Version: (using KDE KDE 3.3.2) Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages Hi... I use a KDE 3.3.2 (debian sid) kernel 2.6.10 I can mount my flash-drive (using desktop icon to device, icon made by desktop-menu). It work fine untill I try to umount... (I will post next bug about umount of flash and so on). Ok, I've managed to umount my flash. If I leave it in the usb-slot, it seems to be ok, but if I unplug flash from usb-slot, whole system hangs in 5-30sec... If I do the same in console, all ok...
Well, I know when it hangs... In new kernel 2.6.10 present io-cheduler cfq, only wich was included in kernel... I included deadline and anticipatory and problem gone... I don't know, is it problem of KDE or Kernel, but at console all works fine in any case...
KDE 3 is no longer maintained. Feel free to reopen if the issue is present in the latest version of KDE 4.