Version: (using KDE KDE 3.3.90) Installed from: Compiled From Sources Compiler: gcc (GCC) 3.3.4 Slackware 10 OS: Linux The compilation of kdebase-3.3.90.tar.bz2 package fails in directory /kcontrol/kio on two files. The first one was kcookiespoliciesdlg_ui.cpp which is generated from kcookiespoliciesdlg_ui.ui, however a "#include <klistviewsearchline.h>" got somehow missed in the generation process, or something. However the fix is to manually add above line to kcookiespoliciesdlg_ui.h. The second file to fail was kcookiespoliciesdlg_ui.cpp. In this case, the problem and the fix are the same as above. The fix used above isn't "elegant", it's a dirty hack as this would had to be done by the user compiling the kdebase-3.3.90 package. There's an easier way for implementing this for sure, but I don't yet/anymore/still undestand the kde build process well enough :) As this doesn't sound like a bug that should get into a release, I suspect that the slackware 10 qt installition has something to do with this. Program versions below; % moc -v Qt Meta Object Compiler version 26 (Qt 3.3.3) % uic -version User Interface Compiler for Qt version 3.3.3
you're missing kde widget support of kdelibs. Looks like you didn't compile kdelibs and kdebase in order