Version: 3.2.2 (using KDE KDE 3.4.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages Compiler: gcc 4.0.1 OS: Linux If you create an new Python/Qt application named "theapp" from the 'Project' -> 'New project' menu, two files should be marked as executable: - - The same problem applies to the other Python examples. The original Debian bug entries: The following should fix the problem: chmod +x languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/ chmod +x languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/
Here is the complete list of required permission changes for the Python application templates: # fix permissions of Python/Qt examples (see Debian bugs #330037, #330038) chmod +x languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/ chmod +x languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/ chmod +x languages/python/app_templates/pytk/ chmod +x languages/python/app_templates/pythonhello/
SVN commit 471548 by mattr: fix #330037, #330038)" href="show_bug.cgi?id=113318">bug 113318 the next set of tarballs should have this fix Thanks for the report BUG: 113318 _M pyqt/ _M pyqt/ _M pythonhello/ _M pytk/ ** branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop/languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/ #property svn:executable + * ** branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop/languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/ #property svn:executable + * ** branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop/languages/python/app_templates/pythonhello/ #property svn:executable + * ** branches/KDE/3.5/kdevelop/languages/python/app_templates/pytk/ #property svn:executable + *
Move bugs in preparation of closing the component