to version 4.0.2 !!!!

This problem involves also that the icons duplicate on the desktop
they are not opened by dobble left click on the mouse!!

Comment 32 Sebastian Sauer 2008-03-09 11:23:48 UTC
Hi Alessio,

well, both cases - so, this one and bug #155413 which deals with the doubleclick - have patches attached, but at both cases so far noone did provide feedback if the patches are really fixing the issues...
Comment 33 Christopher Blauvelt 2008-03-09 18:26:01 UTC
Understand that this works for us.  So unless someone who is having the problem steps up and tests the proposed fixes this bug will not be fixed.  Goto techbase, checkout the page that tells you how to make a build environment checkout the 4.0.2 codebase and test the patch.  That is the only way this will get fixed.  If you don't want to perhaps you can persuade someone else to do so.

I would love more than any user to get this bug fixed because as a dev I have to hear about it on a regular basis.  Testing patches is MUCH more useful that chastising us about what horrible coders we all are.
Comment 34 Wulf Bolte 2008-03-20 17:58:08 UTC
bug still present in kde 4.0.2 - installed the 10.3 opensuse packages!

If you delete The .desktop files they stay away - but thats not the way i want to use my Desktop!
Comment 35 Christopher Blauvelt 2008-03-20 19:06:44 UTC
Please send me some sample files so I can test.
Comment 36 Wulf Bolte 2008-03-21 12:08:24 UTC
OK, but what should I send to you?
Comment 37 Wulf Bolte 2008-04-02 12:58:56 UTC
OK, I got rid of that bug by creating a new Desktop folder for kde3 and moced the files of the old desktop fodler to the new one!

But that should happen automatically - I thnk the file handling of the Plasma-Desktop should be changed a bit to be more intuitive - because now it feels very buggy - not to have the possibility to store a file on the desktop!
Comment 38 Markus Grob 2008-04-07 23:52:35 UTC
Fixed in 4.0.3
Comment 39 Christian Schmitz 2008-04-27 23:11:50 UTC
In the comment #27 say "... before addIcon is called there should be "if" to check if it's not already added."
Wrong, i have the same problem in the opensuse 11b3. But i do not want this icons 
susehelp, network navigation, firefox(3.0), and if i was deleted do not must reapear.
Must be any turnaround work, after home was created.. where get the kde4 what icons must create. Maybe i can delete the template.
Is CONFIRMED in kde 4.0.3 release 10 STILL THERE the problem.
Sorry for bad news.

Comment 40 Christopher Blauvelt 2008-04-27 23:14:20 UTC
Icons on the desktop will be different in 4.1 so this issue, if it still remains will not be fixed.
Comment 41 Christian Schmitz 2008-04-28 00:14:26 UTC
If will not be fixed, we must migrate to gnome? ohhh i like kde is a good job.
Comment 42 Aaron J. Seigo 2008-04-28 02:48:46 UTC
> If will not be fixed, we must migrate to gnome?

go ahead. but first i'd suggest reading what Blauvelt actually wrote again.
Comment 43 Beat Wolf 2008-04-28 08:10:02 UTC
Actualy, i would like to know more about what blauvelt wrote. Is there a new icon applet in developement? because i use kde 4 from svn and didnt notice any changes.
Comment 44 Christopher Blauvelt 2008-04-28 17:13:42 UTC
A new folderview applet is under development in playground that will be able to take up the whole screen and have a low z-index which will allow it to behave identically to a desktop icon view.  Check it out in playground.
Comment 45 Sebastian Turzański 2008-05-03 09:35:09 UTC
the strange thing happened - I deleted ~/.kde4 and the problem disapeard. Now all icons - even the ones I have in ~/Desktop are displayed ok and not duplicated.
Comment 46 Markus Grob 2008-05-20 20:19:15 UTC
The problem seems to be fixed in 4.0.4. You should be able, to start KDE3.5 and after it KDE4 and the icons shouldn't be doubled.
Comment 47 FiNeX 2008-05-20 22:45:41 UTC
*** Bug 162340 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 48 Nick Shaforostoff 2008-05-31 22:24:00 UTC
I have this problem on 4.0.80 from Debian experimental