Version: (using KDE KDE 3.3.2) Installed from: FreeBSD Ports Compiler: gcc-3.3.6_20050112 GNU Compiler Collection 3.3 OS: FreeBSD IF I check the "Align to grid" ON and I take some tasks: (1) I logout KDE and startx into KDE. (2) I save some files on the desktop. (3) Move something into the bottom of the desktop. (4) Some else ... I consider ... After that, some icons at the bottom of the desktop will be re-arrange. Else if I check the "Align to grid" OFF, (2)(3) will be fine, but (1) will be trouble as I check that on. My experiment: before save desktop snapshot: after save that "d01.png": Anybody have some idea ? -- CryBaby
Should already be fixed in 3.4 (you can already try the beta). *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 91575 ***
this is not fixed in beta2
Bug closed. Kdesktop is no more mantained.